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New types of helical canal inclusion networks

  • Conference paper
  • First Online:
Molecular Inclusion and Molecular Recognition — Clathrates II

Part of the book series: Topics in Current Chemistry ((TOPCURRCHEM,volume 149))


Over recent years a variety of new helical canal inclusion systems have been discovered and characterised, and an increasing awareness has developed of the roles played by canal topology and helicity in the function of certain biological systems.

In this review the definition, symmetry and structural requirements for formation of helical canal inclusion networks are introduced from a crystallographic viewpoint and then individual chemical systems are examined in detail.

Multimolecular helical inclusion networks formed by rigid alicyclic diols, urea, deoxycholic acid, and tri-o-thymotide are described and contrasted, followed by discussion of DNA intercalates, amylose compounds, and other inclusion systems formed by helical polymers.

The article concludes by examining recent research involving transmembrane ion channels particularly those molecular aggregates and macromolecular systems where helicity is involved in construction of the channel.

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Bishop, R., Dance, I.G. (1988). New types of helical canal inclusion networks. In: Weber, E. (eds) Molecular Inclusion and Molecular Recognition — Clathrates II. Topics in Current Chemistry, vol 149. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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