
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

7.1 Relations and Predicates

The axioms and theorems of mathematics are defined on sets such as the set of integers \( Z \). We need to be able to write and manipulate logical formulas that contain relations on values from arbitrary sets. First-order logic is an extension of propositional logic that includes predicates interpreted as relations on a domain.

Before continuing, you may wish to review Appendix  on set theory.

Example 7.1

\( P(x) \subset N \) is the unary relation that is the subset of natural numbers that are prime: {2,3,5,7,11,…}. ■

Example 7.2

\( S(x,y) \subset N^2 \) is the binary relation that is the subset of pairs (x,y) of natural numbers such that y=x 2: {(0,0),(1,1),(2,4),(3,9),…}. ■

It would be more usual in mathematics to define a unary function f(x)=x 2 which maps a natural number x into its square. As shown in the example, functions are special cases of relations. For simplicity, we limit ourselves to relations in this chapter and the next; the extension of first-order logic to include functions is introduced in Sect. 9.1.

Definition 7.3

Let \( R \) be an n-ary relation on a domain D, that is, \( R \) is a subset of D n. The relation \( R \) can be represented by the Boolean-valued function \( P_R :D^n \mapsto \{ T,F\} \) that maps an n-tuple to T if and only if the n-tuple is an element of the relation:

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {P_R (d_1 , \ldots ,d_n ) = T} & {{\rm iff}\,(d_1 , \ldots ,d_n ) \in R,} \\ {P_R (d_1 , \ldots ,d_n ) = F} & {{\rm iff}\,(d_1 , \ldots ,d_n ) \notin R.} \\ \end{array} $$


Example 7.4

The set of primes \( P \) is represented by the function \( P_P \):

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}l} {P_P (0) = F,} & {P_P (1) = F,} & {P_P (2) = T,} \\ {P_P (3) = T,} & {P_P (4) = F,} & {P_P (5) = T,} \\ {P_P (6) = F,} & {P_P (7) = T,} & {P_P (8) = F, \ldots } \\ \end{array} $$


Example 7.5

The set of squares \( S \) is represented by the function \( P_S \):

$$ \begin{array}{l} P_S (0,0) = P_S (1,1) = P_S (2,4) = P_S (3,9) = \cdots = T, \\ \\ P_S (0,1) = P_S(1,0) = P_S (0,2) = P_S (2,0) = \\ P_S (0,2) = P_S (2,1) = P_S (0,3) = P_S (2,2) = \cdots = F. \\ \end{array} $$


This correspondence provides the link necessary for a logical formalization of mathematics. All the logical machinery—formulas, interpretations, proofs—that we developed for propositional logic can be applied to predicates. The presence of a domain upon which predicates are interpreted considerably complicates the technical details but not the basic concepts.

Here is an overview of our development of first-order logic:

  • Syntax (Sect. 7.2): Predicates are used to represent functions from a domain to truth values. Quantifiers allow a purely syntactical expression of the statement that the relation represented by a predicate is true for some or all elements of the domain.

  • Semantics (Sect. 7.3): An interpretation consists of a domain and an assignment of relations to the predicates. The semantics of the Boolean operators remains unchanged, but the evaluation of the truth value of the formula must take the quantifiers into account.

  • Semantic tableaux (Sect. 7.5): The construction of a tableau is potentially infinite because a formula can be interpreted in an infinite domain. It follows that the method of semantic tableaux is not decision procedure for satisfiability in first-order logic. However, if the construction of a tableau for a formula A terminates in a closed tableau, then A is unsatisfiable (soundness); conversely, a systematic tableau for an unsatisfiable formula will close (completeness).

  • Deduction (Sects. 8.1, 8.2): There are Gentzen and Hilbert deductive systems which are sound and complete. A valid formula is provable and we can construct a proof of the formula using tableaux, but given an arbitrary formula we cannot decide if it is valid and hence provable.

  • Functions (Sect. 9.1): The syntax of first-order logic can be extended with function symbols that are interpreted as functions on the domain. With functions we can reason about mathematical operations, for example:

    $$ ((x>0 \wedge y>0) \vee (x<0 \wedge y<0)) \;\mathbin {\rightarrow }\; (x\cdot y > 0). $$
  • Herbrand interpretations (Sect. 9.3): There are canonical interpretations called Herbrand interpretations. If a formula in clausal form has a model, it has a model which is an Herbrand interpretation, so to check satisfiability, it is sufficient to check if there is an Herbrand model for a formula.

  • Resolution (Chap. 10): Resolution can be generalized to first-order logic with functions.

7.2 Formulas in First-Order Logic

7.2.1 Syntax

Definition 7.6

Let \( P \), \( A \) and \( V \) be countable sets of predicate symbols, constant symbols and variables. Each predicate symbol \( p^n \in P \) is associated with an arity, the number n≥1 of arguments that it takes. p n is called an n-ary predicate. For n=1,2, the terms unary and binary, respectively, are also used. ■


  • We will drop the word ‘symbol’ and use the words ‘predicate’ and ‘constant’ by themselves for the syntactical symbols.

  • By convention, the following lower-case letters, possibly with subscripts, will denote these sets: \( P = \{ p,q,r\} , \), \( A = \{ a,b,c\} , \), \( V = \{ x,y,z\} . \).

  • The superscript denoting the arity of the predicate will not be written since the arity can be inferred from the number of arguments.

Definition 7.7

∀ is the universal quantifier and is read for all.

∃ is the existential quantifier and is read there exists. ■

Definition 7.8

An atomic formula is an n-ary predicate followed by a list of n arguments in parentheses: p(t 1,t 2,…,t n ), where each argument t i is either a variable or a constant. A formula in first-order logic is a tree defined recursively as follows:

  • A formula is a leaf labeled by an atomic formula.

  • A formula is a node labeled by ¬  with a single child that is a formula.

  • A formula is a node labeled by ∀x or ∃x (for some variable x) with a single child that is a formula.

  • A formula is a node labeled by a binary Boolean operator with two children both of which are formulas.

A formula of the form ∀xA is a universally quantified formula or, simply, a universal formula. Similarly, a formula of the form ∃xA is an existentially quantified formula or an existential formula. ■

The definition of derivation and formation trees, and the concept of induction on the structure of a formula are taken over unchanged from propositional logic. When writing a formula as a string, the quantifiers are considered to have the same precedence as negation and a higher precedence than the binary operators.

