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1 Introduction

Life is based on chemistry which must be allowed to function for life to continue. Extremophiles adopt two distinct approaches within extreme environments; they might adapt to function in the physical and chemical limits of their environment or maintain mesophilic conditions intracellular, withstanding the external pressures. Among the extremophiles, halophiles are an interesting class of organisms adapted to moderate and hyper saline environments.

Halophiles are represented by all three domains of life. Among the bacteria; the phyla Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Spirochaetes, and Bacteroidetes are commonly reported. In Archaea, the most salt-requiring ­microorganisms belong to Halobacteria. Halobacterium and most of its relatives require over 100–150 g/L salt for growth and structural stability. Halophilic ­microorganisms use two strategies to balance their cytoplasm osmotically with their medium. The first involves accumulation of molar concentrations of KCl. This strategy requires adaptation of the intracellular enzymatic machinery, as proteins should maintain their proper conformation and activity at near-saturating salt concentrations (Oren 2008).

The minimum salt concentration required for growth, the salinity optimum, and the upper salt limit tolerated—within the microbial world highlighted towards a continuum of properties, which makes it nearly impossible to define by sharp boundaries. Moreover, the minimum, optimum, and maximum salt concentrations often depend on the medium composition and growth temperatures. The most widely used definitions were formulated 30 years ago (Kushner 1978) which distinguished halophiles into following categories: extreme halophiles (growing best in media containing 2.5–5.2 M salt), borderline extreme halophiles (growing best is media containing 1.5–4.0 M salt), moderate halophiles (growing best in media containing 0.5–2.5 M salt), and halotolerant microorganisms that do not require salt for growth but grow well up to reasonably high salt concentrations. The extreme halotolerant groups have growth range above 2.5 M salt. These definitions, though with loose boundaries, are valuable in the classification of microorganisms according to their relationship with salt (Oren 2002, 2006; Ventosa et al. 1998). Majority of halophilic organisms ­accumulate organic compounds, e.g. betaine, ectoines, and glycerol. These solutes could be quite useful for commercial applications.

Only few reports on the occurrence of plasmids and their physiological and ­ecological significance from haloalkaliphiles are available. Attempts are being made towards developing vectors and expression systems of halophilic origin to express their genes and investigate the regulation of gene expression.

Towards this end, exploration of diversity, phylogeny and biochemical and genetic characteristics of extracellular enzymes from haloalkaliphilic bacteria and ­actinomycetes dwelling in relatively moderate saline habitats have generated interesting clues on the functioning of enzymes under multitude of extremities (Dodia et al. 2008a, b; Gupta et al. 2005; Joshi et al. 2008; Nowlan et al. 2006; Patel et al. 2005, 2006; Purohit and Singh 2009; Ram et al. 2010; Siddhapura et al. 2010; Thumar and Singh 2007, 2009).

2 Strategies for Salt Adaptation

The halophilic proteins are highly acidic in nature and majority would denature in low salt concentration. The other strategies include exclusion of salt from the ­cytoplasm and to synthesize and accumulate organic “compatible” solutes that do not interfere with enzymatic activity. The organisms using the “organic-solutes-in ­strategy” often adapt to a surprisingly broad salt concentration range (Cho 2005). Most halophilic bacteria and the halophilic methanogenic archaea a number of such organic solutes like glycine betaine, ectoine and other amino acid derivatives, sugars and sugar alcohols. The high-salt-in strategy is not limited to the Halobacteriaceae. The Halanaerobiales (Firmicutes) also accumulate salt rather than organic solutes. A third, phylogenetically unrelated group of organisms accumulates KCl: the extremely halophilic Salinibacter (Bacteroidetes), recently isolated from saltern crystallizer brines. Analysis of its genome revealed its resemblance with Halobacteriaceae, which probably is a result of horizontal gene transfer. The example of Salinibacter indicates towards further discovery of unusual halophiles.

