
1 Introduction

At present, the students are needed to study English better and better, have the ability to use the language freely and, especially have the strong ability to listen and speak English as we all know, English is learn, not taught [1, 2]. If the students really want to master a foreign language, it is hard for them to achieve it just by listening to the teacher, taking the notes in the class, finishing the exercises offered by teachers. The students must have autonomous learning ability, this is to say, the students must be active, they must be able to study hard without being monitored; they must be able to make their our plans, finish the study tasks in time, check the effect of their study, and evaluate their results. They must do more listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

2 Make the Best of Computer Technology and the Internet Resources

As the computer technology and the internet resources become more and more popular, more and more schools and teachers use them in class in order to increase the students’ English standards. Because the resources in the internet have more event affair materials, more none-language materials; more culture knowledge. These advantages guide the students to study autonomously, which offer good condition to train the students to study actively. Teachers can use the resources in the internet to make PPT. So as to help teach the students, so that, they can increase the students activity, arouse the students interest, and passion of studying English. So that, they can increase the students ability to listen and speak English, to use the language and communicate with others in English freely, using computer technology to make PPT can help teach in class, make the students understand better, learn easier; because the PPT can make the teaching contents interesting, active, and easier for the students to understand. It can offer the students good language situations, so that they can study and master English by listening, speaking, watching and so on. In class, we must download new contents, avoid repetition; for example, listening to English songs, we cannot offer the students the same songs every class, or they will feel boring. We must prepare different songs for the students to listen.

3 Dig the Teachers Initiative

3.1 The Teacher Should Believe the Students’ Potential

The teacher should believe that every student will study English well by practicing. They should use all kinds of methods to make the students overcome chicken heart, so that, they can become bold and confident to speak English. Gradually they will speak English fluently. Teachers should not think that the students are weak in English, and they cannot open their mouth to speak English, no matter what they do, it is impossible for them to speak. If the teachers think like that, they will not take measures to increase the students speaking English. As a result, the students will never open their mouth to speak English. The students potential are waiting for teachers to dig out. The teachers should build up the confidence for them. They should make the students know that no matter how weak their English spoken language is, they can improve it by practicing. Of course, the teacher should give the students effective methods to improve it, they should give the students the power and encouragement. Some of the students think that their spoken language is originally poor, it is impossible for them to improve, so they do not want to use strategy to improve their English oral language. They never take part in discussing in English, and they never go to the English corner to practice their listening and speaking; they think that it is waste of time to do so. So that, the teachers in high school should let the students know the metacognition knowledge, have them understand language orderliness and characteristic, and the ways and methods of studying the language. This is the precondition to cultivate the autonomic learning competence.

3.2 The Teachers Speech Should have Emotional Appeal and Encouragement

If you are the new teacher of a class, when you find that the students are very quiet, and they do not have the consciousness of participatory learning. At that moment, the teacher should try to find ways to improve their enthusiasm, never think there is no way to improve their situation. Because everything is changing all the time, the students are the same. In fact, it is the teacher who has the most important influence for the students. They go-aheadism lies on the teachers talent of organizing and leading. The potential of the students is waiting for the teachers to dig out, enthusiasm of the students is waiting for the teachers to inspired. If it is hard for the students to speak English, the teachers must have confidence, patience, and determination and persistence to guide them. The teachers should raise their enthusiasm and initiative. And teach the students the importance of raising their enthusiasm and initiative. For example using all kinds of their perception can concentrate their attention and strengthen their memory.

3.3 Teachers Should Set Examples to the Students

This principle is easy to say, but difficult to do. It is the most important to improve the students listening, speaking, and communicative competence, this is also one of the most important aims. So the teacher should give students more chance to speak English. For example: ask them to answer the questions related to the textbook, require them to retell the stories in it. At the beginning, the students may think it is too difficult to do that, the teacher must think ways to make them believe that they will achieve the goals by studying very hard. If the teachers want the students to reach this requirement, the teacher should practice speaking and listening, and does very well in speaking and listening, he should not only set examples in the ability, but also set example in hard study, he should influence them by practical action; this is to set examples for them. English corner is the best place to improve the students speaking, teacher should encourage the students to go to the English corner. If the teacher think it is a good way and chance to improve English communicative competence, and go to the English corner actively, have conversation with the students, this is a great encouragement and support for the students, and can also help the students respect the teacher. In order to improve English oral language, it is necessary to practice and train who speak English very hard. If the teacher requires the students to practice English hard, even have the habit of thinking in English, the teacher should achieve it at first. Teachers fluent English will set a good example for the students, and they will be willing to imitate the teacher with the hope that one day they will reach the teachers standards.

4 Train the Students Listening and Speaking Skills

4.1 Give the Students the Task to Practice Listening and Speaking

In the listening and speaking classes, every time, before the students listening to English materials, the teacher should ask them to listen with tasks, after finishing listening, the students should complete the given exercises, or filling in the blanks while they are listening, or ask them to imitate while they are listening; after that, ask them try to retell the main ideas of the contents so as to train their oral expression. The students will concentrate on studying while they are practicing, listening, and speaking. Every class the teacher should give the students chance to speak English, and teach them how to open their mouth to speak English. For example, guide the students to listen and imitate, while they are reading, they should pay attention to the sound, tone, pause and so on, at the same time, try to memorize the new words, phrases, and sentences. Then the teacher should guide the students to start dialogues. If the students are weak in English speaking, teacher should set examples for the students, after that, choose some of the better students to act in public. So that, they can learn from each other and encourage each other; As in every class, the teacher will ask the students to act in public, so the students will catch time to practice after class, as a result, they will form a good habit to study English by themselves, then improve their ability of speaking and listening as well as the communicative competence.

4.2 Improve the Students Participating Consciousness in Class

Increase English oral language and communicative competence is the final goal of English teaching. So teachers should train them oral ability. During the teaching in class, the teacher should pay more attention to the activity. When the teacher asks questions in English, he can require all the students to answer them together in order that all of the students can think and take part in the activity. If the teachers always ask all of the students to answer all of the questions, some of the students may just sit there doing nothing. So the teacher should teach flexibly. Sometimes, they can ask all of the students answer the questions together, sometimes, require one of the students to answer it, sometimes, the teacher can ask the students to discuss the questions. Then choose one of them to answer. So that the students will concentrate on studying without being absent-minded, as a result, their study result will be improved.

In class, teacher should ask the students help each other in class in order that all the students can train their English oral language and improve together. If the teacher find that most of the students like sitting at the back of the classroom, or some of the girls like sitting at the back of the classroom, and they dare not open their mouth to speak English, they always keep silent when others are speaking. At that time, the teacher can ask the students to change their seat, let the students who are good at speaking sit beside the ones who are afraid to open their mouth to speak English so that, all of the students will try to speak English when they try to help each and learn from each other. Their initiative will be improved. Gradually, there will be good English study atmosphere in the classroom.

5 Conclusion

The students autonomous ability and habit is waiting for the teachers to guide and monitor, the teacher should use computer technology, design and use the internet resources, change the multiply contents, pictures, Audio materials, make PowerPoint, design exercises, tests and so on. During the teaching processes, we should give the students the center position, and the function of the teacher is guiding and organizing, the students are the main body of the study. The time in the classroom is limited, teachers should tell the students the websites of English study, encourage the students to use the English web resources, English classes, practice English listening and speaking, so as to improve the students communicative competence.