Example 7.9

Figure 7.1 shows the tree representation of the formula:

$$\forall x(\neg \,\exists yp(x,y)\vee \neg \,\exists yp(y,x)).$$

The parentheses in p(x,y) are part of the syntax of the atomic formula. ■

Fig. 7.1
figure 1

Tree for ∀x(¬ ∃yp(x,y)∨¬ ∃yp(y,x))

Example 7.10

Here are some examples of formulas in first-order logic:

$$ \begin{array}{l} \forall x\forall y(p(x,y) \mathbin {\rightarrow }p(y,x)),\\[2pt] \forall x\exists yp(x,y),\\[2pt] \exists x\exists y(p(x) \wedge \neg \,p(y)),\\[2pt] \forall xp(a,x),\\[2pt] \forall x(p(x) \wedge q(x)) \mathbin {\leftrightarrow }(\forall xp(x) \wedge \forall xq(x)),\\[2pt] \exists x(p(x) \vee q(x)) \mathbin {\leftrightarrow }(\exists xp(x) \vee \exists xq(x)),\\[2pt] \forall x(p(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }q(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(\forall xp(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\forall xq(x)),\\[2pt] (\forall xp(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\forall xq(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\forall x(p(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }q(x)). \end{array} $$

For now, they are just given as examples of the syntax of formulas in first-order logic; their meaning will be discussed in Sect. 7.3.2. ■

7.2.2 The Scope of Variables

Definition 7.11

A universal or existential formula ∀xA or ∃xA is a quantified formula. x is the quantified variable and its scope is the formula A. It is not required that x actually appear in the scope of its quantification. ■

The concept of the scope of variables in formulas of first-order logic is similar to the concept of the scope of variables in block-structured programming languages. Consider the program in Fig. 7.2. The variable x is declared twice, once globally and once locally in method p. The scope of the global declaration includes p, but the local declaration hides the global one. Within p, the value printed will be 1, the value of the local variable. Within the method q, the global variable x is in scope but not hidden and the value 5 will be printed. As in programming, hiding a quantified variable within its scope is confusing and should be avoided by giving different names to each quantified variable.

Fig. 7.2
figure 2

Global and local variables

Definition 7.12

Let A be a formula. An occurrence of a variable x in A is a free variable of A iff x is not within the scope of a quantified variable x. A variable which is not free is bound.

If a formula has no free variables, it is closed. If {x 1,…,x n } are all the free variables of A, the universal closure of A is ∀x 1⋯∀x n A and the existential closure is ∃x 1⋯∃x n A.

A(x 1,…,x n ) indicates that the set of free variables of the formula A is a subset of {x 1,…,x n }. ■

Example 7.13

p(x,y) has two free variables x and y, ∃yp(x,y) has one free variable x and ∀xyp(x,y) is closed. The universal closure of p(x,y) is ∀xyp(x,y) and its existential closure is ∃xyp(x,y). ■

Example 7.14

In ∀xp(x)∧q(x), the occurrence of x in p(x) is bound and the occurrence in q(x) is free. The universal closure is ∀x(∀xp(x)∧q(x)). Obviously, it would have been better to write the formula as ∀xp(x)∧q(y) with y as the free variable; its universal closure is ∀y(∀xp(x)∧q(y)). ■

7.2.3 A Formal Grammar for Formulas *

As with propositional logic (Sect. 2.1.6), formulas in first-order logic can be defined as the strings generated by a context-free grammar.

Definition 7.15

The following grammar defines atomic formulas and formulas in first-order logic:

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}l} {argument} & {:: = x} & {{\rm for}\,{\rm any}\,x\, \in \,V} \\ {argument} & {:: = a} & {{\rm for}\,{\rm any}\,a\, \in \,A} \\ {argument\_list} & {:: = \arg ument} & {} \\ {argument\_list} & {:: = \arg ument,\,\arg ument\_list} & {} \\ {atomic\_formula} & {:: = p(\arg ument\_list)} & {{\rm for}\,{\rm any}\,{\rm n - ary}\,p \in P,n \ge 1} \\ {} & {} & {} \\ {formula} & {:: = atomic\_formula} & {} \\ {formula} & {:: = \neg formula} & {} \\ {formula} & {:: = formula \vee formula} & {{\rm similarly}\,{\rm for}\, \wedge , \cdots } \\ {formula} & {:: = \forall \,x\,formula} & {{\rm for}\,{\rm any}\,x\, \in \,V} \\ {formula} & {:: = \exists \,x\,formula} & {{\rm for}\,{\rm any}\,x\, \in \,V} \\ \end{array} $$

An n-ary predicate p must have an argument list of length n. ■

7.3 Interpretations

In propositional logic, an interpretation is a mapping from atomic propositions to truth values. In first-order logic, the analogous concept is a mapping from atomic formulas to truth values. However, atomic formulas contain variables and constants that must be assigned elements of some domain; once that is done, the predicates are interpreted as relations over the domain.

Definition 7.16

Let A be a formula where {p 1,…,p m } are all the predicates appearing in A and {a 1,…,a k } are all the constants appearing in A. An interpretation \( I_A \) for A is a triple:

$$( D,\:\{R_{1},\ldots,R_{m}\},\:\{d_{1},\ldots,d_{k}\}),$$

where D is a non-empty set called the domain, R i is an n i -ary relation on D that is assigned to the n i -ary predicate p i and d i D is assigned to the constant a i . ■

Example 7.17

Here are three interpretations for the formula ∀xp(a,x):

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}c} {I_1 = (N,\{ \le \} ,\{ 0\} ),} & {I_2 = (N,\{ \le \} ,\{ 1\} ),} & {I_3 = (Z,\{ \le \} ,\{ 0\} ).} \\ \end{array} $$

The domain is either the \( N \), the set of natural numbers, or \( Z \), the set of integers. The binary relation ≤ (less-than) is assigned to the binary predicate p and either 0 or 1 is assigned to the constant a.

The formula can also be interpreted over strings:

$$ I_4 = (S,\{ substr\} ,\{{\text " "\}} ). $$

The domain \( S \) is a set of strings, substr is the binary relation such that (s 1,s 2)∈substr iff s 1 is a substring of s 2, and “ ” is the null string. ■

A formula might have free variables and its truth value depends on the assignment of domain elements to the variables. For example, it doesn’t make sense to ask if the formula p(x,a) is true in the interpretation \( (N,\{ > \} ,\{ 10\} ) \). If x is assigned 15 the truth value of the formula is T, while if x is assigned 6 the truth value of the formula is F.

Definition 7.18

Let \( I_A \) be an interpretation for a formula A. An assignment \( V \mapsto D \) is a function which maps every free variable \( \upsilon \in V \) to an element dD, the domain of \( I_A \).

\( \sigma I_A [x_i \leftarrow d_i ] \) is an assignment that is the same as \( \sigma I_A \) except that x i is mapped to d i . ■

We can now define the truth value of a formula of first-order logic.

