
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

The domain name system (DNS) is a global hierarchical distributed database that stores the mapping between a domain name and an IP address or other associated details such as the hostname. This mapping is called a DNS record, and associated records are stored in a DNS zone. From this perspective, the DNS zone can be seen as a container for DNS records that have the same suffix in a domain name. For example, and are two DNS records in the DNS Zone.

    Google Cloud DNS is a globally distributed, low-latency, high-performance, resilient, authoritative domain name service. As with other Google Cloud Platform products, Cloud DNS is also available via a REST API, the gcloud command-line tool, and the web-based graphical Developers Console.

Cloud DNS consists of managed zones and a resource record sets collection; these serve as a one-to-one mapping between DNS zones and records. All records in a managed zone are served by the same set of Cloud DNS servers. Cloud DNS uses anycast to serve the managed zones from many redundant locations around the world. The benefits of this architecture are high availability and low latency for applications and users alike.

Cloud DNS supports the following types of DNS records:

  • SOA: Start of authority record, which specifies authoritative information on a DNS zone. Cloud DNS automatically creates an SOA resource record for every managed zone.

  • NS: Name server record, which delegates a DNS zone to an authoritative DNS server.

  • A: IPv4 address record, which maps host names to their IPv4 address.

  • AAAA: IPv6 address record, which maps host names to their IPv6 address.

  • PTR: Pointer record, used to create reverse DNS lookups—that is, to map IP addresses to host names.

  • CNAME: Canonical name record, used to create alias names.

  • MX: Mail exchange record, used to identify mail servers for the domain.

  • SPF: Sender policy framework record, used to state the authoritative e-mail servers for a domain.

  • TXT: Text records, which can be used to publish arbitrary human- and machine-readable information.

  • SRV: Service location record, used by some VOIP and instant-messaging protocols and applications.

  • NAPTR: Name authority pointer records, used in Internet telephony applications and often combined with SRV records in a chained fashion.

Each record can be seen as a key-value pair. A hostname, when used as the value of a record, should be a fully qualified DNS name (terminated with a period [.]). Cloud DNS supports wildcard records for all record types except NS.

Two entities play a key role in determining how long a change takes to reach a user: an authoritative DNS server and a DNS resolver. Cloud DNS is an authoritative DNS server and publishes the DNS zones and records. Change requests are usually applied within a minute and consist of two transparent steps:

  1. 1.

    Updates to the central control plane are applied synchronously (the client sends a write and then can read it back immediately in an API call).

  2. 2.

    Updates are replicated to the global serving plane asynchronously, normally in less than a minute.

The user is usually connected to a DNS resolver that caches the DNS zones and records of various domains. The cache validity is controlled by a parameter called time to live (TTL) that is associated with each DNS record.

TTL is a DNS record attribute that specifies how long a DNS record should be cached by the querying system, such as the end user system or intermediate DNS resolver. TTL is represented in seconds, and all systems outside of the authoritative name server should use it as a countdown timer. The DNS standard further states that a DNS resolver should discard an expired cached DNS record and retrieve it again from the DNS server. Setting a high TTL value means there is less traffic to the DNS server because the DNS resolver caches records longer. The negative aspect of a high TTL value is that an update to a DNS record takes much longer to propagate to the user. In addition, some DNS resolvers do not honor TTL values and use a fixed refresh interval or time to fetch updates. It is therefore recommended that during the system design and development stages, you keep TTL values low so that changes propagate faster (ideally). Once the system is in production, you can send a change request to Cloud DNS and set a high TTL value to reduce queries to the DNS server and save costs.

If you or your customers observe that the current DNS resolver is not following the standard and is fetching DNS records in an arbitrary fashion, you may want to consider using the DNS resolver from Google: Google Public DNS ( ). Google Public DNS is a fast, free, global DNS resolution service that can be used in place of your current DNS resolver (typically your ISP). The change is easy to make: all you have to do is set your primary and secondary DNS resolver IPs to and One downside of using the Google Public DNS resolver in an enterprise is that you may not be able to resolve some corporate web sites if they are served by an internal DNS server.

Publishing Your Internet Identity

This section walks through the complete process of setting up DNS for a web site using Cloud DNS. You use a real domain—the domain for this book, —in this walkthrough. The examples use the gcloud command-line tool.

    The first step in setting up DNS for a domain using Cloud DNS is to create a managed zone for the DNS zone that you would like to host in Cloud DNS. The DNS zone in this case is . Listing 13-1 shows is the gcloud command to create this managed zone.

