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Models of Nuclear Reactions

  • Chapter
Introduction to Nuclear Reactions


The preceding chapter outlined some of the elements of quantum scattering theory. Almost nothing was said about the ways in which the physics of the nucleus influence the parameters which enter the formal theory, although some general features of nuclear reactions were discussed briefly in Chapter 2. We now intend to describe various physical models in more detail. Some models are of more general applicability than others but, as is the way with a model, the more general its nature the less physical content it tends to have. No single physical model describes all the phenomena of nuclear reactions, but the models in use do tend to be restricted to one of two broad categories: direct reactions and compound nucleus reactions (see section 2.18).

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Satchler, G.R. (1990). Models of Nuclear Reactions. In: Introduction to Nuclear Reactions. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

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