Definition 7.19

Let A be a formula, \( I_A \) an interpretation and \( \sigma I_A \) an assignment. \( \upsilon _{\sigma I_A } \), the truth value of A under \( I_A \) and \( \sigma I_A \), is defined by induction on the structure of A (where we have simplified the notation by writing v σ for \( \upsilon _{\sigma I_A } \)):

  • Let A=p k (c 1,…,c n ) be an atomic formula where each c i is either a variable x i or a constant a i . v σ (A)=T iff (d 1,…,d n )∈R k where R k is the relation assigned by \( I_A \) to p k , and d i is the domain element assigned to c i , either by \( I_A \) if c i is a constant or by \( \sigma I_A \) if c i is a variable.

  • v σ (¬ A 1)=T iff v σ (A 1)=F.

  • v σ (A 1A 2)=T iff v σ (A 1)=T or v σ (A 2)=T,

    and similarly for the other Boolean operators.

  • v σ (∀xA 1)=T iff v σ[xd](A 1)=T for all dD.

  • v σ (∃xA 1)=T iff v σ[xd](A 1)=T for some dD. ■

7.3.1 Closed Formulas

We define satisfiability and validity only on closed formulas. The reason is both convenience (not having to deal with assignments in addition to interpretations) and simplicity (because we can use the closures of formulas).

Theorem 7.20

Let A be a closed formula and let \( I_A \) be an interpretation for A. Then \( \upsilon _{\sigma I_A } \) does not depend on \( \sigma I_A \).


Call a formula independent of \( \sigma I_A \) if its value does not depend on \( \sigma I_A \). Let A′=∀xA 1(x) be a (not necessarily proper) subformula of A, where A′ is not contained in the scope of any other quantifier. Then \( \upsilon _{\sigma I_A } (A^\prime ) = T \) iff \( \upsilon _{\sigma I_A [x \leftarrow d]} (A_1 ) \) for all dD. But x is the only free variable in A 1, so A 1 is independent of \( \sigma _{I_A } \) since what is assigned to x is replaced by the assignment [xd]. A similar results holds for an existential formula ∃xA 1(x).

The theorem can now be proved by induction on the depth of the quantifiers and by structural induction, using the fact that a formula constructed using Boolean operators on independent formulas is also independent. ■

By the theorem, if A is a closed formula we can use the notation \( \upsilon _I (A) \) without mentioning an assignment.

Example 7.21

Let us check the truth values of the formula A=∀xp(a,x) under the interpretations given in Example 7.17:

  • \( \upsilon _{I_1 } (A) = T \): For all \( n \in N \), 0≤n.

  • \( \upsilon _{I_2 } (A) = F \): It is not true that for all \( n \in N \), 1≤n. If n=0 then \(1\not\leq 0\).

  • \( \upsilon _{I_3 } (A) = F \): There is no smallest integer.

  • \( \upsilon _{I_4 } (A) = T \): By definition, the null string is a substring of every string.

The proof of the following theorem is left as an exercise.

Theorem 7.22

Let A′=A(x 1,…,x n ) be a (non-closed) formula with free variables x 1,…,x n , and let \( I \) be an interpretation. Then:

  • \( \upsilon _{\sigma I_A } (A^\prime ) = T \) for some assignment \( \sigma _{I_A } \) iff \( \upsilon _I (\exists x_1 \ldots \exists x_n A^\prime ) = T \).

  • \( \upsilon _{\sigma I_A } (A^\prime ) = T \) for all assignments \( \sigma _{I_A } \) iff \( \upsilon _I (\forall x_1 \ldots \forall x_n A^\prime ) = T \).

7.3.2 Validity and Satisfiability

Definition 7.23

Let A be a closed formula of first-order logic.

  • A is true in \( I \) or \( I \) is a model for A iff \( \upsilon _I (A) = T \). Notation: \( I \models A \).

  • A is valid if for all interpretations \( I \), \( I \models A \). Notation: ⊨A.

  • A is satisfiable if for some interpretation \( I \), \( I \models A \).

  • A is unsatisfiable if it is not satisfiable.

  • A is falsifiable if it is not valid. ■

Example 7.24

The closed formula ∀xp(x)→p(a) is valid. If it were not, there would be an interpretation \( I = (D,\{ R\} ,\{ d\} ) \) such that \( \upsilon _I (\forall xp(x)) = T \) and \( \upsilon _I (p(a)) = F \). By Theorem 7.22, \( \upsilon _{\sigma I} (p(x)) = T \) for all assignments \( \sigma _I \), in particular for the assignment \( \sigma _I ^\prime \) that assigns d to x. But p(a) is closed, so \( \upsilon _{\sigma ^\prime _I } (p(a)) = \upsilon _I (p(a)) = F \), a contradiction. ■

Let us now analyze the semantics of the formulas in Example 7.10.

Example 7.25

  • xy(p(x,y)→p(y,x))

    The formula is satisfiable in an interpretation where p is assigned a symmetric relation like =. It is not valid because the formula is falsified in an interpretation that assigns to p a non-symmetric relation like <.

  • xyp(x,y)

    The formula is satisfiable in an interpretation where p is assigned a relation that is a total function, for example, (x,y)∈R iff y=x+1 for \( x,y \in Z \). The formula is falsified if the domain is changed to the negative numbers because there is no negative number y such that y=−1+1.

  • xy(p(x)∧¬ p(y))

    This formula is satisfiable only in a domain with at least two elements.

  • xp(a,x)

    This expresses the existence of an element with special properties. For example, if p is interpreted by the relation ≤ on the domain \( N \), then the formula is true for a=0. If we change the domain to \( Z \) the formula is false for the same assignment of ≤ to p.

  • x(p(x)∧q(x))↔(∀xp(x)∧∀xq(x))

    The formula is valid. We prove the forward direction and leave the converse as an exercise. Let \( I = (D,\{ R_1 ,R_2 \} ,\{ \} ) \) be an arbitrary interpretation. By Theorem 7.22, \( \upsilon _{\sigma I} (p(x) \wedge q(x)) = T \) for all assignments \( \sigma _I \), and by the inductive definition of an interpretation, \( \upsilon _{\sigma I} (p(x)) = T \) and \( \upsilon _{\sigma I} (q(x)) = T \) for all assignments \( \sigma _I \). Again by Theorem 7.22, \( \upsilon _I (\forall xp(x)) = T \) and \( \upsilon _I (\forall xq(x)) = T \), and by the definition of an interpretation \( \upsilon _I (\forall xp(x) \wedge \forall xq(x)) = T \).

    Show that ∀ does not distribute over disjunction by constructing a falsifying interpretation for ∀x(p(x)∨q(x))↔(∀xp(x)∨∀xq(x)).

