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Changing Lifestyles: The Effects on a Balanced Diet

  • Chapter
A Balanced Diet?
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In recent years it has become popular to characterise the group of conditions which includes cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and dental caries as “diseases of Western civilisation”, or diseases of affluence. This strongly suggests that the dietary component in the aetiology of such conditions is closely related to aspects of the lifestyle associated with a relatively affluent, largely industrialised society. Implicit in this proposition is the idea that humans have very poorly developed innate mechanisms for the regulation of energy and nutrient intake, mechanisms which would influence the selection of foods from those available in such a way as to ensure a balanced diet.

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Thomas, J.E. (1988). Changing Lifestyles: The Effects on a Balanced Diet. In: Dobbing, J. (eds) A Balanced Diet?. Springer, London.

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