
1 Principle of the Method

Genetic algorithms (GAs) are a subset of evolutionary computation [37] that mimic the process of natural evolution. To perform such process, GAs implement mechanisms inspired by biological evolution such as selection, recombination and mutation, applied in a pool of individuals belonging to a same population. The fittest individuals, that represent parameters to optimize, are encouraged to reproduce and survive to the next generation, thus improving successive generations. A small proportion of inferior individuals can also be selected to survive and also reproduce. Recombination and mutation create the necessary diversity and therefore facilitate novelty, while selection is used to increase quality. Many aspects of such an evolutionary process are stochastic. In this chapter, GAs are used to overcome the limit of estimating the noise variance in subspace methods. The idea is to exploit the power of GAs to investigate beyond the classical space of solutions by exploring a wide range of promising areas [131, 123]. The approach consists of combining subspace decomposition methods and GAs as a means to determine robust solutions.

2 Global Framework of Evolutionary Subspace Filtering Method

The principle of subspace decomposition methods consists of constructing an orthonormal set of axes that point in the directions of maximum variance and the enhancement is performed by estimating the noise variance. As described in the previous chapters, the enhancement is performed by assuming that the clean speech is concentrated in an r < N dimensional subspace (signal subspace) whereas the noise occupies the N − r dimensional observation space. In their pioneering work, Ephraim and Van Trees [41], the noise reduction is obtained through an optimal estimator that would minimize the speech distortion considering the fact that the residual noise fell below a preset threshold. The determination of such a threshold requires a noise variance estimation.

Mathematically, the subspace filtering consists of finding a linear estimate of s (the clean signal) given by \(\mathbf{\hat{s} = Hx}\), which can be written \(\mathbf{\hat{s} = Hs + Hn}\) where H is the enhancement filter and x the noisy signal. The filter matrix H can be written as: H = QGQT in which the diagonal matrix G contains the weighting factors gi for the eigenvalues of the noisy speech. In the evolutionary eigendecomposition, the H matrix becomes Hgen and is given by the following: Hgen= QGgenQT in which the diagonal matrix Ggen contains weighting factors that are optimized using genetic operators. Optimization is reached when the Euclidean distance between Cgen and C, the genetically enhanced and original parameters respectively, is minimized. The space of feature representation is reconstructed by using the eigenvectors weighted by the optimal factors of the Ggen matrix.

By using GAs, no empirical or a priori knowledge is needed. The problem of determining optimal order of reconstruction r is avoided since the GA implicitly discovers this optimal order. The complete space dimension N is considered at the beginning of the evolution process. As illustrated in Figure 5.1, the space of feature representation is reconstructed by using the eigenvectors weighed by the optimal factors of Ggen matrix.

3 Hybrid KLT-GA Enhancement

The evolution process starts with the creation of a population of the weight factors, gi, which constitute the individuals. The individuals evolve through many generations in a pool where genetic operators are applied [49]. Some of these individuals are selected to reproduce according to their performance. The individuals’ evaluation is performed through the use of an objective function. When the fittest individual (best set of weights) is obtained, it is used, in the test phase, to project the noisy data. Genetically modified MFCCs, their first and second derivatives, are finally used as enhanced features.

Fig. 5.1
figure 1figure 1

General overview of the KLT-GA-based system.

3.1 Solution Representation

A solution representation is needed to describe each individual gi in the population. A useful representation of individuals involves genes or variables from an alphabet of floating point numbers with values varying within upper and lower bounds ai, bi respectively. Concerning the initialization of the pool, the ideal zero-knowledge assumption is to start with a population of completely random values of weights. These values follow a uniform distribution within the upper and lower boundaries.

3.2 Selection Function

Selection is the process of determining the number of trials a particular individual is chosen for reproduction. The selection method used here, is the Stochastic Universal Sampling (SUS) introduced by Baker [8]. It consists of transforming raw fitness values into a real-valued expectation of an individual’s probability to reproduce, and then to perform the selection based on the relative fitness of individuals. To do that, the individuals gi are mapped to contiguous segments of a line such that the length of each individual’s segment is equal to the value of its fitness. Equal space pointers are then placed over the line as many as the predetermined number (Ns) of individuals to select. The complete SUS procedure is given by Algorithm 5.1.