  • x(p(x)→q(x))→(∀xp(x)→∀xq(x))

    We leave it as an exercise to show that this is a valid formula, but its converse (∀xp(x)→∀xq(x))→∀x(p(x)→q(x)) is not. ■

7.3.3 An Interpretation for a Set of Formulas

In propositional logic, the concept of interpretation and the definition of properties such as satisfiability can be extended to sets of formulas (Sect. 2.2.4). The same holds for first-order logic.

Definition 7.26

Let U={A 1,…} be a set of formulas where {p 1,…,p m } are all the predicates appearing in all A i S and {a 1,…,a k } are all the constants appearing in all A i S. An interpretation \( I_U \) for S is a triple:

$$( D,\:\{R_{1},\ldots,R_{m}\},\:\{d_{1},\ldots,d_{k}\}),$$

where D is a non-empty set called the domain, R i is an n i -ary relation on D that is assigned to the n i -ary predicate p i and d i D is an element of D that is assigned to the constant a i . ■

Similarly, an assignment needs to assign elements of the domain to the free variables (if any) in all formulas in U. For simplicity, the following definition is given only for closed formulas.

Definition 7.27

A set of closed formulas U={A 1,…} is (simultaneously) satisfiable iff there exists an interpretation \( I_U \) such that \( \upsilon _{I_U } (A_i ) = T \) for all i. The satisfying interpretation is a model of U. U is valid iff for every interpretation \( I_U \), \( \upsilon _{I_U } (A_i ) = T \) for all i. ■

The definitions of unsatisfiable and falsifiable are similar.

7.4 Logical Equivalence

Definition 7.28

  • Let U={A 1,A 2} be a pair of closed formulas. A 1 is logically equivalent to A 2 iff \( \upsilon _{I_U } (A_1 ) = \upsilon _{I_U } (A_2 ) \) for all interpretations \( I_U \). Notation: A 1A 2.

  • Let A be a closed formula and U a set of closed formulas. A is a logical consequence of U iff for all interpretations \( I_{U \cup \{ A\} } \), \( \upsilon _{IU \cup \{ A\} } (A_i ) = T \) for all A i U implies \( \upsilon _{IU \cup \{ A\} } (A) = T \). Notation: UA.  ■

As in propositional logic, the metamathematical concept AB is not the same as the formula AB in the logic, and similarly for logical consequence and implication. The relations between the concepts is given by the following theorem whose proof is similar to the proofs of Theorems 2.29, 2.50.

Theorem 7.29

Let A, B be closed formulas and U={A 1,…,A n } be a set of closed formulas. Then:

$$ \begin{array}{l@{\quad}c@{\quad}l} A \mathrel {\equiv }B &\mathrm{iff}& \models A\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }B,\\[2pt] U\models A &\mathrm{iff} &\models (A_{1} \wedge \cdots \wedge A_{n}) \mathbin {\rightarrow }A. \end{array} $$

7.4.1 Logical Equivalences in First-Order Logic


The two quantifiers are duals:

$$ \begin{array}{l} \models \forall xA(x)\:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \neg \,\exists x\neg \,A(x), \\[2pt] \models \exists xA(x)\:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \neg \,\forall x\neg \,A(x). \end{array} $$

In many presentations of first-order logic, ∀ is defined in the logic and ∃ is considered to be an abbreviation of ¬ ∀¬ .

Commutativity and Distributivity

Quantifiers of the same type commute:

$$ \begin{array}{l} \models \forall x\forall yA(x,y) \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \forall y\forall xA(x,y), \\[2pt] \models \exists x\exists yA(x,y) \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \exists y\exists xA(x,y), \end{array} $$

but ∀ and ∃ commute only in one direction:

$$ \models \exists x\forall yA(x,y) \:\mathbin {\rightarrow }\: \forall y\exists xA(x,y). $$

Universal quantifiers distribute over conjunction, and existential quantifiers distribute over disjunction:

$$ \begin{array}{l} \models \exists x(A(x)\vee B(x)) \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \exists xA(x) \vee \exists xB(x),\\[2pt] \models \forall x(A(x)\wedge B(x)) \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \forall xA(x) \wedge \forall xB(x), \end{array} $$

but only one direction holds when distributing universal quantifiers over disjunction and existential quantifiers over conjunction:

$$ \begin{array}{l} \models\forall xA(x)\vee\forall xB(x)\:\mathbin {\rightarrow }\: \forall x(A(x)\vee B(x)),\\[2pt] \models\exists x(A(x)\wedge B(x))\:\mathbin {\rightarrow }\: \exists xA(x) \wedge \exists xB(x). \end{array} $$

To see that the converse direction of the second formula is falsifiable, let D={d 1,d 2} be a domain with two elements and consider an interpretation such that:

$$ v(A(d_1))=T,\qquad v(A(d_2))=F,\qquad v(B(d_1))=F,\qquad v(B(d_2))=T. $$

Then v(∃xA(x)∧∃xB(x))=T but v(∃x(A(x)∧B(x)))=F. A similar counterexample can be found for the first formula with the universal quantifiers and disjunction.

In the formulas with more than one quantifier, the scope rules ensure that each quantified variable is distinct. You may wish to write the formulas in the equivalent form with distinct variables names:

$$ \models \forall x(A(x)\wedge B(x)) \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \forall yA(y) \wedge \forall zB(z). $$

Quantification Without the Free Variable in Its Scope

When quantifying over a disjunction or conjunction, if one subformula does not contain the quantified variable as a free variable, then distribution may be freely performed. If x is not free in B then:

$$ \begin{array}{l@{\qquad}l} \models \exists xA(x) \vee B \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \exists x(A(x) \vee B),\:& \models \forall xA(x) \vee B \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \forall x(A(x) \vee B), \\[2pt] \models B \vee \exists xA(x) \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \exists x(B \vee A(x)),\:& \models B \vee \forall xA(x) \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \forall x(B \vee A(x)), \\[2pt] \models \exists xA(x) \wedge B \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \exists x(A(x) \wedge B),\:& \models \forall xA(x) \wedge B \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \forall x(A(x) \wedge B), \\[2pt] \models B \wedge \exists xA(x) \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \exists x(B \wedge A(x)),\:& \models B \wedge \forall xA(x) \:\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\: \forall x(B \wedge A(x)). \end{array} $$

Quantification over Implication and Equivalence

Distributing a quantifier over an equivalence or an implication is not trivial.