Bacteria and Archaea have developed two basic mechanisms to cope with osmotic stress. The “salt-in-cytoplasm mechanism” involves adjusting the salt ­concentration in the cytoplasm. The “organic-osmolyte mechanism” involves a­ccumulation of uncharged and highly water-soluble organic compounds to ­maintain an osmotic equilibrium with the surrounding medium. The osmo-adaptation of prokaryotes through the organic-osmolyte strategy introduces a model of the fine-tuning of osmo regulatory osmolyte synthesis (Kunte 2006).

Mechanisms of adaptation of halophilic microorganisms at high salt points out towards Trüper’s four “postulates,” as presented in Alicante symposium (Truper et al. 1991). It deals with the presence, distribution and biosynthesis of organic osmotic solutes. A basic property of all halophilic microorganisms relate to the fact that their cytoplasm has to be atleast iso-osmotic with their surrounding medium. Biological membranes are permeable to water, and active energy-dependent inward transport of water to compensate for water loss by osmotic processes is energetically not feasible. Moreover, cells that keep a turgor need even to maintain their ­intracellular osmotic pressure higher than that of their environment (Brown 1976, 1990). There are two fundamentally different strategies used by halophilic microorganisms to ­balance their cytoplasm osmotically within their medium. The first involves ­accumulation of molar concentrations of potassium and chloride. This strategy ­high-salt-in strategy requires extensive adaptation of the intracellular enzymatic machinery to the presence of salt, as the proteins should maintain their proper ­conformation and activity at near-saturating salt concentrations (Lanyi 1974). The second strategy is to exclude salt from the cytoplasm and to synthesize and/or a­ccumulate organic “compatible” solutes that do not interfere with enzymatic a­ctivity. Few adaptations of the cell’s proteome are needed, and organisms using the ­organic-solutes-in strategy often adapt to a surprisingly broad salt concentration range. Most halophilic bacteria and some halophilic methanogenic archaea use such organic solutes. A variety of such solutes are known, including glycine betaine, ectoine and other amino acid derivatives, sugars and sugar alcohols. Far more ­widespread in nature is the second strategy of halo-adaptation based on the ­biosynthesis and/or accumulation of organic osmotic solutes. Cells that use this strategy exclude salt from their cytoplasm as much as possible. The high ­concentrations of organic “compatible” solutes do not greatly interfere with normal enzymatic activity. Such organisms can often adapt to a surprisingly broad salt ­concentration range (Ventosa et al. 1998). The list of organic compounds known to act as osmotic solutes in halophilic microorganisms—prokaryotic as well as _eukaryotic—is extensive. Most compatible solutes are based on amino acids and amino acid derivatives, sugars, or sugar alcohols. Many are either uncharged or zwitter ionic (Galinski 1986; Roberts 2005, 2006).

Although the “high-salt-in strategy” is energetically less costly to the cell than the biosynthesis of large amounts of organic osmotic solutes (Oren 1999), this strategy is not widely used among the different phylogenetic and physiological groups of halophiles. It is best known from the extremely halophilic Archaea of the family Halobacteriaceae, and species such as Halobacterium salinarum and Haloarcula marismortui. These organisms have emerged as popular model organisms to examine the implications of the accumulation of high intracellular KCl concentrations.

Our understanding of the biology of the Halobacteriaceae has greatly increased in recent years due to the elucidation and analysis of the genome sequences of Halobacterium NRC-1 (Kennedy et al. 2001; Ng et al. 2000), Haloarcula ­marismortui (Baliga et al. 2004), Natronomonas pharaonis (Falb et al. 2005), and Halquadratum walsbyi (Bolhuis et al. 2006). The strategy of salt adaptation is not limited to the aerobic halophilic archaea. The anaerobic fermentative Halanaerobiales (Bacteria, Firmicutes) also use potassium chloride (KCl) rather than organic solutes to osmotically balance their cytoplasm and are also have adapted their intracellular machinery to tolerate the salt (Oren 1986, 2006).