3.3 Crossover and Mutation

To avoid the extension of the exploration domain in order to reach the best solution, a simple crossover operator can be used [65]. It generates a random number l from a uniform distribution and undergoes an exchange of the genes of the parents (X and Y ) on the offspring genes (X′ and Y′). It can be expressed by the following equations:

$$\begin{array}{rcl} \left \{\begin{array}{ll} X\prime = lX + (1 - l)Y\\ Y \prime = (1 - l)X + lY. \\ \end{array} \right.& &\end{array}$$

In addition to the crossover operator, a mutation is performed. Mutation consists of altering one or more gene values of the individual. This can result in entirely new individual. Through this manipulation, the genetic algorithm prevents the population from stagnating at a given non optimal solution. Usually the mutation rate is low (as in the biological world) and it is fixed according to a user-definable value. If this value is set very high, the search will become a random search. Most mutation methods in canonical GAs are randomly driven. Some methods such as that proposed by Temby et al. [132] suggest the use of directed mutation based on the concept of the momentum commonly used in the training of neural networks.

The principle of the mutation-with-momentum algorithm used here, requires that a gene’s value has both the standard Gaussian mutation and a proportion of the current momentum term added to it. The update of the momentum term is performed to reflect the combined mutation value. The following equations summarizes the process of Gaussian mutation with momentum. Some individuals are selected and then their original genes, x, produce mutant genes, xm,

$$\begin{array}{rcl} \left \{\begin{array}{ll} {x}_{m} = x + \mathcal{N}(0,1) + \eta {M}_{0} \\ {M}_{m} = {x}_{m} - x\\ \end{array} \right.& &\end{array}$$

where \(\mathcal{N}(0,1)\) is a random variable of normal distribution with zero mean and standard deviation 1 which is to be sampled for each component individually, and η is the parameter controlling the amount of momentum (0 < η < 1). M0 is the value of the momentum term for the gene and Mm is the value of the momentum term after mutation. The momentum is updated at each iteration by substituting M0 by Mm. To prevent the momentum term from becoming large, the difference of Equation 5.2 is limited to a maximum value of Mm.

4 Objective Function and Termination

Evolution is driven by an objective function defined in terms of a distance measure between the noisy MFCCs, projected by using the individuals (weights), and the clean MFCCs. The fittest individual is the set of weights which corresponds to the minimum of that distance. As we are using MFCCs, Euclidean distance is considered. The GA must search all the axes generated by the KLT of the Mel-frequency space to find the closest to those of the clean MFCCs. The fittest individual is the axis corresponding to the minimum of that distance. Let’s consider two vectors C and \(\hat{\mathbf{C}}\) representing two frames, each with N components, where the geometric distance is defined as:

$$\begin{array}{rcl} d(\mathbf{C},\hat{\mathbf{C}}) ={ \left ({\sum \nolimits }_{k=1}^{N}{(\mathbf{{C}_{ k}} -\hat{\mathbf{{C}_{k}}})}^{l}\right )}^{1/l}.& &\end{array}$$

The Euclidean distance corresponds to (l = 2). The opposite of this distance, \(-d(\mathbf{C},\hat{\mathbf{C})}\) is used since we have to maximize the fitness function. The evolution process is terminated when a certain number of maximum generations is reached. This number corresponds to the beginning of the objective function convergence.

5 Experiments

The evaluation of the hybrid KLT-GA enhancement method is carried out by testing its robustness as it performs a speech recognition over a telephone channel. It is well-known that the limitation of the analysis bandwidth in the telephone channel yields higher speech recognition error rates. In these experiments a HMM-based speech recognition system is trained with high-quality speech and tested by using simulated telephone speech.