As with the other operators, if the quantified variable does not appear in one of the subformulas there is no problem:

$$ \begin{array}{ll} \models \forall x(A\mathbin {\rightarrow }B(x)) \;\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\; (A \mathbin {\rightarrow }\forall xB(x)),\\[2pt] \models \forall x(A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }B) \;\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\; (\exists xA(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }B). \end{array} $$

Distribution of universal quantification over equivalence works in one direction:

$$ \models\forall x(A(x)\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }B(x)) \;\mathbin {\rightarrow }\; (\forall xA(x) \mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\forall xB(x)), $$

while for existential quantification, we have the formula:

$$ \models \forall x(A(x)\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }B(x)) \;\mathbin {\rightarrow }\; (\exists xA(x) \mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\exists xB(x)). $$

For distribution over an implication, the following formulas hold:

$$ \begin{array}{ll} \models \exists x(A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }B(x)) \;\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }\; (\forall xA(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x)),\\[2pt] \models (\exists xA(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }\forall xB(x))\;\mathbin {\rightarrow }\; \forall x(A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }B(x)), \\[2pt] \models\forall x(A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }B(x)) \;\mathbin {\rightarrow }\; (\exists xA(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x)),\\[2pt] \models \forall x(A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }B(x)) \;\mathbin {\rightarrow }\; (\forall xA(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x)). \end{array} $$

To derive these formulas, replace the implication or equivalence by the equivalent disjunction and conjunction and use the previous equivalences.

Example 7.30

$$ \begin{array}{l@{\ \ \ }l@{\ \ \ }l} \exists x(A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }B(x)) & \mathrel {\equiv }& \exists x(\neg \,A(x) \vee B(x))\\[2pt] & \mathrel {\equiv }& \exists x\neg \,A(x) \vee \exists xB(x) \\[2pt] & \mathrel {\equiv }& \neg \,\exists x\neg \,A(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x) \\[2pt] & \mathrel {\equiv }& \forall xA(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x). \end{array} $$


The formulas for conjunction and disjunction can be proved directly using the semantic definitions.

Example 7.31

Prove: ⊨∀x(A(x)∨B(x))→∀xA(x)∨∃xB(x).

Use logical equivalences of propositional logic (considering each atomic formula as an atomic proposition) to transform the formula:

$$ \begin{array}{l@{\ \ \ }l} \forall x(A(x)\vee B(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(\forall xA(x) \vee \exists xB(x)) &\mathrel {\equiv }\\[2pt] \forall x(A(x)\vee B(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(\neg \,\forall xA(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x)) &\mathrel {\equiv }\\[2pt] \neg \,\forall xA(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(\forall x(A(x)\vee B(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x)). \end{array} $$

By duality of the quantifiers, we have:

$$\exists x\neg \,A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }(\forall x(A(x)\vee B(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x))).$$

For the formula to be valid, it must be true under all interpretations. Clearly, if \( \upsilon _I (\exists x\neg A(x)) = F \) or \( \upsilon _I (\forall x(A(x) \vee B(x))) = F \), the formula is true, so we need only show \( \upsilon _I (\exists xB(x)) = T \) for interpretations \( \upsilon _I \) under which these subformulas are true. By Theorem 7.22, for some assignment \( \sigma _I ^\prime \), \( \upsilon _{\sigma _I ^\prime } (\neg A(x)) = T \) and thus \( \upsilon _{\sigma _I ^\prime } (A(x)) = F \). Using Theorem 7.22 again, \( \upsilon _{\sigma I} (A(x) \vee B(x)) = T \) under all assignments, in particular under \( \sigma _I ^\prime \). By definition of an interpretation for disjunction, \( \upsilon _{\sigma _I ^\prime } (B(x)) = T \), and using Theorem 7.22 yet again, \( \upsilon _I (\exists xB(x)) = T \). ■

7.5 Semantic Tableaux

Before presenting the formal construction of semantic tableaux for first-order logic, we informally construct several tableaux in order to demonstrate the difficulties that must be dealt with and to motivate their solutions.

First, we need to clarify the concept of constant symbols. Recall from Definition 7.6 that formulas of first-order are constructed from countable sets of predicate, variable and constant symbols, although a particular formula such as ∃xp(a,x) will only use a finite subset of these symbols. To build semantic tableaux in first-order logic, we will need to use the entire set of constant symbols \( A = \{ a_0 ,a_1 , \ldots \} \). If a formula like ∃xp(a,x) contains a constant symbol, we assume that it is one of the a i .

Definition 7.32

Let A be a quantified formula ∀xA 1(x) or ∃xA 1(x) and let a be a constant symbol. An instantiation of A by a is the formula A 1(a), where all free occurrences of x are replaced by the constant a. ■

7.5.1 Examples for Semantic Tableaux

Instantiate Universal Formulas with all Constants

Example 7.33

Consider the valid formula:

$$A= \forall x(p(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }q(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(\forall xp(x) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\forall xq(x)),$$

and let us build a semantic tableau for its negation. Applying the rule for the α-formula ¬ (A 1A 2) twice, we get:

figure a

where the last node is obtained by the duality of ∀ and ∃.

The third formula will be true in an interpretation only if there exists a domain element c such that cR q , where R q is the relation assigned to the predicate q. Let us use the first constant a 1 to represent this element and instantiate the formula with it:

figure b

The first two formulas are universally quantified, so they can be true only if they hold for every element of the domain of an interpretation. Since any interpretation must include the domain element that is assigned to the constant a 1, we instantiate the universally quantified formulas with this constant:

figure c

Applying the rule to the β-formula p(a 1)→q(a 1) immediately gives a closed tableau, which to be expected for the negation of the valid formula A. ■

From this example we learn that existentially quantified formulas must be instantiated with a constant the represents the domain element that must exist. Once a constant is introduced, instantiations of all universally quantified formulas must be done for that constant.

Don’t Use the Same Constant Twice to Instantiate Existential Formulas

Example 7.34

Figure 7.3 shows an attempt to construct a tableau for the negation of the formula:

$$A= \forall x(p(x)\vee q(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(\forall xp(x) \vee \forall xq(x)),$$

which is satisfiable but not valid. As a falsifiable formula, its negation ¬ A is satisfiable, but the tableau in the figure is closed. What went wrong?

Fig. 7.3
figure 3

Semantic tableau for the negation of a satisfiable, but not valid, formula

The answer is that instantiation of ∃x¬ p(x)) should not have used the constant a 1 once it had already been chosen for the instantiation of ∃¬ xq(x). Choosing the same constant means that the interpretation will assign the same domain element to both occurrences of the constant. In fact, the formula A true (and ¬ A is false) in all interpretations over domains of a single element, but the formula might be satisfiable in interpretations with larger domains.