3 Mechanisms for Stress Tolerance

The organisms living in extreme conditions possess special adaptation strategies that make them interesting not only for fundamental research but also towards exploration of their applications (Horikoshi 2008). These organisms may hold secret, for the origin of life and unfold many basic questions about the stability of the macromolecules, under extreme conditions. Therefore, their studies would ­provide important clues for adaptation under salinity. To cope with high and often changing salinity of their environment, the aerobic halophilic bacteria, similar to all other microorganisms, need to balance their cytoplasm with the osmotic pressure exerted by the external medium (Oren 2008, 2010). Osmotic balance can be achieved by the accumulation of salts, organic molecules, or similar mechanism. Alternatively, the cell is able to control water movement in and out and maintain a hypo osmotic state of their intracellular space.

The extremely halophilic archaea and bacteria, adopt various strategies; molar concentrations of chloride is pumped into the cells by co-transport with sodium ions and/or using the light-driven primary chloride pump halorhodopsin (Shazia 2004). Distribution of charged amino acids could also serve as one of the major approaches. Certain ­organisms show a specific requirement of chloride for growth, endospore germination, motility and flagellar synthesis, and glycine betaine transport (Muller and Oren 2003).

3.1 Chloride Pumps

A high requirement for chloride was demonstrated in two groups of bacteria; ­anaerobic Halanaerobiales and the aerobic extremely halophilic Salinibacter ­rubber, that accumulate inorganic salts intracellularly rather than using organic osmotic solutes. Thus, it is clear that chloride has specific functions in ­halo-­adaptation in different groups of halophilic microorganisms (Muller and Oren 2003).

3.2 Osmoregulation

Osmoregulation is a fundamental phenomenon developed by bacteria, fungi, plants, and animals to overcome osmotic stress. The most widely distributed strategy of response to hyperosmotic stress is the accumulation of compatible solutes, which protect the cells and allow growth. Adaptation of bacteria to high solute concentrations involves intracellular accumulation of organic compounds called osmolytes. Osmolytes are referred as compatible solutes because they can be accumulated to high intracellular concentrations without adversely affecting cellular processes. The solutes can be either taken up from the environment or synthesized de novo, and they act by counterbalancing external osmotic strength and thus preventing water loss from the cell and plasmolysis. Since cytoplasmic membrane is highly permeable to water, the imbalances imposed between turgor pressure and the osmolality gradient across the bacterial cell wall are of shorter duration. Bacteria respond to osmotic upshifts in three overlapping phases: dehydration (loss of some cell water); adjustment of cytoplasmic solvent composition and rehydration and cellular remodeling. Responses to osmotic downshifts also proceed in three phases: water uptake (phase I), extrusion of water and co-solvents (phase II), and cytoplasmic co-solvent re-accumulation and ­cellular remodeling (phase III) (Munns 2005).

3.3 Compatible Solutes

The accumulation of organic solutes is a prerequisite for osmotic adjustment of the organism. Archaea synthesize unusual solutes, such as β-amino acids, Nε-acetyl-β-lysine, mannosylglycerate, and di-myo-inositol phosphate. Among them, uptake of solutes such as glycine betaine is preferred over de novo synthesis. Most ­interestingly, some solutes are not only produced in response to salt but also to temperature stress (Muller et al. 2005).

3.4 Glycine Betaine

The ability of the organism to survive in both high salt concentrations and low ­temperatures is attributed mainly to the accumulation of the compatible solute ­glycine betaine, one of the most effective compatible solutes widely used by ­bacteria. This solute is N-trimethyl derivative of glycine and can be accumulated intracellularly at high concentration through synthesis, uptake, or both. Bacillus subtilis has been shown to possess three transport systems for glycine betaine: the secondary uptake system opuD and two binding-protein-dependent transport ­systems, opuA and opuC (proU). The secondary transport system betP is involved in glycine betaine accumulation in Corynebacterium glutamicum (Sleator et al. 1999). Further, characterization and disruption of betL, a gene which plays an important role in glycine betaine uptake in L. monocytogenes has been studied. Studies on some of the candidate genes from microbes for salinity tolerance ­highlight their functions. L. monocytogenes can survive a variety of environmental stresses. Growth at 10 % NaCl concentrations and temperature, as low as 20 °C has been reported. The ability of the organism to survive both high salt and low temperatures is attributed mainly to the accumulation of the compatible solute glycine betaine. The genetic basis of glycine betaine uptake in other gram-positive bacteria has been studied extensively (Boscari et al. 2002).