Listing 13-1. gcloud DNS Command to Create a Managed Zone

$ gcloud dns managed-zones create cloudplatformbook \

--description='Managed Zone for Google Cloud Platform Book' --dns-name=''

Created [


NAME               DNS_NAME               DESCRIPTION

cloudplatformbook  Managed Zone for Google Cloud Platform Book

Let’s dissect this command and the response from Cloud DNS to understand the transaction. Just like other cloud platform products, Cloud DNS commands in gcloud are housed as subcommands under gcloud dns <options>. You can at any time use the --help option to get a list of the commands available at that hierarchy. For example, if you run the command gcloud dns –help, you get all the options available at the highest hierarchy level.

To create a managed zone, you must provide the following parameters:

  • DNS name: The DNS zone suffix that this managed zone will publish on the Internet. You should own this domain or at least have administrative access to a domain registrar panel, because you make changes later to make Cloud DNS the official DNS server.

  • Description: A Cloud DNS–specific field for your reference only. It is recommended that you provide meaningful data to help you remember what this managed zone is associated with.

  • Zone Name: A Cloud DNS–specific field that must be unique within a project. The name cannot contain any spaces and is a required field in subsequent API requests. By convention, it usually matches the DNS zone name, as in this example.

Once the command in Listing 13-1 has been issued, Cloud DNS creates a managed-zone object for the DNS zone specified. It returns a formatted result, which restates parts of the creation request. You can retrieve the same information anytime by using the list command to list all the DNS zones managed by Cloud DNS in your project. Listing 13-2 shows the command and the corresponding result.

Listing 13-2. gcloud DNS Command to List Managed Zones

$ gcloud dns managed-zones list

NAME                   DNS_NAME                DESCRIPTION

cloudplatformbook  Managed Zone for Google Cloud Platform Book

In addition to this overview information, you can get detailed information about a single managed zone by using the describe command. Listing 13-3 uses the describe command to get more details about the cloudplatformbook managed DNS zone.

Listing 13-3. gcloud DNS Command to Describe One Managed Zone

$ gcloud dns managed-zones describe cloudplatformbook

NAME                   DNS_NAME                DESCRIPTION

creationTime: '2015-03-15T04:27:13.299Z'

description: Managed Zone for Google Cloud Platform Book


id: '8730191890933023381'

kind: dns#managedZone

name: cloudplatformbook






Two items in the returned result merit special mention:

  • id: Cloud DNS automatically assigns a numeric number as the identifier for this managed-zone object. This is how this managed zone is identified internally within Cloud DNS. You don’t need to remember this or write it down, because you can always retrieve all the managed zones using the command $ gcloud dns managed-zone list.

  • nameServers: For every managed zone, Cloud DNS automatically assigns multiple DNS servers that are located at different Google-operated data centers. You must delegate your domain to all of these name servers to enjoy the high availability of Cloud DNS and update the domain registrar accordingly. Only then are Cloud DNS name servers reachable by the client for DNS queries. You don’t have any records yet, so you can postpone this step until later.

As part of DNS zone creation, Cloud DNS automatically adds two resource records: SOA and NS. Although NS is listed as part of the describe command, key information such as TTL values are not present. Listing 13-4 uses the record-sets command to list all the details of these two resource records.

Listing 13-4. gcloud DNS Command to List All Record Sets in a Managed Zone

$ gcloud dns record-sets list --zone=cloudplatformbook

NAME                    TYPE  TTL    DATA  NS    21600,,

                         ,  SOA   21600 \

0 21600 3600 1209600 300

Let’s start by adding new DNS records to the DNS zone The first step is to build a transaction object. Cloud DNS introduces the concept of transactions to satisfy the requirement that a resource record-change operation (delete or add) should be an atomic operation. This means Cloud DNS serves either the old record or the new record but never returns a void result. The transaction object state is maintained using the transaction.yaml file in the current directory. There can be only one pending transaction at a time. Listing 13-5 starts the transaction, and Listing 13-6 lists the contents of transaction.yaml.

Listing 13-5. gcloud Command to Start a Transaction Object

$ gcloud dns record-sets transaction start --zone=cloudplatformbook

Transaction started [transaction.yaml].

Listing 13-6. Listing the Contents of the Transactions Objects File

$ pwd


$ ls -la transaction.yaml

-rw-r--r--  1 cloudplatformbook staff  380 Mar 15 14:52 transaction.yaml

$ cat transaction.yaml



- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet



  - 1 21600 3600 1209600 300

  ttl: 21600

  type: SOA


- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet



  - 0 21600 3600 1209600 300

  ttl: 21600

  type: SOA.

