
1 Introduction

University physical education teachers who are specialized in the educational background can determine the following long-term tradition “A Good training and education”, to dwell on the intricacies of professional understanding [1]. PE teachers should have a certain level of motor skills; if not, they should know about the traditional education system; the eyes too much on teacher education project to a “sports technology” on the cover of the PE curriculum if they have educational value. Cultivation depends on education, and education lies in teachers. The political and ideological level of physical education teachers, business skills, and cultural enrichment had a direct impact on the development of students. To meet the requirements of the times, physical education teachers must continually improve themselves as well as their quality through continuing education.

Lifelong education and social development in response to emerging issues and proposed means of a measure, on the one hand, due to the rapid development of modern science and technology, many new knowledge, and new theories continue to permeate sports science; on the other hand, the reform of school physical education is deepening the reform need to change our ideas, updating knowledge, and strengthening understanding. On the whole, physical education teachers in the lifelong education can improve themselves and their teaching quality, to promote the development of school sports as an important measure.

2 Theory and Objectives of Lifelong Education

Lifelong education theory, that is, the formation and development of thought, not only has its own history, but also has a rapidly changing social, economic, and political background, and it is also the product of the development of modern society. After World War II, especially after half of the 1950s, some developed capitalist countries, economic growth, international competition, therefore, commonly used by modern science and technology to improve labor productivity and develop education, development of intelligence. However, the traditional education system does not include pre-school stage, and this stage is an important period for the development of human resources and does not include adult education students after graduation, and these realities must be re-educated workforce to keep pace with the rapid development and a significant increase in scientific knowledge and technology, to adapt to social needs.

Adult contemporary French educator, an active advocate of lifelong education theory, and theoretical founder Paul Lengrand in the “Introduction to life-long education”: education cannot stop in childhood and adolescence, as long as people still alive, should be to continue the. Education must be to do that, to adapt to the continuity of individual and social requirements. He made lifelong education in detail and had a major impact internationally on the fundamental value of adult education orientation. Paul Lengrand sees the shortcomings of traditional education system in a rapidly changing society. He advocated the establishment of an integrated lifelong education system to replace a number of governments to promote the implementation of specific measures for lifelong education.

As the only original idea, the goal of lifelong education was to change the people, making it free from the threat of reality, which enhances the understanding of society, to adapt to the current society. Lifelong education can also make people happy and ultimately will improve their quality of life. Potential targets for lifelong education are fostering the autonomy and independence of people to develop their ability to learn and relying on the basis of learners to achieve knowledge, ability, and a variety of esthetic unity of purpose. Lifelong education is not only remaining in the academic discussion, but also combined with government action, and through legislation, administrative government can do all kinds of efforts they have been realized [2]. Having seen the investment as long as the government hopes to achieve by reason of some goals, which in turn inspired by the public, it will be lifelong education for continued support.

Modern universities and lifelong education of teachers to pursue professional development of sports as the goal, it emphasizes sports and comprehensively improves the quality of teachers, rather than the pursuit of the number of development goals. Subjectively, it guided the concept of lifelong education, job training rather than the traditional concept as a guide; as the objective, it requires physical education teacher should be learning the subject, only the learners become participants rather than spectators of the premise, the learners have the opportunity to ask questions and can express themselves in the discussion of the problem in view, to achieve both teaching and learning, and ultimately to enhance the quality of physical education teachers, and physical education teachers promote the development of personal ability [3].

3 PE Teachers the Principles of Lifelong Education

Lifelong education of PE teachers should be based on the “PRC Law on Higher Education”, “Teachers Law of the People’s Republic”, and other regulations, combined with higher school education and teaching development and the actual needs of the school in line with the actual development of continuing education training programs for teachers [4]. Specifically, the principles are as follows:

3.1 Adhere to the Principles of Long-Term Comprehensive

The quality improvement of physical education teachers should focus on the future reform and development of physical education, PE teacher professional development from the development of long-term planning of manpower, macro thinking of continuing education needs of physical education teachers, teaching staff in schools within the framework of construction planning, combined with the discipline construction sector, the academic team building, and technical posts of teachers and other factors to consider developing a comprehensive long-term planning and annual teacher training teacher education programs, specifically learning time for each teacher education, specific purpose, and discipline, to avoid the blindness and random teacher training sex. With respect to key disciplines, young teachers and excellent teachers continue to give priority to education and training and professional development in accordance with its rules and characteristics of physical education, scientifically formulated to adapt to long-term development of PE teachers in curriculum and teaching plans.

PE teachers’ college lifelong education should focus on the general physical education teachers to improve the overall quality, not only concerned about one aspect but also neglected the other, from the thinking of German training, professional knowledge, education and scientific research ability, artistic and other aspects of comprehensive consideration. Professional quality training is provided to teachers in order to broaden the basic knowledge and expertise-based, cutting-edge focus on acquisition of subject knowledge and improve teacher use of modern means of science and technology to carry out teaching and research capabilities, such as upgrading the sports teacher of foreign languages, and strengthen operations of foreign teachers’ ability to communicate, adhere to long-term comprehensive integrated PE teachers to enhance the level and ability.