3.5 Distribution of Amino Acids

The cell wall of halophilic archaea, Halobacterium has a high proportion of the acidic amino acids; aspartate and glutamate as sodium salts. Interestingly, this sodium binding is essential to maintain the cell wall and dilution of the medium leads to repulsion between the free carboxylate groups leading to cell wall ­disintegration and cell lysis (Bullock 2000). Halococcus, on the other hand, ­incorporates regular uronic acid ­residues, bearing charged sulfate groups (Madigan and Marrs 1997).

4 Molecular Aspects of Salinity

Marine microbes are known to play an essential role in the global cycling of ­nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, phosphorous, iron, sulfur, and trace elements (Nada et al. 2011). Salinity tolerance stems from the genetic regulation that limits the rate of salt uptake from the soil or water and the transport of salt adjust the ionic and osmotic balance of cells in roots and shoots and regulate leaf development (Munns and Tester 2008). However, only limited progress has been made with respect to the gene expression. Most of the sequenced culturable microorganisms from the deep-sea are Alteromonadales from the Gammaproteobacteria. Unique properties of sequenced deep-sea microbes indicated towards a high ratio of rRNA operon copies per genome size, and the fact that their intergenic regions are larger than average (Lauro and Bartlett 2008). These features characteristically relate to bacteria with an ­opportunistic lifestyle and gene regulation to respond to the rapidly changing ­environmental conditions.

Studies on the molecular basis of osmo-adaptation and its regulation in archaea are quite in infancy. However, genomics and functional genome analyses in ­conjunction with biochemistry shed light on the processes conferring to osmo-­adaptation in archaea. The molecular characterization and disruption of betS, a gene which plays an important role in high-affinity Na-coupled glycine betaine and ­proline betaine transport in S. meliloti (Boscari et al. 2002), has been described. Furthermore, it has been shown that BetS is constitutively expressed, while its activity depends on posttranslational activation by high osmolarity. The emergency system transporting betaines for immediate osmotic protection appears to be quite significant. Many microorganisms possess two or more glycine betaine transport systems. Salmonella typhimurium for example, operates two genetically distinct pathways; a constitutive low affinity system (ProP) and an osmotically induced high-affinity system (ProU), while B. subtilis has three glycine betaine transport systems, OpuD, OpuA, and OpuC (Kappes et al. 1996)

5 Glycine Betain: Synthesis and Cloning for Salt-Induced Stress Tolerance in Plants

Glycine betaine, a compatible solute, has ability to restore and maintain osmotic balance of living cells. It is synthesized and accumulated in response to abiotic stress. Betaine also acts as a methyl group donor and has a number of important applications including its use as a feed additive. The biosynthetic pathways of betaine are universal and well characterized. A number of enzymes catalyzing the two-step oxidation of choline to betaine have been isolated and characterized. Novel betaine biosynthetic pathway in two phylogenically distant extreme halophiles, Actinopolyspora halophila and Ectothiorhodospira halochloris have been described (Galinski and Truper 1994). There are three-step series of methylation reactions from glycine to betaine, catalyzed by two methyltransferases—glycine sarcosine methyltransferase and sarcosine ­dimethylglycine methyltransferase, with partially overlapping substrate specificity. The methyltransferases from the two organisms show high sequence homology. E. halochloris methyltransferase genes were ­successfully expressed in E. coli, leading to betaine accumulation and improved salt tolerance (Nyyssola et al. 2000).