You have created a new compute engine instance to run a Wordpress-powered blog that will hold the errata for this book. This section skips the steps to set up this virtual machine instance, install the Wordpress software; see Chapter 4 “Google Compute Engine” and Chapter 7 “Google Cloud SQL” for instructions. Next, Listing 13-7 uses the gcloud command to list the details of the compute engine VM instance.

Listing 13-7. gcloud Compute Command to List VM Instances

$ gcloud compute instances list


cloudplatformbook us-central1-f n1-standard-2 RUNNING

Now, let’s add a few resource records: the public IPv4 address of the compute engine VM instance as a type A (address) record and a CNAME record for the domain’s www prefix. You then list the transaction object and commit the transaction; see Listing 13-8.

Listing 13-8. gcloud Command to Add a DNS Record of Type A in Cloud DNS

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction add --name='cloudplatformbook.' \

--ttl=3600 --type=A ''

Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

For any web site, in addition to resolving the naked domain (that is, one without a prefix in its domain name), the DNS system should also resolve the www alias. In this case, is the naked domain, and is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Web servers are usually set up to serve both variations of the domain with identical content. In the DNS setup, the www variation is created as an alias to the naked domain. This is achieved by using the CNAME DNS record type (see Listing 13-9). Then, the “transaction describe” command in Listing 13-10 displays the contents of the transaction.yaml file.

Listing 13-9. gcloud Command to Add a DNS Record of Type CNAME in Cloud DNS

$ gcloud dns record-sets –zone= cloudplatformbook transaction add \

–name=' .' –ttl=3600 –type=CNAME ''

Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

Listing 13-10. gcloud DNS Command to Describe the State of the Transaction Object, Pending Commit

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction describe


- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet



  - 1 21600 3600 1209600 300

  ttl: 21600

  type: SOA

- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet




  ttl: 3600

  type: A

- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet

  name: .



  ttl: 3600

  type: CNAME


- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet



  - 0 21600 3600 1209600 300

  ttl: 21600

  type: SOA

The output shows that the two records—A and CNAME—have been successfully added as part of the pending transaction. In addition, the transaction contains an SOA record in both the additions and deletions sections. On closer inspection, you can see that the difference between the two records is the serial number, which has been incremented by one. Listing 13-11 executes this transaction.

Listing 13-11. gcloud DNS Command to Execute a Transaction

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction execute

Executed transaction [transaction.yaml] for managed-zone [cloudplatformbook].

Created [


ID  START_TIME                STATUS

1   2015-03-15T07:49:59.935Z  pending

Cloud DNS applies the executed transaction quickly—typically within a minute. You can see whether the transaction is successful by listing the changes to the DNS zone and by describing an individual change. Listing 13-12 and Listing 13-13 show the commands and corresponding responses.

Listing 13-12. gcloud DNS Command to List All Changes Committed to a DNS Zone

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook changes list

ID  START_TIME                STATUS

1   2015-03-15T07:49:59.935Z  done

0   2015-03-15T04:27:13.300Z  done

Listing 13-13. gcloud DNS Command to Describe the Changes Committed in a Transaction ID

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook changes describe 1


- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet



  - 1 21600 3600 1209600 300

  ttl: 21600

  type: SOA

- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet




  ttl: 3600

  type: A

- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet

  name: .



  ttl: 3600

  type: CNAME


- kind: dns#resourceRecordSet



  - 0 21600 3600 1209600 300

  ttl: 21600

  type: SOA

id: '1'

kind: dns#change

startTime: '2015-03-15T07:49:59.935Z'

status: done

You can also list the resource records to see the current list of DNS records that is served for your DNS zone, as shown in Listing 13-14.

Listing 13-14. gcloud DNS Command to List the DNS Records for a DNS Zone

$ gcloud dns record-sets list --zone=cloudplatformbook

NAME                    TYPE TTL   DATA  A    3600  NS   21600,,

                       ,  SOA  21600

1 21600 3600 1209600 300 . CNAME 3600

Let’s add some other types of DNS records required for the Wordpress-powered blog setup. You need a MySQL database as the storage back end. This example uses the Cloud SQL product from the Google Cloud Platform for this purpose. You have created a database instance and assigned an IPv4 address to it. Cloud SQL automatically assigns an IPv6 address to each Cloud SQL instance. Again, this section skips the details of setting up a Cloud SQL instance; see Chapter 7 “Google Cloud SQL” for setup details. The commands in Listing 13-15 and Listing 13-16 list the details of the Cloud SQL instance.