5.1 Speech Databases

In the first set of experiments, the training set providing the clean speech models is composed of the Train subdirectories of the TIMIT database described in [133]. The speech recognition system uses the Test subdirectories of NTIMIT as a test set [72]. The NTIMIT database was created by transmitting TIMIT sentences over a physical telephone network. Previous work on speech recognition systems has demonstrated that the use of speech over the telephone line yields a reduction in accuracy of about 10% [96]. The model used to simulate the telephone channel is described in [77]. Figure 5.2 shows that the wideband input sequence corresponding to TIMIT speech, is bandlimited by H(z), the transfer function simulating the frequency response characteristics of a telephone channel. The channel noise is created by passing zero mean white noise with variance through a second filter G(z) producing a coloured noise. This coloured noise is added to the H(z) output to obtain the telephone speech. In the second set of experiments, NTIMIT is used for both training and test.

5.2 Experimental Setup

The baseline HMM-based speech recognition system is designed through the use of the HTK toolkit [66]. Here three systems are compared: the KLT-based system as detailed in Chapter 3, the KLT-GA-based ASR system and the baseline HMM-based system which uses MFCCs and their first and second derivatives as input features (MFCC_D_A). The parameters used to control the run of the genetic algorithm are as follows. The initial population is composed of 250 individuals and was created by duplicating (cloning) the elements of the weighting matrix. In order to insure convergence, we allow the population to evolve through 300 generations, even if no improvement in fitness is observed beyond 200 generations, as is shown in Figure 5.3. The percentages of crossover rate and mutation rate are fixed respectively at 35% and 3%. The number of total runs was fixed at 80. In order to make an adequate comparison with the baseline front-end, after the GA processing, the MFCCs static vectors are expanded to produce a 39-dimensional (static+dynamic) vector.

Fig. 5.2
figure 2figure 2

Model of the telephone channel [77].

5.3 Performance Evaluation

The results presented in Table 5.1 show that the use of the KLT-GA as a pre-processing approach to enhance the MFCCs that were used for recognition with 8-mixture Gaussian HMMs using tri-phone models, leads to a significant improvement in the accuracy of speech recognition. A correct rate of 34.49% is reached by the KLT-GA-MFCC_D_A-based CSR system when the baseline and the KLT-baseline (using the MDL criterion) systems achieve 18.02% and 27.73% respectively. This represents an improvement of more than 16% compared to the baseline system. Expanding to more than 8 mixtures did not improve the performance. Another set of experiments is carried out by applying the Cepstral Mean Normalization (CMN) to the MFCCs prior to the evolutionary subspace filtering. CMN is a widely used method for improving the robustness of speech recognition to channel distortions. The principle of CMN consists of performing a bias subtraction from the observation sequence (MFCC vector) resulting in a sequence that has a zero mean vector. In these experiments, the CMN included in the HTK toolkit is used [66]. The results show that the CMN has a significant impact on the baseline system using the MFCCs and their derivatives. An improvement of more than 4% is noticed. However, the effect of the CMN preprocessing is very limited on the systems using KLT and GAs. Indeed, for the CMN-KLT-GA-MFCC_D_A, a little decrease (less than 1%) is noticed when NTIMIT is used for both training and test.

Fig. 5.3
figure 3figure 3

Fitness variation of the first optimized weights of G matrix with respect to the number of generations within the evolutionary process.

6 Summary

The approach described in this chapter can be viewed as a transformation via a mapping operator using a Mel-frequency subspace decomposition and GAs. The results show that this evolutionary eigendomain KLT-based transformation achieves an enhancement of MFCCs in the context of telephone speech. The improvement obtained over telephone lines demonstrates that the KLT-GA hybrid enhancement scheme succeeds in obtaining less-variant MFCC parameters under telephone-channel degradation. This indicates that both subspace filtering and GA-based optimization gained from the hybridization of the two approaches. It should be noted that the use of soft-computing technique leads to less complexity than many other enhancement techniques that need to either model or compensate for the noise.

Table 5.1 Percentages of word recognition rate (%CWrd), insertion rate (%εIns), deletion rate (%εDel), and substitution rate (%εSub) of the MFCC_D_A, KLT-MFCC_D_A, and KLT-GA-MFCC_D_A ASR systems using 8-mixture tri-phone models. The cepstral mean normalisation (CMN) is also tested as preprocessing for all ASR systems. (Best rates are highlighted in boldface).