The betaine biosynthetic pathway of E. halochloris expressed in E. coli led to the accumulation of betaine under moderate osmolarity. In addition, the cells were ­capable to grow with a higher cell density. The results clearly indicated that the ­methyltransferase pathway can be used to improve the osmotic tolerance of ­heterologous organisms. Drought and soil salinity are among the most important ­factors limiting crop productivity. Although certain plants synthesize betaine, several commercially important crops such as potato, rice, tomato and tobacco, do not ­accumulate betaine. The introduction of the choline oxidation pathway has been shown to increase salt and freezing tolerance of many plants (Holmberg 1996; Lilius et al. 1996). Thus, it will be interesting to compare the efficiency of the ­methyltransferase pathway with the choline oxidation pathway for improving stress tolerance in plants.

Genetic introduction of the betaine pathway into non-halotolerant plants would result in the accumulation of betaine and enhancement of their tolerance to salt stress (Rathinasabapathi et al. 1994). Transformation of tobacco with cDNA for betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase of spinach was carried out (Holmstrom et al. 1994). However, these transgenic plants required betaine aldehyde in the medium for the production of betaine (Lilius et al. 1996) reported transformation of tobacco with the gene for choline dehydrogenase from E. coli, which synthesizes betaine ­aldehyde from choline. Although the transformed plants demonstrated enhanced tolerance against salt stress, the accumulation of betaine in the transgenic plant was not ­indicated. Thus, further work would be required to substantiate the accumulation of organic solutes linked to salt tolerance.

Osmotic stress, being one of the most important environmental factors limiting plant productivity, is mainly caused by drought and salinity. Although irrigation increases crop yields, its application is not without problems. Water is a limited resource, which is also needed for other purposes. Furthermore, the accumulation of salts in soil due to irrigation has been a problem for agriculture for thousands of years (Boyer, 1982). Consequently, there has been considerable interest in the genetic engineering of stress-tolerant plants. Single genes coding for the synthesis of compatible solutes, such as proline, polyols, trehalose, and betaine have therefore been introduced into many plants (Nuccio et al. 1999). Salt, drought (Gorham 1996; Rhodes and Hanson 1993), and cold stress (Kishitani et al. 1994; Naidu et al. 1991) have enhanced betaine accumulation in plants capable of its synthesis. In addition, there exists substantial experimental evidence indicating that betaine protects plant macromolecules against various stress factors. These findings have led to the assumption that the engineering of betaine synthesis into crop plants unable to synthesize it could be used to improve their stress tolerance (McCue and Hanson 1990; Park et al. 2004; Rudulier et al. 1984; Sakamoto and Murata 2000). Spinach choline mono-oxygenase and E. coli choline dehydrogenase have been introduced into tobacco (Lilius et al. 1996; Nuccio et al. 1998). Similarly, bacterial choline oxidases have been introduced into tobacco Brassica napus (Huang et al. 2000), Arabidopsis (Alia et al. 1998; Hayashi et al. 1997; Huang et al. 2000), and rice (Sakamoto et al. 1998). However, the levels of betaine in the transgenic plants have been significantly lower than their native sources. Although in some cases, improved stress tolerance has been reported. The supply of choline for betaine synthesis is limited, because it is converted almost exclusively to phosphatidyl choline. The choline synthesis itself is constrained at the first methylation step of phosphoethanolamine. As suggested by Nuccio et al. (1998, 1999). It is assumed that the main source of choline in non-producers is from the turnover of phosphatidylcholine. However, the free choline thus formed is rapidly and virtually irreversibly converted into phosphocholine, which acts as a reserve for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (Nuccio et al. 1998, 1999).

