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Spinal Instability and Imbalance: Definition, Clinical Manifestations, and Biomechanics

  • Chapter
Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics
  • 928 Accesses


Spinal biomechanics have been the focus of many studies aimed at elucidating the roles of anatomic structures, at analyzing the mechanisms underlying injuries, at interpreting clinical syndromes, and at defining and optimizing therapeutic indications. “Spinal instability” is a somewhat hazy concept used to explain protean clinical syndromes, on the basis of imaging findings that are difficult to interpret and provide only indirect and presumptive information on structural lesions. Most studies of spinal biomechanics investigated the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar segments separately. Recent insights into global spinal balance and its interrelations with the pelvis and lower limbs have prompted substantial changes in rehabilitation techniques and in surgical strategies and procedures.

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Lazennec, JY., Saillant, G. (2004). Spinal Instability and Imbalance: Definition, Clinical Manifestations, and Biomechanics. In: Poitout, D.G. (eds) Biomechanics and Biomaterials in Orthopedics. Springer, London.

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