Listing 13-15. gcloud SQL Command to List Cloud SQL Instances

$ gcloud sql instances list

NAME               REGION      TIER  ADDRESS          STATUS

cloudplatformbook  us-central  D2  RUNNABLE

Listing 13-16. gcloud SQL Command to Describe an Individual Cloud SQL Instance

$ gcloud sql instances describe cloudplatformbook



- ipAddress:

ipv6Address: 2001:4860:4864:1:199b:32da:e624:20e2



Based on these details, you can add the two IP addresses to the Cloud DNS setup. The gcloud DNS commands in Listing 13-17, Listing 13-18, and Listing 13-19 start a new transaction and add the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Listing 13-17. gcloud DNS Command to Start a New Transaction

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction start

Transaction started [transaction.yaml].

Listing 13-18. gcloud DNS Command to Add a DNS Record of Type A to a Transaction

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction add \

--name='' --ttl=3600 --type=A ''

Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

Listing 13-19. gcloud DNS Command to Add a DNS Record of Type AAAA to a Transaction

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction add \

--name='' --ttl=3600 --type=AAAA


Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

Suppose you made an error in a previous record, and you want to fix it. For example, the A record for your domain should point to instead of You can use the transaction process to remove the old record and add the new one as a single atomic operation. Listing 13-20 shows the update of the A record and continues using the open transaction.

Listing 13-20. gcloud DNS Commands to Replace an Existing Record by Removing the Old Record and Adding a New One

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction remove \

--name='' --ttl=3600 --type=A ''

Record removal appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction add \

--name='' --ttl=3600 --type=A ''

Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

After a while, when you list the DNS records in the managed zone, you should see the updated A record showing the correct IP address.

Let’s create a few more commonly used/required DNS records for domains. E-mail is the predominant form of communication on the Internet today. E-mails are sent and received by software system called mail servers. The locations of the mail servers need to be defined in the DNS setup. You do so by declaring MX records. Just like name servers, there is usually more than one mail server handling a domain; and unlike name servers, there is a priority among mail servers. Hence, when declaring an MX record, you need to include the priority values as part of the declaration. For the domain, Google Apps is handling e-mail. Listing 13-21 and Listing 13-22 add MX records to the DNS zone and point them to the Google Apps mail servers. This example also shows that you can add multiple values for a single DNS record.

Listing 13-21. gcloud DNS Command to Add Multiple Record Sets of the MX Record Type

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction add \

--name='' --ttl=3600 --type=MX '1' \

'5' '5' '10' \


Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

Listing 13-22. gcloud DNS Command to Commit the Transaction You Have Built So Far

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction execute

Executed transaction [transaction.yaml] for managed-zone [cloudplatformbook].

Created [


ID  START_TIME                STATUS

6   2015-03-15T11:12:15.621Z  pending

Although e-mail has made it possible for people to communicate almost instantaneously, it has its own annoyances in the form of spam and phishing, which reduce the credibility of the system. In order to counter this, a new standard called the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) was created. SPF records are part of the DNS setup and list the authorized e-mail servers for a particular domain. By using SPF records, you can whitelist hosts that are permitted to send e-mails on behalf of the domain. It is a good practice to declare SPF records for a domain; usually, MX and SPF records are declared together. If you prefer to use a wizard-style system to construct a valid SPF record for a domain, see .

Listing 13-23 and Listing 13-24 add the SPF record for the domain Outgoing e-mail is permitted from servers listed in MX records and from the server hosting the domain. You need to start a new transaction, because as you have committed (and closed) the previous one.

Listing 13-23. gcloud DNS Command to Start a New Transaction

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction start

Transaction started [transaction.yaml].

Listing 13-24. gcloud DNS Command to Add a DNS Record of Type SPF to the Open Transaction Object

$ $ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction add --name='' --ttl=60 --type=SPF 'v=spf1 mx a'

Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

The last record type you can add to a DNS domain is a TXT record. As the name implies, it is used to publish arbitrary information about the domain. In this case, Listing 13-25 publishes a teaser about this book.

Listing 13-25. Cloud DNS Command to Add a TXT Record

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction add \

--name='' --ttl=60 --type=TXT \

"Building Your Next Big Thing with Google Cloud Platform by Dr. S. P. T. Krishnan and

Mr. Jose L Ugia Gonzalez (Apress). ETA May 28 2015, 978-1-4842-1005-5."

Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=cloudplatformbook transaction execute

Executed transaction [transaction.yaml] for managed-zone [cloudplatformbook].

Created [


ID  START_TIME                STATUS

7   2015-03-15T15:41:37.441Z  pending

After a bit, you should be able to list the DNS record you just added. The console output in Listing 13-26 shows the TXT records for the domain, extracted using dig tool running on a Mac OS X laptop.