To avoid unnecessary constraints on the domain of a possible interpretation, a new constant must be chosen for every instantiation of an existentially quantified formula:

figure d

Instantiating the universally quantified formula with a 1 gives:

$$ p(a_1 ) \vee q(a_1 ),\,\,\neg p(a_2 ),\,\,\neg q(a_1 ). $$


Don’t Use Up Universal Formulas

Example 7.35

Continuing the tableau from the previous example:

figure e

we should now instantiate the universal formula ∀x(p(x)∨q(x)) again with a 2, since it must be true for all domain elements, but, unfortunately, the formula has been used up by the tableau construction. To prevent this, universal formulas will never be deleted from the label of a node. They remain in the labels of all descendant nodes so as to constrain the possible interpretations of every new constant that is introduced:

figure f

We leave it to the reader to continue the construction the tableau using the rule for β-formulas. Exactly one branch of the tableau will be open. A model can be defined by specifying a domain with two elements, say, 1 and 2. These elements are assigned to the constants a 1 and a 2, respectively, and the relations R p and R q assigned to p and q, respectively, hold for exactly one of the domain elements:

$$ I = (\{ 1,2\} ,\{ R_p = \{ 1\} ,\,R_q = \{ 2\} \} ,\{ a_1 = 1,a_2 = 2\} ). $$

As expected, this model satisfies ¬ A, so A is falsifiable. ■

A Branch May not Terminate

Example 7.36

Let us construct a semantic tableau to see if the formula A=∀xyp(x,y) is satisfiable. Apparently, no rules apply since the formula is universally quantified and we only required that they had to be instantiated for constants already appearing in the formulas labeling a node. The constants are those that appear in the original formula and those that were introduced by instantiating existentially quantified formulas.

However, recall from Definition 7.16 that an interpretation is required to have a non-empty domain; therefore, we can arbitrarily choose the constant a 1 to represent that element. The tableau construction begins by instantiating A and then instantiating the existential formula with a new constant:

figure g

Since A=∀xyp(x,y) is universally quantified, it is not used up.

The new constant a 2 is used to instantiate the universal formula A again; this results in an existential formula which must be instantiated with a new constant a 3:

figure h

The construction of this semantic tableau will not terminate and an infinite branch results. It is easy to see that there are models for A with infinite domains, for example, \( (N,\{ < \} ,\{ \} ) \). ■

The method of semantic tableaux is not a decision procedure for satisfiability in first-order logic, because we can never know if a branch that does not close defines an infinite model or if it will eventually close, say, after one million further applications of the tableau rules.

Example 7.36 is not very satisfactory because the formula ∀xyp(x,y) is satisfiable in a finite model, in fact, even in a model whose domain contains a single element. We were being on the safe side in always choosing new constants to instantiate existentially quantified formulas. Nevertheless, it is easy to find formulas that have no finite models, for example:

$$ \forall x\exists yp(x,y) \;\;\wedge\;\; \forall x\neg \,p(x,x) \;\;\wedge \;\; \forall x\forall y\forall z(p(x,y)\wedge p(y,z)\mathbin {\rightarrow }p(x,z)). $$

Check that \( (N,\{ < \} ,\{ \} ) \) is an infinite model for this formula; we leave it as an exercise to show that the formula has no finite models.

An Open Branch with Universal Formulas May Terminate

Example 7.37

The first two steps of the tableau for {∀xp(a,x)} are:

figure i

There is no point in creating the same node again and again, so we specify that this branch is finite and open. Clearly, ({a},{P=(a,a)},{a}) is a model for the formula. ■

The Tableau Construction Must Be Systematic

Example 7.38

The tableau in Fig. 7.4 is for the formula which is the conjunction of ∀xyp(x,y), which we already know to be satisfiable, together with the formula ∀x(q(x)∧¬ q(x)), which is clearly unsatisfiable. However, the branch can be continued indefinitely, because we are, in effect, choosing to apply rules only to subformulas of ∀xyp(x,y), as we did in Example 7.36. This branch will never close although the formula is unsatisfiable. A systematic construction is needed to make sure that rules are eventually applied to all the formulas labeling a node. ■

Fig. 7.4
figure 4

A tableau that should close, but doesn’t

7.5.2 The Algorithm for Semantic Tableaux

The following definition extends a familiar concept from propositional logic:

Definition 7.39

A literal is a closed atomic formula p(a 1,…,a k ), an atomic formula all of whose arguments are constants, or the negation of a closed atomic formula ¬ p(a 1,…,a k ). If A is p(a 1,…,a k ) then A c=¬ p(a 1,…,a k ), while if A is ¬ p(a 1,…,a k ) then A c=p(a 1,…,a k ). ■

The classification of formulas in propositional logic as α and β formulas (Sect. 2.6.2) is retained and we extend the classification to formulas with quantifiers. γ-formulas are universally quantified formulas ∀xA(x) and the negations of existentially quantified formulas ¬ ∃xA(x), while δ-formulas are existentially quantified formulas ∃xA(x) and the negations of universally quantified formulas ¬ ∀xA(x). The rules for these formulas are simply instantiation with a constant:

figure j

The algorithm for the construction of a semantic tableau in first-order logic is similar to that for propositional logic with the addition of rules for quantified formulas, together with various constraints designed to avoid the problems were saw in the examples.

Algorithm 7.40

(Construction of a semantic tableau)

Input: A formula ϕ of first-order logic.

Output: A semantic tableau \( T \) for ϕ: each branch may be infinite, finite and marked open, or finite and marked closed.

A semantic tableau is a tree \( T \) where each node is labeled by a pair W(n)=(U(n),C(n)), where:

$$U(n) = \{A_{n_1}, \ldots, A_{n_k}\}$$

is a set of formulas and:

$$C(n) = \{c_{n_1}, \ldots, c_{n_m}\}$$

is a set of constants. C(n) contains the list of constants that appear in the formulas in U(n). Of course, the sets C(n) could be created on-the-fly from U(n), but the algorithm in easier to understand if they explicitly label the nodes.

Initially, \( T \) consists of a single node n 0, the root, labeled with

$$( \{\phi\}, \{a_{0_1},\ldots,a_{0_k}\} ),$$

where \(\{a_{0_{1}},\ldots,a_{0_{k}}\}\) is the set of constants that appear in ϕ. If ϕ has no constants, take the first constant a 0 in the set \( A \) and label the node with ({ϕ},{a 0}).

The tableau is built inductively by repeatedly choosing an unmarked leaf l labeled with W(l)=(U(l),C(l)), and applying the first applicable rule in the following list:

  • If U(l) contains a complementary pair of literals, mark the leaf closed ×.

  • If U(l) is not a set of literals, choose a formula A in U(l) that is an α-, β- or δ-formula.

    • If A is an α-formula, create a new node l′ as a child of l. Label l′ with:

      $$ W(l') = ((U(l)-\{A\})\cup\{\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2}\},\:C(l)). $$

      (In the case that A is ¬ ¬ A 1, there is no α 2.)