The codA gene for choline oxidase, the enzyme that converts choline into glycinebetaine, was earlier cloned from a soil bacterium, Arthrobacter globiformis into cyanobacterial species, Synechococcus PCC7942 (Deshnium et al. 1995) but not into higher plants due to lack of sufficient information about the plant genes and promoter sequences. Transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana with the cloned codA gene under the control of the 35S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus (CMV) enabled the plant to accumulate glycinebetaine with the enhanced tolerance against salt and cold stress. At 300 mM NaCl, considerable proportions of seeds of transformed plants germinated well, whereas seeds of wild-type plants failed to germinate. At 100 mM NaCI, transformed plants grew well whereas wild-type plants did not. The transformed plants tolerated 200 mM NaCI, which was lethal to wild-type plants. After incubating plants with 400 mM NaCI for 2 days, the photosystem II activity of wild-type plants disappeared almost completely whereas that of transformed plants remained at more than 50 % of the original level. When exposed to a low temperature in the light, leaves of wild-type plants exhibited symptoms of chlorosis, whereas those of transformed plants did not. These observations demonstrated that the genetic modification of Arabidopsis thaliana that allowed it to accumulate glycine-betaine enhanced its ability to tolerate salt and cold stress (Hayashi et al. 1997)

Brassica compestris L. spp. Chinensis a vegetable crop widely cultivated in South China, does not synthesize betaine in vivo, and is sensitive to salt, drought, and high temperature stresses. Through the Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated ­transformation, the coda gene was transferred into the genome of Brassica compestris L. spp. chinensis var Aikangqing (Wang et al. 2010). The transgenic plants were evaluated and reported for their tolerance to temperatures and high salinity stresses by the assessment of their photosynthetic performance at the growth stage (Wang et al. 2010).

6 Ectoine and Hydroxyectoine: Synthesis and Cloning for Salt Tolerance in Plants

Ectoine, a cyclic tetrahydropyrimidine (1, 4, 5, 6-tetrahydro-2-methyl-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid) can be considered as marker for halophilic bacteria. It is synthesized by a wide range of bacteria, both halotolerant and halophilic. This solute was first detected in the halophilic, phototrophic Halorhodospora halochloris (Galinski et al. 1985). The i­ntracellular ectoine concentration increased with increasing extracellular NaCl. Screens of a number of microorganisms have shown that ectoine is the major osmolyte in ­aerobic chemoheterotrophic bacteria (Galinski 1995). It is also the major solute in bacterial strains isolated from alkaline, hypersaline Mono Lake (Ciulla et al. 1997). More recently, it has been observed in the moderately halophilic methylotrophic bacteria; Methylarcula marina, M. terricola, and Methylophaga sp. (Doronina et al. 2000, 2003). A variant of this solute, hydroxyectoine, has been detected in halotolerant Sporosarcina pasteurii grown in high osmolarity medium (Kahulmann and Bremer 2002).

1, 4, 5, 6-Tetrahydro-2-methyl-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid (ectoine) functions as a compatible osmolyte in the moderate halophile Halomonas elongata OUT30018. Ectoine is biosynthesized by three successive enzyme reactions from ­aspartic-­semialdehyde. The genes encoding the enzymes involved in the ­biosynthesis, ectA, ectB, and ectC, encoding L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid ­acetyltransferase, L-2,4-diaminobutyric acid transaminase, and L-ectoine synthase, respectively, have been previously cloned (Nakayama et al. 2000). To i­nvestigate the function of ectoine as a compatible solute in plant cells, the three genes were individually placed under the control of the CMV 35S promoter and introduced together into cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cv Bright Yellow 2 (BY2) cells. The transgenic BY2 cells accumulated a small quantity of ectoine with the increased tolerance to hyperosmotic shock. Further, the transgenic BY2 cells exhibited normal growth under ­hyperosmotic conditions, in which the growth of wild was delayed. The results indicated that transgenic expressing ectoine resisted hyperosmotic conditions even at low level of the solute (Nakayama et al. 2000).

7 Nε-Acetyl-β-lysine and β-Glutamine (Nε-Acetyl-Beta-Lysine and Beta-Glutamine)

Methanogens have different strategy than many other organisms. They accumulate several β-amino acids (beta amino acids) to maintain osmotic balance. β-amino acids (beta amino acids) are not incorporated into proteins or other macromolecules. At higher external NaCl concentrations, two zwiterionic β-amino acids (beta amino acids) get accumulated. Nε-acetyl-β-lysine (Nε-acetyl-beta-lysine and ­beta-­glutamine) detected in a wide range of mesophilic and a few thermophilic ­methanogens (Robertson et al. 1992a, 1992b; Sowers et al. 1990; Sowers and Gunsalus 1995). β-Glutamine (beta-glutamine) has been detected in Methanohalophilus species where it is synthesized and accumulated along with ­Nε-acetyl-β-lysine and betaine (Lai et al. 1991). Methanogens tend to accumulate β-glutamate (beta-glutamate) and α-glutamate (alpha-glutamate) for osmotic balance.

