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Some frontiers in constructive quantum field theory and equilibrium statistical mechanics

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Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Physics ((LNP,volume 80))


We present and discuss a list of important, mostly open problems in constructive quantum field theory and equilibrium statistical mechanics the solution of which requires (in rare cases : required) new ideas going beyond high - and low - temperature expansions guided by standard (super-renormalizable and infrared finite) perturbation theory about the critical points of some action or Hamilton function, beyond Peierls-type arguments and their variants and beyond spin wave theory and its rigorous counterparts. This list of problems includes higher order phase transitions, critical phenomena, long range forces, gauge theories, quantum solitons, etc.

Supported in part by the U. S. National Science Foundation under grant #MPS 75-11864

A. Sloan Foundation Fellow.

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G. Dell'Antonio S. Doplicher G. Jona-Lasinio

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Fröhlich, J. (1978). Some frontiers in constructive quantum field theory and equilibrium statistical mechanics. In: Dell'Antonio, G., Doplicher, S., Jona-Lasinio, G. (eds) Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol 80. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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