    • If A is a β-formula, create two new nodes l′ and l″ as children of l. Label l′ and l″ with:

      $$ \begin{array}{l@{\ \ \ }l@{\ \ \ }l} W(l')&=& ((U(l)-\{A\})\cup\{\beta_{1}\},\:C(l)),\\[2pt] W(l'') &=& ((U(l)-\{A\})\cup\{\beta_{2}\},\:C(l)). \end{array} $$
    • If A is a δ-formula, create a new node l′ as a child of l and label l′ with:

      $$ W(l') = ((U(l)-\{A\})\cup\{\delta(a')\},\:C(l)\cup\{a'\}), $$

      where a′ is some constant that does not appear in U(l).

  • Let \(\{\gamma_{l_{1}},\ldots,\gamma_{l_{m}}\} \subseteq U(l)\) be all the γ-formulas in U(l) and let \(C(l)=\{c_{l_{1}},\ldots,c_{l_{k}}\}\). Create a new node l′ as a child of l and label l′ with

    $$ W(l') = \Biggl(U(l) \cup \Biggl\{\;\bigcup_{i=1}^{m} \bigcup_{j=1}^{k} \gamma_{l_i}(c_{l_j})\Biggr\},\:C(l)\Biggr). $$

    However, if U(l) consists only of literals and γ-formulas and if U(l′) as constructed would be the same as U(l), do not create node l′; instead, mark the leaf l as open ⊙. ■

Compare the algorithm with the examples in Sect. 7.5.1. The phrase first applicable rule ensures that the construction is systematic. For δ-formulas, we added the condition that a new constant be used in the instantiation. For γ-formulas, the formula to which the rule is applied is not removed from the set U(l) when W(l′) is created. The sentence beginning however in the rule for γ-formulas is intended to take care of the case where no new formulas are produced by the application of the rule.

Definition 7.41

A branch in a tableau is closed iff it terminates in a leaf marked closed; otherwise (it is infinite or it terminates in a leaf marked open), the branch is open.

A tableau is closed if all of its branches are closed; otherwise (it has a finite or infinite open branch), the tableau is open. ■

Algorithm 7.40 is not a search procedure for a satisfying interpretation, because it may choose to infinitely expand one branch. Semantic tableaux in first-order logic can only be used to prove the validity of a formula by showing that a tableau for its negation closes. Since all branches close in a closed tableau, the nondeterminism in the application of the rules (choosing a leaf and choosing an α-, β- or γ-formula) doesn’t matter.

7.6 Soundness and Completion of Semantic Tableaux

7.6.1 Soundness

The proof of the soundness of the algorithm for constructing semantic tableaux in first-order logic is a straightforward generalization of the one for propositional logic (Sect. 2.7.2).

Theorem 7.42


Let ϕ be a formula in first-order logic and let \( T \) be a tableau for ϕ. If \( T \) closes, then ϕ is unsatisfiable.


The theorem is a special case of the following statement: if a subtree rooted at a node n of \( T \) closes, the set of formulas U(n) is unsatisfiable.

The proof is by induction on the height h of n. The proofs of the base case for h=0 and the inductive cases 1 and 2 for α- and β-rules are the same as in propositional logic (Sect. 2.6).

Case 3: :

The γ-rule was used. Then:

$$U(n)=U_{0} \cup \{\forall xA(x)\} \quad \mbox{and} \quad U(n')=U_{0} \cup \{\forall xA(x),\:A(a)\}, $$

for some set of formulas U 0, where we have simplified the notation and explicitly considered only one formula.

The inductive hypothesis is that U(n′) is unsatisfiable and we want to prove that U(n) is also unsatisfiable. Assume to the contrary that U(n) is satisfiable and let \( I \) be a model for U(n). Then \( \upsilon _I (A_i ) = T \) for all A i U 0 and also \( \upsilon _I (\forall xA(x)) = T \). But U(n′)=U(n)∪{A(a)}, so if we can show that \( \upsilon _I (A(a)) = T \), this will contradict the inductive hypothesis that U(n′) is unsatisfiable.

Now \( \upsilon _I (\forall xA(x)) = T \) iff \( \upsilon _{\sigma _I} (A(x)) = T \) for all assignments \( \sigma _I \), in particular for any assignment that assigns the same domain element to x that \( I \) does to a, so \( \upsilon _I (A(a)) = T \). By the tableau construction, aC(n) and it appears in some formula of U(n); therefore, \( I \), a model of U(n), does, in fact, assign a domain element to a.

Case 4: :

The δ-rule was used. Then:

$$U(n)=U_{0} \cup \{\exists xA(x)\}\quad \mbox{and} \quad U(n')=U_{0} \cup \{A(a)\}, $$

for some set of formulas U 0 and for some constant a that does not occur in any formula of U(n).

The inductive hypothesis is that U(n′) is unsatisfiable and we want to prove that U(n) is also unsatisfiable. Assume to the contrary that U(n) is satisfiable and let:

$$ I = (D,\{ R_1 , \ldots ,R_n \} ,\{ d_1 , \ldots ,d_k \} ) $$

be a model for U(n).

Now \( \upsilon _I (\exists xA(x)) = T \) iff \( \upsilon _{\sigma _I } (A(x)) = T \) for some assignment \( \sigma _I \), that is, \( \sigma _I (x) = d \) for some dD. Extend \( I \) to the interpretation:

$$ I^\prime = (D,\{ R_1 , \ldots ,R_n \} ,\{ d_1 , \ldots ,d_k \} ) $$

by assigning d to the constant a. \( I^\prime \) is well-defined: since a does not occur in U(n), it is not among the constants {a 1,…,a k } already assigned {d 1,…,d k } in \( I \). Since \( \upsilon _{I^\prime } (U_0 ) = \upsilon _I (U_0 ) = T \), \( \upsilon _{I^\prime } (A(a)) = T \) contradicts the inductive hypothesis that U(n′) is unsatisfiable. ■

7.6.2 Completeness

To prove the completeness of the algorithm for semantic tableaux we define a Hintikka set, show that a (possibly infinite) branch in a tableau is a Hintikka set and then prove Hintikka’s Lemma that a Hintikka set can be extended to a model. We begin with a technical lemma whose proof is left as an exercise.

Lemma 7.43

Let b be an open branch of a semantic tableau, n a node on b, and A a formula in U(n). Then some rule is applied to A at node n or at a node m that is a descendant of n on b. Furthermore, if A is a γ-formula and aC(n), then γ(a)∈U(m′), where mis the child node created from m by applying a rule.

Definition 7.44

Let U be a set of closed formulas in first-order logic. U is a Hintikka set iff the following conditions hold for all formulas AU:

  1. 1.

    If A is a literal, then either \(A\not\in U\) or \(A^{c}\not\in U\).

  2. 2.

