
Frozen sections, quick sections, in clinical terminology, intraoperative consultations, are prepared using a cryostat.

A cryostat is a cooled chamber, or cabinet that houses an instrument to section frozen samples; a rotary microtome and knife (or blade) holder, and a means to freeze samples.

Several types of cryostats are commercially available and can be categorized as follows:

  • Single compressor (chamber cooling only)

  • Double compressor (chamber and object cooling)

  • Manual sectioning

  • Motorized sectioning

These are free-standing instruments that are insulated to very high standards to ensure that selected temperatures are easily maintained. Access to the chamber is via a heated sliding window. The normal working chamber temperature is from 0°C to −35°C, the limiting factor being the type of compressor and refrigerant used. Cryosectioning at temperatures lower than −35°C requires the use of a cryogen such as liquid nitrogen.

The rotary microtome, (Fig. 1.1) controlled by an external handwheel that is mounted inside the cryostat cabinet, has been specially manufactured and lubricated to work at low temperatures and to provide a mechanism for advancing a specimen toward a fixed knife (or blade) in precise reproducible increments with a section thickness range from 1–100 µm or higher.

Fig. 1.1
figure 1_1figure 1_1

This shows the external controls and chamber of the Leica CM1950

To the side of the microtome is an area known as the freezing shelf that as the name suggests is the area where samples are frozen or frozen samples are stored prior to sectioning. The working temperature of the shelf averages −10°C lower than the set chamber temperature due to its location close to the compressor system (Fig. 1.2).

Fig. 1.2
figure 2_1figure 2_1

This shows the freezing shelf on the left side of the cryostat (red arrow). The heat extractor is attached to the hinged arm attached to the left wall

Newer instruments also incorporate a Peltier freezing stage with the freezing shelf (in the above illustration the Peltier stage is outlined in white). A Peltier stage is a thermoelectric device that when activated increases the diffusion of heat away from the sample to the cold stage, resulting in a higher cooling rate and thus faster freezing of the sample.

Located directly in front of the microtome and fixed either to the microtome base or the cabinet is the knife (or blade) holder. There are two types of knife holder that provide a means of clamping either a disposable blade or a reusable steel knife. Figure 1.3 shows the cryostat stage with the antiroll mechanism in place in front of the blade holder. The blade holder contains a blade clamped in position in Fig. 1.8.

Fig. 1.3
figure 3_1figure 3_1

Cryostat stage of the Leica CM1950. The knife holder (black arrow) is directly in front of the antiroll device (red arrow)

Disposable blades, commercially available in either high or low profile, are supported on a ridge on the rear pressure plate of the knife holder and clamped firmly into place by a spring lever-operated front pressure plate. It is important that the clamping pressure be maintained evenly across the entire length of the disposable blade. Damage to either the front or rear pressure plate, or section debris trapped between the pressure plates, will significantly affect the clamping pressure and thereby sectioning efficiency and quality.

An alternative to disposable blades is a steel reusable blade. Steel blades available in either C profile (steel) or D profile (tungsten carbide) rest on a support bar between two pillars of the standard knife holder. At the top of each pillar is a securing screw to ensure that the blade is clamped firmly.

Both the disposable and standard knife holders permit adjustment of the clearance angle for the blade being used. In general, for low-profile disposable blades, the blade angle is between 3° and 5°: for high-profile blades it is between 5° and 7°, and for reusable blades it is between 5° and 7°.

Both types of knife holder are fitted with antiroll guides, which as the name suggests help to prevent rolling or curling of sections as they are being prepared. The antiroll guide consists of a glass plate supported in a metal (aluminum) frame. The frame provides a gap between the underside of the glass and the upper surface of the front pressure plate or knife surface allowing the section to slide under. Gap sizes of 50, 100, and 150 µm are available depending on the section thickness required. For example, if sections of <5.0 µm were being collected then a gap size of 50 µm would be suitable.

An alternative to the antiroll guide, is the cooled brush (a fine artist’s brush) technique to collect and gather sections. With this technique; as the leading edge of the section starts to come over the blade or knife edge the brush is used to pull/guide the section onto the pressure plate or down onto the front surface of the blade. The brush technique is discussed in detail in Chap. 4.

Specimen holders or chucks for cryostats are available in a variety of shapes and sizes.

The presence of a stem or other specially designed projection on the bottom or side of the chuck provides a foothold to clamp the chuck and is often specific to the maker of the cryostat (Fig. 1.4).

Fig. 1.4
figure 4_1figure 4_1

Specimen holders or chucks. Specimen holder of different sizes and shapes are made to accommodate various embedding tasks

Before beginning sectioning it is important to ensure that all operating parameters have been set properly. A checklist is included at the end of this chapter.

1.1 Operation of the Cryostat

Cryostats must be located in a draught-free, humidity-controlled area, with clearance of 30 cm, on all sides to ensure that there is unrestricted air movement around the instrument. Failure to provide ample clearance can result in poor cooling performance, as airflow to the compressor(s) is restricted.

