16.1 Introduction

  • Reference Listiohadi et al. (2005) was not cited in the text. To be inserted in Page 88 para.1 at end of first sentence.

  • Text was missing. To be inserted in Page 88 paragraph 2. “Listiohadi et al. (2005) summarised the findings of earlier workers for controlling caking as follows:” at start of paragraph.

  • Text was wrong. Paragraph 3 to be replaced on: Page 88 with “The typical physical interventions which exploit temperature, water activity and powder mix homogeneity in order to control the crystallisation of relatively unstable amorphous lactose in powders are of limited value, and at best just delay the onset of caking. However, ongoing research leading to a better understanding of phase transition in powders, together with the use of comprehensive process instrumentation, may be exploited to prevent deterioration during storage in individual product situations.Measures such as powder conditioning to remove bound moisture and use of free-flowing agents are among the practical measures that may be used in industry.”