Over the past few years, genes have been identified, cloned, and proteins ­isolated. The cloning and expression of genes confirmed pathways initially proposed on the basis of 13C isotopic labeling of the solutes. The pathway originally proposed for biosynthesis of Nε-acteyl-β-lysine has two key enzymes: isomerization of α-lysine (alpha-lysine) to β-lysine (beta-lysine) catalyzed by a lysine aminomutase and acetylation of the ε-amino group (Roberts et al. 1992; Robertson et al. 1992b). Genes coding for these two enzymes were identified in Methanosarcina mazei Gö; ablA codes for the aminomutase while ablB codes for the β-lysine acetyltransferase (Pfluger et al. 2003). Expression of the two genes, organized in an operon, is salt dependent in M. mazei. Several other methanogens, including Methanococcus ­maripaludis have homologous genes. Deletion of the abl operon in M. maripaludis hampered the growth in high salt medium. It will be interesting to characterize the methanogen lysine amino-mutase to compare it with the catabolic enzyme from bacteria having the same chemistry.

8 Conclusion

Environmental stresses such as drought, high salinity, and low temperature are major factors limiting plant growth and productivity by disturbing the intracellular water balance. Salinity is one of the major environmental factors that limit the worldwide productivity and distribution of cereal crops. Thus, the development of genetically engineered plants with enhanced tolerance to salt would be an important strategy. Among the major responses of plants towards acclimatization against ­unfavorable environments, such as water deficiency and high salinity is the ­accumulation of low molecular weight organic compounds, collectively known as compatible solutes. Most plants synthesize and accumulate osmolytes in response to these abiotic stresses. The osmolytes, or the compatible solutes, are neutral under physiological pH and have high solubility in water, besides being nontoxic to the organisms. Polyols (e.g. glycerol, sorbitol, and mannitol), nonreducing sugars (e.g. Sucrose and trehalose) and amino acids (e.g. Glutamate, Proline, and Betaine) are some of the known organic compatible solutes. Transgenic plants harboring genes for the biosynthesis of mannitol, ononitol, trehalose, proline, betaine, or fructan exhibited significant improvement in stress tolerance.

Majority of halophilic organisms accumulate organic compounds e.g. betaine, ectoines, and glycerol. These solutes could be quite useful for commercial ­applications. However, very few reports on plasmids from haloalkaliphiles are available but their physiological and ecological significance is yet to be established. Attempts are also being made towards developing vectors and expression systems of halophilic origin to express their genes and investigate the regulation of gene expression. Towards this end, exploration of diversity, phylogeny and biochemical and genetic characteristics of extracellular enzymes from haloalkaliphilic bacteria and actinomycetes dwelling in relatively moderate saline habitats have generated interesting clues on the functioning of enzymes under multitude of extremities The on-going studies on the cloning of multi enzyme systems into plants and regulation of gene expression relating to the synthesis of biocompatible solutes are likely to open new area for improved and large-scale production of these molecules in plants of economic interest helping them to fight against salt-induced stresses.

Archaea and Eubacteria produce several unique compatible solutes. The genes responsible for the synthesis of these solutes, if cloned, may prove to be of immense significance for developing draught and salinity stress tolerance in plants. However, it’s important to know the detailed genetics under water stress. Although there are no substantial differences among the compatible solutes accumulated in bacteria and archaea, the regulation of osmo-adaptation is quite distinct due to unique transcription machineries among them. The increasing number of whole genome sequences, subsequent analysis by functional genomics, proteomics, and biochemical studies will pave way to better understanding of the regulatory network of osmo-adaptation and stress responses.