All accessories; knife holder, antiroll guide, brush trays, etc. should be placed into the chamber prior to the instrument being turned on. At start-up the chamber (and object temperature if applicable) temperature should be set a recommended setting is −20°C. Allow at least 24 h for a cryostat to come down to selected operating temperature.

Other settings at start-up are; time of day and defrost time. All commercial cryostats use a regular, once every 24 h, automatic defrost cycle to ensure that the chamber, microtome, and accessories are kept free of frost. During the defrost cycle the compressor(s) goes into a “hot” gas phase and for a preset period of time circulates warm air into the chamber. Any frost or ice present on the chamber surfaces is melted and the fluid is drained into a sealed container. For the majority of cryostats the defrost time is usually set to midnight; this ensures that the defrost procedure is completed and the instrument is cooled down to the set operating temperature outside of normal working hours.

In a busy hospital where frozen sections are commonly performed at all hours, it is best to have several cryostats to stagger defrost cycles to assure that one cryostat will be functional at all times.

1.2 Specimen Preparation

This section will include a general discussion on use of the cryostat. See Chaps. 4 and 5 for detailed discussions of embedding trimming and cutting. For clinical users it is assumed that institutional policies such as Body Substance Precautions (BSP) are in effect and that all operators conform to this method of practice. Protecting the operator is the prime goal of BSP, and the risk of potential infection is extremely high when working with unfixed pathological tissue.

Specimens for frozen sectioning can be prepared in a variety of ways. They can be frozen in a cryogen mixture such as isopentane cooled by dry ice, or placed onto a thin layer of cryocompound on a specimen holder that is placed on the freezing shelf, Peltier stage, or a large cooled metal block placed inside the cryochamber.

The aim is to freeze the specimen as fast as possible to eliminate ice crystal formation (freeze artifact). To achieve fast freezing the size of the specimen must be carefully controlled, as a guide a suitable specimen would be 2 cm  × 2cm × 2mm.

Plunge-freezing into cooled isopentane is a fast, reliable and reproducible method of freezing tissue. A small beaker (100 ml) of isopentane is placed into a container of dry ice (solid C02), to give a working temperature of ∼−70°C. Specimens frozen in this manner can then be sectioned immediately or stored at −80°C.

Frozen specimens are mounted onto a specimen holder with cryocompound and placed on the freezing shelf and allowed to stabilize at chamber temperature.

Fresh specimens can be frozen directly onto a specimen holder that is placed onto the freezing shelf. A heat extractor can be used to aid freezing and ensure good adherence and flat front block surface. A heat extractor is a large piece of stainless steel that is supported on a hinged arm that is usually mounted above the freezing stage (Fig. 1.5).

Fig. 1.5
figure 5_1figure 5_1

Heat extractor mechanism

As the surface of the specimen starts to freeze the heat extractor is gently lowered onto the top of the specimen and allowed to remain there for a few minutes.

Before mounting the specimen onto the microtome, ensure that the handwheel is in the locked position. Never attempt to place or remove a specimen from the microtome without ensuring that the handwheel is locked. In the unlocked position the object head can move when inserting the chuck, placing the operator at the risk (Fig. 1.6).

Fig. 1.6
figure 6_1figure 6_1

Cryostat handwheel. Each turn of the wheel advances the tissue block the precise increment of section thickness setting. The arrow indicates the locking mechanism

The specimen holder is clamped firmly onto the object head mounted on the spindle of the microtome (Fig. 1.7).

Fig. 1.7
figure 7_1figure 7_1

Microtome portion of the cryostat. Letter (A) points to the specimen holder or chuck that is inserted (arrow) into the object head (B) mounted on the spindle of the microtome

The handwheel is unlocked and the specimen is lowered until it is at the same height as the knife holder. The knife holder can then be unlocked and moved manually toward the specimen until it is close to the specimen surface. In some instruments a motorized coarse advance allows the spindle/object head to be moved close to the knife.

Adjust the micrometer setting of the microtome to “trimming” thickness of 15 µm and begin to turn the microtome handwheel; the specimen will advance by this set value and will make contact with the knife and the surface of the block will be sectioned. This process is termed “trimming” or “facing” the block, and the purpose is to achieve a full face section of the specimen. As soon as this is achieved stop sectioning and adjust the micrometer setting to the desired section value, e.g., 5 µm. Brush all trimmings from the blade, or knife edge, carefully lower the antiroll plate into place and continue sectioning.

Carefully lift the antiroll guide and with a cold brush arrange or move the sections on the pressure plate or knife surface. Take a glass slide and holding it at an angle gently lower it onto the section as shown in Fig. 1.8. Retrieving tissue from the stage is discussed in greater detail in Chap. 4 (p 17).

