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Lichenoid dermatitis is characterized by a band like inflammatory infiltrate in the superficial dermis parallel to the epidermis. In some cases the infiltrate abutts and obscures the dermal epidermal junction.

Table 15.1 Differential diagnosis of lichenoid dermatitis
Fig. 15.1
figure 00151

Lichenoid dermatitis. There is wedge-shaped hypergranulosis with irregular epidermal hyperplasia and a band of inflammation along the epidermal base

Fig. 15.2
figure 00152

Colloid bodies in lichen planus. The eosinophilic globules are extracellular and may be present in the epidermis or the superficial dermis, also known as Civatte bodies

Fig. 15.3
figure 00153

Lichen sclerosus. There is eosinophilic homogenization of the subepidermal dermis with an underlying band of inflammation

Fig. 15.4
figure 00154

Fixed drug reaction. There is extensive epidermal dyskeratosis and interface dermatitis that may have a dense lichenoid appearance