    If A is an α-formula, then α 1U and α 2U.

  3. 3.

    If A is a β-formula, then β 1U or β 2U.

  4. 4.

    If A is a γ-formula, then γ(c)∈U for all constants c in formulas in U.

  5. 5.

    If A is a δ-formula, then δ(c)∈U for some constant c. ■

Theorem 7.45

Let b be a (finite or infinite) open branch of a semantic tableau and let U=⋃ nb U(n). Then U is a Hintikka set.


Let AU. We show that the conditions for a Hintikka set hold.

Suppose that A is a literal. By the construction of the tableau, once a literal appears in a branch, it is never deleted. Therefore, if A appears in a node n and A c appears in a node m which is a descendant of n, then A must also appear in m. By assumption, b is open, so either \(A\not\in U\) or \(A^{c}\not\in U\) and condition 1 holds.

If A is not atomic and not a γ-formula, by Lemma 7.43 eventually a rule is applied to A, and conditions 2, 3 and 5 hold.

Let A be a γ-formula that first appears in U(n), let c be a constant that first appears in C(m) and let k=max(n,m). By the construction of the tableau, the set of γ-formulas and the set of constants are non-decreasing along a branch, so AU(k) and cC(k). By Lemma 7.43, γ(c)∈U(k′)⊆U, for some k′>k. ■

Theorem 7.46

(Hintikka’s Lemma)

Let U be a Hintikka set. Then there is a (finite or infinite) model for U.


Let \( C = \{ c_1 ,c_2 , \ldots \} \) be the set of constants in formulas of U. Define an interpretation \( I \) as follows. The domain is the same set of symbols {c 1,c 2,…}. Assign to each constant c i in U the symbol c i in the domain. For each n-ary predicate p i in U, define an n-ary relation R i by:

$$ \begin{array}{l@{\quad}l@{\quad}l} (a_{i_1},\ldots,a_{i_n})\in R_{i} & \mbox{if}& p(a_{i_1},\ldots,a_{i_n})\in U, \\ (a_{i_1},\ldots,a_{i_n})\not\in R_{i} &\mbox{if}& \neg \,p(a_{i_1},\ldots,a_{i_n})\in U,\\ (a_{i_1},\ldots,a_{i_n})\in R_{i} &\multicolumn{2}{l}{\mbox{otherwise.}} \end{array} $$

The relations are well-defined by condition 1 in the definition of Hintikka sets. We leave as an exercise to show that \( I \models A \) for all AU by induction on the structure of A using the conditions defining a Hintikka set. ■

Theorem 7.47


Let A be a valid formula. Then the semantic tableau for ¬ A closes.


Let A be a valid formula and suppose that the semantic tableau for ¬ A does not close. By Definition 7.41, the tableau must contain a (finite or infinite) open branch b. By Theorem 7.45, U=⋃ nb U(n) is a Hintikka set and by Theorem 7.46, there is a model \( I \) for U. But ¬ AU so \( I \models \neg A \) contradicting the assumption that A is valid. ■

7.7 Summary

First-order logic adds variables and constants to propositional logic, together with the quantifiers ∀ (for all) and ∃ (there exists). An interpretation includes a domain; the predicates are interpreted as relations over elements of the domain, while constants are interpreted as domain elements and variables in non-closed formulas are assigned domain elements.

The method of semantic tableaux is sound and complete for showing that a formula is unsatisfiable, but it is not a decision procedure for satisfiability, since branches of a tableau may be infinite. When a tableau is constructed, a universal quantifier followed by an existential quantifier can result in an infinite branch: the existential formula is instantiated with a new constant and then the instantiation of the universal formula results in a new occurrence of the existentially quantified formula, and so on indefinitely. There are formulas that are satisfiable only in an infinite domain.

7.8 Further Reading

The presentation of semantic tableaux follows that of Smullyan (1968) although he uses analytic tableaux. Advanced textbooks that also use tableaux are Nerode and Shore (1997) and Fitting (1996).

7.9 Exercises


Find an interpretation which falsifies ∃xp(x)→p(a).


Prove the statements left as exercises in Example 7.25:

  • \(\forall xp(x) \wedge \forall xq(x) \;\mathbin {\rightarrow }\; \forall x(p(x) \wedge q(x))\) is valid.

  • x(p(x)→q(x))→(∀xp(x)→∀xq(x)) is a valid formula, but its converse (∀xp(x)→∀xq(x))→∀x(p(x)→q(x)) is not.


Prove that the following formulas are valid:

$$ \begin{array}{l} \exists x(A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }B(x))\mathbin {\leftrightarrow }(\forall xA(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x)),\\[2pt] (\exists xA(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }\forall xB(x))\mathbin {\rightarrow }\forall x(A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }B(x)),\\[2pt] \forall x(A(x)\vee B(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(\forall xA(x) \vee \exists xB(x)),\\[2pt] \forall x(A(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }B(x))\mathbin {\rightarrow }(\exists xA(x)\mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists xB(x)). \end{array} $$


For each formula in the previous exercise that is an implication, prove that the converse is not valid by giving a falsifying interpretation.


For each of the following formulas, either prove that it is valid or give a falsifying interpretation.

$$ \begin{array}{l} \exists x \forall y(\, (p(x,y) \wedge \neg \,p(y,x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(p(x,x) \mathbin {\leftrightarrow }p(y,y))\,),\\[2pt] \forall x \forall y \forall z ( p(x,x) \wedge (p(x,z) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(p(x,y) \vee p(y,z)))) \mathbin {\rightarrow }\exists y \forall z p(y,z). \end{array} $$


Suppose that we allowed the domain of an interpretation to be empty. What would this mean for the equivalence:

$$ \forall yp(y,y) \vee \exists x q(x,x) \;\mathrel {\equiv }\; \exists x(\forall y p(y,y) \vee q(x,x)). $$


Prove Theorem 7.22 on the relationship between a non-closed formula and its closure.


Complete the semantic tableau construction for the negation of

$$\forall x(p(x) \vee q(x)) \mathbin {\rightarrow }(\forall xp(x) \vee \forall xq(x)).$$


Prove that the formula (∀xp(x)→∀xq(x))→∀x(p(x)→q(x)) is not valid by constructing a semantic tableau for its negation.


Prove that the following formula has no finite models:

$$ \forall x\exists yp(x,y) \;\;\wedge\;\; \forall x\neg \,p(x,x) \;\;\wedge \;\; \forall x\forall y\forall z(p(x,y)\wedge p(y,z)\mathbin {\rightarrow }p(x,z)). $$


Prove Lemma 7.43, the technical lemma used in the proof of the completeness of the method of semantic tableaux.


Complete the proof of Lemma 7.46 that every Hintikka set has a model.