Fig. 1.8
figure 8_1figure 8_1

The figure shows a tissue section being retrieved from the cryostat stage. The antiroll mechanism has been reflected to the left. The red arrow points to the blade clamped in the blade holder. The operator must be aware of the proximity of their hand to the blade at all times to avoid injury when retrieving sections

Sections of fresh frozen tissue will adhere to plain glass slides due to the presence of free protein and lipid. Sections of fixed frozen tissue will need to be mounted on coated slides, e.g., poly-l-lysine.

Sections of fresh frozen tissue should be fixed immediately unless they are going to be stored for future study. A standard histology fixative such as 4% neutral buffered formalin is the most suitable fixative for frozen sections.

Sections of fresh frozen tissue will rapidly dry if exposed to warm air, and this will result in cellular artifact.

If sections, mounted on glass slides, are going to be stored for future study they should be placed immediately into a commercial (plastic) slide box that has been cooled and kept in the chamber. At the conclusion of section collection the slide box should be closed and the entire box wrapped in a double layer of aluminum foil, labeled, and moved immediately into a −80°C freezer. Tissue sections will not deteriorate as long as they are kept at a temperature of −80°C or lower.

Any remaining specimen can be stored for future use. The specimen is carefully removed from the specimen holder either by using a spatula, or by gently warming the holder so that the still frozen block can be removed. Remove as much cryocompound as possible from around the specimen; wrap it in a double layer of aluminum foil; label and store at −80°C.

1.3 Specimen Orientation

Many specimens need to be precisely oriented for adequate examination. Chapter 3 offers a detailed discussion of embedding and orientation of tissues using freezing temperature steel well bars (see p. 9).

1.4 Cryostat Disinfection

For clinical users good hygiene of cryostats is a must. Specimen shavings should be removed after each use. The waste tray that is underneath the microtome spindle should be carefully lifted out and the shavings/debris placed into a biohazard bag. Other shavings and specimen debris can be wiped up using either paper towel or a gauze swab soaked in 70% alcohol. During this procedure it is important to minimize aerosols and to prevent sectioning debris from spilleing onto open surfaces.

Disinfection systems are now offered by several cryostat manufacturers: A disinfectant spray system (MICROM), formaldehyde vapor (Thermo Fisher), a combination of disinfectant spray and UV light (Leica), and ozone (Sakura). Each of these systems uses a different method to achieve a safe working environment; users are encouraged to thoroughly investigate the efficacy of each system prior to purchase.

All users should be responsible to ensure that the cryostat is kept clean, to minimize the risk of infection by inhalation and to reduce the risk of cross-contamination of a section or tissue sample.

1.5 Cryostat Maintenance

Like all well-used instruments the cryostat requires regular maintenance to ensure optimum performance, and the tasks can be divided into daily, weekly, monthly, and annual tasks.

  1. 1.


    • Lock the microtome handwheel.

    • Remove all section debris, using either alcohol-soaked paper towel or a suitable vacuum system.

    • Carefully remove all specimen trimmings.

    • Remove all specimens.

    • Remove all blades or knives.

    • Remove all used specimen holders and soak in warm soapy water to ensure that all cryocompound is removed; air or oven dry.

  2. 2.


    • Empty fluid container (this fluid is collected during the daily defrost cycles). For clinical pathology laboratories this fluid must be regarded as potentially biohazardous and disposed according to institutional policies.

    • Thoroughly clean and lubricate all contact surfaces of the knife holders.

  3. 3.


    • Spindle lubrication: ensure that the handwheel of the microtome is locked, using the coarse advance bring the microtome spindle (object head) forward.

    • Using a disposable pipette place a few drops of low-temperature oil (supplied with the cryostat) onto the rear (close to the microtome housing) upper surface of the spindle

    • Retract the spindle to its home position. This will ensure that the spindle is kept well lubricated and free of dust debris. Spindle issues can result in poor sectioning and thick and thin sections.

    • Check the side compressor vents to remove all dust etc.

  4. 4.


    • Have the instrument serviced by manufacturer trained and approved service engineers

1.5.1 Checklist

Prior to starting sectioning check and confirm the following

  • Confirm that chamber temperature (and object temperature if applicable) is set; a recommended starting temperature is −20°C.

  • Confirm that the hand wheel is LOCKED.

  • Check that the knife holder clearance angle has been set correctly.

  • Insert fresh blade and check that the blade is clamped firmly.

  • Insert the specimen and ensure that it is clamped firmly into the object holder.

  • Confirm that the desired section thickness has been set.

  • Unlock the handwheel and start sectioning.

  • When sectioning is completed LOCK the handwheel.

  • Remove the specimen from the object holder process for either low-temperature storage or fixation for subsequent paraffin embedding.

  • Remove the blade.

  • Remove ALL trimmings and specimen waste.

  • Ensure that the cryostat is left in a clean and safe condition.