Listing 13-26. Listing the TXT Records from a Desktop Using the dig Tool

$ dig txt

; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> txt

;; global options: +cmd

;; Got answer:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 37865

;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0


;        IN    TXT

;; ANSWER SECTION:    60    IN    TXT    "Building Your Next Big Thing with Google Cloud Platform

by Dr. S. P. T. Krishnan and Mr. Jose L Ugia Gonzalez (Apress). ETA May 28 2015, 978-1-4842-1005-5."

;; Query time: 31 msec


;; WHEN: Sun Mar 15 21:36:16 2015

;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 207

Let’s look at an optional but useful DNS record type called a pointer record (PTR)  . A pointer record maps an IP address to a domain. This process is called reverse DNS lookup / reverse DNS resolution (rDNS)  , and it is the inverse of determining the IP address of a domain name (sometimes known as forward DNS resolution). The root of the Internet reverse DNS database is the Address and Routing Parameter Area (arpa) top-level domain. The second-level domains of IPv4 and IPv6 are and, respectively. However, you determine the domain name associated with a given IP address using the Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS).

        You want to add a PTR record for the compute engine VM instance because it is designed to send e-mail in addition to the Google Apps system. Following are the high-level steps required to create a PTR record. Listing 13-27 through Listing 13-32 give the Cloud DNS commands:

  1. 1.

    Determine the target IP address.

  2. 2.

    Reverse the IP address, and split it into two octets.

  3. 3.

    Create a new managed zone following a special convention.

  4. 4.

    Add a new DNS record of type PTR.

Listing 13-27. Step 1: Determining the Target IP Address (IPv4 in This Case)

$ gcloud compute instances list


cloudplatformbook us-central1-f n1-standard-2 RUNNING

Listing 13-28. Step 2: Reversing the IPv4 Address and Splitting It into Two Parts

Reverse_External_IP =

1st, 2nd parts = 211, 64.148.146

Listing 13-29. Step 3: Creating a New Managed Zone

$ gcloud dns managed-zones create rdns-64-148-146 --description='Reverse DNS Zone for

Google Cloud Platform Book' --dns-name=''

Created [


NAME             DNS_NAME                  DESCRIPTION

rdns-64-148-146  Reverse DNS Zone for Google Cloud Platform Book

Listing 13-30. Step 4.1: gcloud DNS Command to Start a New Transaction

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=rdns-64-148-146 transaction start

Transaction started [transaction.yaml].

Listing 13-31. Step 4.2: gcloud DNS Command to Add a DNS Record of Type PTR to a Transaction

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=rdns-64-148-146 transaction add \

--name='' --ttl=60 --type=PTR ''

Record addition appended to transaction at [transaction.yaml].

Listing 13-32. Step 4.3: gcloud DNS Command to Commit the Transaction

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone=rdns-64-148-146 transaction execute

Executed transaction [transaction.yaml] for managed-zone [rdns-64-148-146].

Created [


ID  START_TIME                STATUS

1   2015-03-16T13:06:35.210Z  pending

You can verify whether the DNS records have been successfully added to the two managed zones by listing the current records using the commands in Listing 13-33 and Listing 13-34.

Listing 13-33. Listing DNS Records Using the Cloud DNS gcloud Tool

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone='cloudplatformbook' list

NAME                         TYPE   TTL    DATA       A      60       NS     21600,,

                               ,       SOA    21600

19 21600 3600 1209600 300       SPF    60     "v=spf1" "mx" "a"       TXT    60     "Building Your Next Big Thing with Google Cloud Platform by

Dr. S. P. T. Krishnan and Mr. Jose L Ugia Gonzalez (Apress). ETA May 28 2015, 978-1-4842-1005-5."    MX     60     1, 5,

5, 10, 10   A      60  AAAA   60     2001:4860:4864:1:199b:32da:e624:20e2 .   CNAME  60

Listing 13-34. Listing DNS Records Using the Cloud DNS gcloud Tool

$ gcloud dns record-sets --zone='rdns-64-148-146' list

NAME                          TYPE  TTL    DATA      NS    21600,,

                               ,      SOA   21600

1 21600 3600 1209600 300  PTR   60

The final step in the process of setting up a DNS server for your domain using Cloud DNS is to declare the Cloud DNS name servers for the domain in the domain registrar’s panel. Depending on the domain registrar, the web interface will vary. Once the changes are made, you should be able to resolve the domain using standard tools.


In this chapter, you learned about a fundamental Internet technology: DNS. You also learned about the Cloud DNS service from Google Cloud Platform that enables you to publish various domains. The chapter began by examining the building blocks of Cloud DNS, after which you deployed a real-life domain (the domain for this book). Finally, you verified that the domain you set up is accessible over the Internet by querying its record. This chapter should have provided you with sufficient information to get started using Cloud DNS.