3.2 Adhere to the Principle of Lifelong Education Feasibility

It should be a people-oriented spirit. Consciousness of teachers promotes the creative spirit; the capacity-building is a key to the pursuit of individual development of teachers, especially PE teachers for professional development. To improve the knowledge structure of PE teachers, educational ability, research ability, PE teachers should pay attention to updates, advanced educational theory, educational philosophy, and the humanities, ethics, and other aspects of training. In order to achieve this, develop a training program before the full investigation; solicit opinions from all sides before the formal implementation; organize relevant personnel to study; implement the designer’s intentions into conscious action; and finally ensure the smooth implementation of lifelong education programs.

3.3 Strengthen the Monitoring and Assessment Efforts

A good education program in order to meet the specific needs of the higher authorities and the management can take a variety of ways, from the university reality; can take the form of the forum to communicate; and solicit opinions from all sides. Forms can also be carried out by questionnaire. The basis of the feedback program—life science education program—in the late adjustment, is to constantly enrich and perfect the process. Summarized in real time around the implementation of the plan principles for the implementation of the issues reflected in the process of scientific analysis, improvement and added that the experience of advanced fusion of absorption, according to the new features of the educational situation and adjust and enrich. Create a democratic and harmonious atmosphere, so that teachers actively participate.

The appraisal is the final link in the process of teacher training; assessment of the content is the result of the work of teacher training; the purpose is to ensure the smooth implementation of the process of teacher training; assessment can meet a variety of incentives to be effectively implemented. For example, the training of teachers to improve teacher pay linked to promotion; can be paid to learn, test results and teacher’s job promotion, linked to annual appraisal. Gradually, a scientific and reasonable evaluation system was established in order to improve PE teachers to participate in lifelong education initiative.

4 PE Teachers the Main Way of Lifelong Education

Commitment to continuing education in college sports has its own unique advantages and conditions, especially in sports academies; it is an education center is the research center for wide range of disciplines, teaching force; it will be physical education teachers into the school of continuing education within the training plan, is the most formal sports to education mode. PE teachers can implement in many ways the concept of lifelong education.

4.1 Independent Study

PE teacher education self-study is an important way. According to their needs and circumstances, teachers set self-study program, a purpose, and can learn step by step, and this means lifelong education should be given full attention.

On the one hand, university teachers can take advantage of their free time, such as winter, summer, effectively saving the cost of education, independent study that addresses the learning of the engineering teacher conflicts, but also to make up for the shortcomings of inadequate funding for lifelong education; on the other hand, through daily teaching, research activities, to take collective classes, workshops, observation, and teaching activities, teachers can combine their own teaching, training, and research, targeted to carry out independent study and research, through academic reports, lectures, to strengthen its quality improvement.

4.2 Training

Training is an important means of lifelong education, with flexible features, but also improves the level of physical education teachers an important means of business. Various forms of training include full-time and semi-full-time and include other topics; there are amateurs; training content can be specialized knowledge, or non-professional knowledge; training can be a degree-level education, as well as non-diploma education. However, the training of lifelong education is necessary not only to meet the needs of teachers at different levels, but also to the development of society, and with the requirements of education reform, the training will add a new and reasonable content. In-service training should help raise the level of PE teachers in the business, but also help teachers do their job; teachers can take the form of full-time education and training is not released in the form of a combination, can also take short-term training and long-term training in the form of a combination. Meanwhile, in order to mobilize, more physical education teachers who participated in training to lifelong education should meet a variety of incentives to take appropriate measures, such as paid leave, reimbursement of travel expenses, scholarships, grants, and so on.

4.3 Distance Education

First, with the continuous improvement in education infrastructure, computers, the Internet and other new technologies, multimedia-based, electronic communications, network systems based on technologies such as next-generation distance education system have been formed, to effectively overcome the traditional education in space, time, education, environmental constraints, interactive, networked, real-time, comprehensive and adaptive features; secondly, in order to make PE teachers to set a self-study and to overcome some learning difficulties, the onerous work of teaching may be training so that they do not have time to go out, even take part in a training, and I often have to take a human and financial, which for many remote and economically backward areas causes great difficulties for teachers to further expand the educational imbalance between regions, and a network education and training can effectively resolve these conflicts.

In the specific implementation of distance education, the first should be noted is the choice of teaching content. Receiving training and having close contact between those working form a two-way communication. Before you can start the training needs, survey must be conducted to establish such a link, let them know the important role of training. The actual need of the teacher was to design curriculum and training methods; secondly, we must build a good online teacher training management platform. Online teacher training management platform built to achieve the training objectives is an important way to ensure that sustainable training is a prerequisite, such as online classrooms, teaching videos, a series of training courses, excellent teacher training case base, staff and student exchange area, the effect evaluation.

5 Conclusions

In our country, there are large numbers of PE teachers and there is more reasonable student–teacher ratio. However, the number is hidden and it is difficult to guarantee the quality of the problem. In terms of educational background or title level, there is still a large gap between developed countries on lifelong education of PE teachers. In general, the university PE teachers are the one who faces the problems. This paper discusses the goal of lifelong education; PE teacher made several principles of lifelong education and gives some specific ways to implement the realization of the concept of lifelong education and hope for lifelong education, to establish a high level of university PE teachers more qualified for the state transportation personnel.