
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1.1 Overview

R [38] is a powerful and flexible environment for research computing. Written by Ross Ihaka, Robert Gentleman (hence the name “R”), the R Core Development Team, and an army of volunteers, R provides a wider range of analytical and graphical commands than any other software. The fact that this level of power is available free of charge has dramatically changed the landscape of research software.

R is a variation of the S language, developed by John Chambers, Rick Becker, and others at Bell LabsFootnote 1. The Association of Computing Machinery presented John Chambers with a Software System Award and said that the S language “… will forever alter the way people analyze, visualize, and manipulate data…” and went on to say that it is “… an elegant, widely accepted, and enduring software system, with conceptual integrity….” The original S language is still commercially available as Tibco Spotfire S+. Most programs written in the S language will run in R.

Stata, a product of Stata Corporation, has not yet incorporated an interface to R in its software, but users have already posted programs to use R within the Stata environment. It is expected that more facilities of this sort will be developed in the near future.

For each aspect of R we discuss, we will compare and contrast it with Stata. Many of the topics end with example programs that do almost identical things in both software applications. R programs are often longer than similar Stata code, but this is typically the case because R functions are more specific than Stata commands.

Many R functions will appear familiar to Stata users; that is, R functions such as lm or glm will appear somewhat similar to Stata’s regress and glm commands. There are other aspects of the two languages, however, that may appear more confusing at first. We hope to ease that confusion by focusing on both the similarities and differences between R and Stata in this text. When we examine a particular analysis (e.g., comparing two groups with a t-test) someone who knows Stata will have very little trouble figuring out what R is doing. However, the basics of the R language are very different, so that is where we will spend the majority of our time.

We introduce topics in a carefully chosen order, so it is best to read from beginning to end the first time through, even if you think you do not need to know a particular topic. Later you can skip directly to the section you need. We include a fair amount of redundancy on key topics to help teach those topics and to make it easier to read just one section as a future reference. The glossary in Appendix A defines R concepts in terms that Stata users will understand and provides parallel definitions using R terminology.

1.2 Similarities Between R and Stata

Stata is an excellent statistics package. One of the authors has used Stata for over 20 years and has authored many Stata commands.

Perhaps more than any other two research computing environments, R and Stata share many of the features that make them outstanding:

  • Both include rich programming languages designed for writing new analytic methods, not just a set of prewritten commands.

  • Both contain extensive sets of analytic commands written in their own languages.

  • The pre-written commands in R, and most in Stata, are visible and open for you to change as you please.

  • Both save command or function output in a form you can easily use as input to further analysis.

  • Both do modeling in a way that allows you to readily apply your models for tasks such as making predictions on new data sets. Stata calls these postestimation commands and R calls them extractor functions.

  • In both, when you write a new command, it is on an equal footing with commands written by the developers. There are no additional “Developer’s Kits” to purchase.

  • Both have legions of devoted users who have written numerous extensions and who continue to add the latest methods many years before their competitors.

  • Both can search the Internet for user-written commands and download them automatically to extend their capabilities quickly and easily.

  • Both hold their data in the computer’s main memory, offering speed but limiting the amount of data they can handle.

1.3 Why Learn R?

With so many similarities, if you already know Stata, why should you bother to learn R?

  • To augment Stata; i.e. to be able to perform statistical analyses that are not available in Stata, but which are available in R. R offers a vast number of analytical methods. There are now over 3,000 add-on packages available for R and this number is growing at an exponential rate. Therefore, knowing both gives you a much greater range of tools for analyzing data.

  • To stay current with new analytic methods. The majority of statistics textbooks, and journal articles, now being published use either Stata or R for examples. R appears to be used more in many journals. Stata users not understanding R are therefore not able to learn as much from texts or articles using R for examples than they would be if they understood the language.

  • If you continue to do all of your data management in Stata, you can learn just enough R to import your data and run the procedures you need.

  • R is directly accessible from inside many statistics packages. SAS, SPSS, and STATISTICA offer the ability to run R programs from within their software. This means that when developers write programs in R, they are assured a very wide audience. Roger Newson has written an interface [36] between Stata and R that provides some of this ability. We expect to see more done on this topic in the near future.

  • R has been object-oriented since its first version. Many of its commands sense the types of data structures you have and do the best thing for each. For example, once you tell it that gender is a categorical variable, it will take statistically proper actions if you use it as a linear regression predictor. At the time of publication, Stata Corporation had just announced its future move toward object orientation.

  • Both languages consist of a core set of functions that are written in the C language. However, only developers at Stata Corporation can modify its most fundamental commands. Every aspect of R is open for anyone to modify in any way they like. This complete flexibility attracts many developers.

  • Both R and Stata offer graphics that are flexible, easy to use, and of high quality. However, R also offers the very flexible and powerful Grammar of Graphics approach. As we will see, developers have even gone so far as replacing R’s core graphical system.

  • R is free. This means, of course, that you can use it for free, but it also means developers know that their work is available to everyone. That helps attract developers and is a major reason that there are so many add-on packages for it.

1.4 Is R Accurate?

When people first learn of R, one of their first questions is “Can a package written by volunteers be as accurate as one written by a large corporation?” People envision a lone programmer competing against a large corporate team. Having worked closely with several software companies over the years, we can assure you that this is not the case. A particular procedure is usually written by one programmer, even at Stata Corporation. A thorough testing process is then carried out by a few people within the company and then more thoroughly by Stata users on publication of the new command or function.

