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Part of the book series: Psychology for Professional Groups ((PPG))

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In spite of its critical importance within education, the problem of explaining how learning takes place, and analysing the factors that influence it, remains a somewhat confused area. Teachers, and educators generally, often blame psychologists for this, and claim that they either present them with several conflicting explanations of learning, each one based upon a different psychological theory, or a single coherent explanation with which it is admitted other psychologists would probably not agree. Yet perhaps this blame, though understandable, is a little unfair. The problem is that learning is such a highly complex activity. We each of us receive a constant and varied stream of experiences throughout our waking moments, each one of which potentially can give rise to learning, yet most of which vanish without trace from our conscious lives. What is it that makes some things memorable and others not? Why is it that a particular event can prompt learning in one person yet have no measurable effect upon someone else? Why does an individual learn readily from one teacher but not from another? How is it that we are able to make sense of our experience, and put the knowledge to good effect when it comes to tackling new situations and problems? Questions such as these and many others make the psychologist’s task of understanding and explaining learning, and above all, of advising on how learning can be made more efficient and more permanent for all types and conditions of learner, an almost herculean one. Perhaps the wonder is not that psychologists have so far failed to come up with all the answers during the 50 years and more in which a systematic study of learning has been made, but that they have come up with as many as they have.

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Additional reading

  • Ainscow, M. and Tweddle, D. (1984) Early Leming Skills Analysis. Chichester: Wiley. Thorough and practical examination of the foundations of learning experience.

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  • Baddeley, AD. (1990) Human Memory: Theory and Practice. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Excellent survey. Highly recommmded.

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  • Becker, H.J. (1986) Instructional Uses of School Computers. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University (Centre for Social Organization of Schools). A most helpful and informative introduction to the field, with a good review of existing practices.

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  • Bellezza, F.S. (1982) Improve your Memory Skills. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Full of practical and intriguing exercises which can be used in the classroom.

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  • Biggs, J.B. (1987) The Process of Leming 2nd edn. Sydney: Prentice-Hall. A useful, comprehensive surveyof learning and its application to teaching.

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  • Bruner, J.S. (1966) Towards a Theory of Instruction. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

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  • Bruner, J.S. (1973) The Relevance of Education. New York: Norton. Bruner’s ideas are expounded in a number of highly readable texts, of which the above two are good examples.

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  • Carl, J. (1980) Helping your Handicapped Child. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Aimed at parents, but of great value for all those working with children with handicap.

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  • Claxton, G. (1984) live and Leam: An introduction to the psychology of growth and change. London: Harper & Row. A stimulating, highly personal approach to cognitive issues.

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  • Entwistle, N. (1987) Understanding Classroom Learring. London: Hodder & Stoughton. Practical and highly readable account of classroom learning.

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  • Fontana, D. (Ed.) (1984) Behaviourism and Learring Theory in Education. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press. (Also recommmded for Chapter 12.) Surveys the whole field and outlines practical implications for the teacher.

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  • Fontana, D. (1986) Teaching and Personality. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Gives a general discussion, with an examination of the implications for the teacher. (Also recommended for Chapters 8 and 14.)

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  • Gagné, R.M. (1975) Essentials of Learning for Instruction. Hinsdale, Dlinois: Dryden Press.

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  • Gagné, R.M. (1977) The Conditions of Learning 3rd edn. London: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Gagneés work is best tackled through his own writings, particularly these two books.

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  • Gronlund, N.E.R. (1978) Stating Objectives for Classroom Instruction 2nd edn. London: Collier Macmillan. Still one of the best — and shortest — accounts of how to write educational objectives. It also has something useful to say on the construction of objective tests.

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  • Howe, MJ. (1984) A Teacher’s Guide to the Psychology of Leming. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Immensely readable and practical book on cognitive aspects of learning.

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  • Laing, A.F. and Chazan, M. (1984) Educational handicap. In D. Fontana (Ed.) The Education of the young Child. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Deals more specifically with the young child, but is immensely thorough and helpful.

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  • Lindsey, G. (1984) Sreening for Children with Speciol Needs. London: Croom Helm. Excellent on the definition and diagnosis of children with physical and mental handicaps. A multi-disciplinary approach.

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  • Matjoribanks, K. (1979) Families and Their Leaming Environments. London: Rout-ledge & Kegan Paul. Provides a thorough and scholarly survey of the research into the reliltionship between intelligence, personality, family variables and learning.

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  • Paris, S.G., Olson, G.M. and Stevenson, H.W. (Eds) (1983) Learning and Motivation in the Classroom. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Particularly useful for aspects of classroom motivation.

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  • Ramsden, P. (Ed.) (1988) Improving Learning:.New Perspectives. London: Kogan Page. An examintztion of practical ways of optimising learning perfomumce.

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  • Schmeck, R.R. (Ed.) (1988) Learning Strategies and Learning Styles. New York: Plenum Press. Good edited account of most aspects of the learning process.

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  • Skinner, B.F. (1972) Beyond Freedom and Dignity. London: Jonathan Cape. Covers the application of his ideas to learning within society generally.

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  • Skinner, B.F. (1974) About Behaviourism. Harmandsworth: Penguin. A Comprehensive overview of the whole belw.viouristic philosophy.

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  • White, D.R. and Haring, N.G. (1980) Exceptional Children. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill. A valuable survey of the nature of special needs.

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Fontana, D. (1995). Learning. In: Psychology for Teachers. Psychology for Professional Groups. Palgrave, London.

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