The R Development Core Team runs each release of R through validation suites that have known correct answers to ensure accurate results. They also go through “Alpha,” “Beta,” and “Release Candidate” testing phases, which are open to the public. Each phase has tighter restrictions on modifications of R. Finally, the production version is released. The details of this process are provided in R: Regulatory Compliance and Validation Issues, A Guidance Document for the Use of R in Regulated Clinical Trial Environments, available at [11].

When bugs are found in Stata, the developers typically make a fix within days. Users are in continual communication with other users and developers through the Statalist. An average of 100 communications are posted daily. Questions are answered by other users or by Stata staff.

R also has open discussions of its known bugs and R’s developers fix them quickly too. However, software of the complexity of Stata and R will never be completely free of errors, regardless of its source.

1.5 What About Tech Support?

If a package is free, who supports it?

Stata users may call toll-free or e-mail technical support for problems they experience with the software or for advice on how to run various software commands. The response is near immediate, with a day delay in response being on the high side. Even experienced Stata users sometimes require technical advice for new commands or functions or have difficulties learning new areas of statistics or new methodologies (e.g. the matrix programming). We have always found support to he helpful and friendly.

You can also get support through the Stata Listserver, where it is normal to get assistance from someone the very day you post your request.

R’s main source of support is the R-help mailing list. Other users and often developers themselves will often provide immediate help. Sometimes you may obtain different answers from various responders, but that is part of the nature of statistics. For details on the various R e-mail support lists, see Chapter 4, “Help and Documentation.”

There are several commercial versions of R available, and the companies that sell them do provide phone support. Here are some of these companies and their web sites:

XL-Solutions Corp.,

Revolution Computing, Inc.,

Random Technologies, LLC,

1.6 Getting Started Quickly

If you wish to start using R quickly, you can do so by reading fewer than 50 pages of this book. Since you have Stata to do your basic descriptive statistics, you are likely to need R’s modeling functions. Here are the steps you can follow to use them.

  1. 1.

    Read the remainder of this chapter and Chapter 2, “Installing and Updating R.” Download and install R on your computer.

  2. 2.

    Read the part of Chapter 3, “Running R,” that covers your operating system.

  3. 3.

    In Chapter 5, “Programming Language Basics,” read Section 5.3.2 about factors, and Section 5.3.3 about data frames.

  4. 4.

    Also in Chapter 5, read Section 5.6.1, “Controlling Functions with Arguments,” and Section Section 5.6.2, “Controlling Functions with Formulas,” including Table 5.1, “Example formulas in Stata and R.”

  5. 5.

    Read Section 6.6, “Importing Data from Stata.”

After reading the pages above, do all your data management in Stata, stripping out observations containing any missing values. Then write out only the variables and observations you need to a comma separated values file, mydata.csv. Assuming your variables are named y, x1, x2,…, your entire R program will look something like this:

library("Hmisc") # Contains stata.get function. library("OtherLibrariesYouNeed")# If you need any. mydata <- stata.get("mydata.dta") # imports your Stata file mymodel <- TheFunctionYouNeed( y ~ x1+x2, data=mydata ) summary(mymodel) plot(mymodel) # if your function does plots.

1.7 Programming Conventions

Although R has many ways to generate practice data and has a variety of example data sets, we will use a tiny practice data set that is easy to enter. We can then manipulate and print it repeatedly so that you can clearly see the changes.

You can download the practice data sets and program files from The example programs are set to look for their matching data files in the directory (folder) named myRfolder, but that is easy to change to whatever location you prefer. Each program begins by loading the data as if it were a new session. That is not required if you already have the data loaded, but it makes it easier to ensure that previous programming does not interfere with the example. It also allows each program to run on its own.

Each example program in this book begins with a comment stating its purpose and the name of the file in which it is stored. For example, the programs for selecting variables each begin with a comment like the one below.

# R Program for Selecting Variables. # Filename: SelectingVars.R

When displaying the programs within the book, we dispense with first line since it appears as the title of the section.

R’s “#” symbol is like Stata’s “*” symbol. Words after it are regarded as comments, until the end of the line. The filename in the practice files will always match, so the two files for this topic are, and SelectingVars.R. The R data objects and Stata data sets used in this book are also available. Their names are the same as that used in the book, with the extensions “.dta” and “.RData” for the Stata and R files, respectively. For example, our most widely used data object, mydata, is stored in both mydata.dta and mydata.RData. Also, all of the R objects we create, data and functions, are stored in myAll.RData.

1.8 Typographic Conventions

We write all programming code and the names of all commands, functions, and packages in this Courier font.

The names of other documents and menus are in this italic font.

Menus appear in the form File< Save as…, which means “choose Save as… from the File menu.”

When learning a new language, it can be hard to tell the commands from the names you can choose (e.g., variable or data set names). To help differentiate, we use the common prefix “my” in names like mydata or mySubset.

R uses “>” to prompt you to input a new line and “+” to prompt you to enter a continued line. When there is no output to see, we delete the prompt characters to achieve a less cluttered look. However, when examples include both input and output, we leave the input prompts in place. That helps you identify which is which. So the first three lines below are the input we submitted and the last line is the mean that R wrote out.

> q1<- c(1, 2, 2, 3, +4, 5, 5, 5, 4) > mean(q1) [1] 3.4444

R tends to pack its input and different sections of output tightly together. This makes it harder to read when you are learning it. Therefore, we also add spacing in some places to improve legibility. In the example above, we added a blank line on either side of the line containing “> mean(q1).”