4705 publications

  1. Unconventional Computing
  2. Unconventional Computing
  3. Unconventional Conflict
  4. Unconventional Diplomacy in Southern Africa
  5. Unconventional Electron Microscopy for Molecular Structure Determination
  6. Unconventional Emergency Management Research
  7. Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: Coal and Shale
  8. Unconventional Methods for Oil & Gas Exploration in Cuba
  9. Unconventional Models of Computation
  10. Unconventional Models of Computation, UMC’2K
  11. Unconventional Optical Elements for Information Storage, Processing and Communications
  12. Unconventional Photoactive Solids
  13. Unconventional Programming Paradigms
  14. Unconventional Protein Secretion
  15. Unconventional Reservoirs: Rate and Pressure Transient Analysis Techniques
  16. Unconventional Resources in India: The Way Ahead
  17. Unconventional Shale Gas Exploration and Exploitation
  18. Unconventional Superconductors
  19. Unconventional Superconductors
  20. Unconventional Techniques for the Production of Light Alloys and Composites
  21. Unconventional Tight Reservoir Simulation: Theory, Technology and Practice
  22. Unconventional Warfare from Antiquity to the Present Day
  23. Unconventional Water Resources
  24. Unconventional Water Resources and Agriculture in Egypt
  25. Uncorking the Physics of Wine
  26. Uncovering CP Violation
  27. Uncovering Covert Innovation
  28. Uncovering Critical Personalism
  29. Uncovering Ideology in English Language Teaching
  30. Uncovering Online Commenting Culture
  31. Uncultivated Microorganisms
  32. Und Action, bitte! Method Acting für Manager
  33. Und der Mensch schuf sich selbst
  34. Und der Tod wird nicht mehr sein ...
  35. Und jetzt Sie! – Selbst- und Zeitmanagement in Gesundheitsberufen
  36. Und jetzt Sie! – Selbst- und Zeitmanagement in Gesundheitsberufen
  37. Undecidability, Uncomputability, and Unpredictability
  38. Undecided Nation
  39. Undeclared Work, Deterrence and Social Norms
  40. Under Control
  41. Under Development: Gender
  42. Under Eastern Eyes
  43. Under Observation: The Interplay Between eHealth and Surveillance
  44. Under Pressure
  45. Under a Crimson Sun
  46. Under the Bleachers
  47. Under the Counter and over the Border
  48. Under the Radar
  49. Under the Sea: Archaeology and Palaeolandscapes of the Continental Shelf
  50. Under the Shadow of Defeat
  51. Under the Shadow of the Swastika
  52. Under-three Year Olds in Policy and Practice
  53. Underactive Bladder
  54. Underactuated Robotic Hands
  55. Underconstrained Structural Systems
  56. Undercover Agents in the Russian Revolutionary Movement
  57. Underdetermination
  58. Underdog Entrepreneurs
  59. Underemployment
  60. Undergraduate Algebra
  61. Undergraduate Algebra
  62. Undergraduate Algebra
  63. Undergraduate Algebra
  64. Undergraduate Analysis
  65. Undergraduate Analysis
  66. Undergraduate Mathematics Competitions (1995–2016)
  67. Undergraduate Student Engagement
  68. Underground Europe
  69. Underground Storage of Natural Gas
  70. Underground Thermal Energy Storage
  71. Undernutrition in India
  72. Underpotential Deposition
  73. Underpricing oder Fair Value
  74. Underprivileged Voters and Electoral Exclusion in Contemporary Europe
  75. Understand Mathematics, Understand Computing
  76. Understand, Manage, and Measure Cyber Risk
  77. Understand, Manage, and Measure Cyber Risk®
  78. Understand, Manage, and Prevent Algorithmic Bias
  79. Understanding 3D Animation Using Maya
  80. Understanding ASEAN
  81. Understanding ASEAN’s Role in Asia-Pacific Order
  82. Understanding Acoustics
  83. Understanding Acoustics
  84. Understanding Actors and Processes Shaping Transgender Subjectivities
  85. Understanding Ageing for Nurses and Therapists
  86. Understanding Agent Systems
  87. Understanding Agent Systems
  88. Understanding Aging, Fatigue, and Inflammation
  89. Understanding Albanian Sex Trafficking as a Crime Against Humanity
  90. Understanding Allergic Airway Diseases
  91. Understanding Alternative Investments
  92. Understanding Analog Side Channels Using Cryptography Algorithms
  93. Understanding Analysis
  94. Understanding Analysis
  95. Understanding Analysis and its Connections to Secondary Mathematics Teaching
  96. Understanding Animal Welfare
  97. Understanding Anselm's Ontological Argument
  98. Understanding Anxiety, Worry and Fear in Childbearing
  99. Understanding Arthritis
  100. Understanding Artificial Intelligence
  101. Understanding Asperger Syndrome And High Functioning Autism
  102. Understanding Atmospheric Rivers Using Machine Learning
  103. Understanding Atrial Fibrillation
  104. Understanding Atrial Fibrillation
  105. Understanding Attractive Work in a Globalized World
  106. Understanding Auctions
  107. Understanding Audiences, Customers, and Users via Analytics
  108. Understanding Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics
  109. Understanding Azure Data Factory
  110. Understanding Azure Monitoring
  111. Understanding Bacteria
  112. Understanding Behavioral Synthesis
  113. Understanding Behaviour of Distributed Systems Using mCRL2
  114. Understanding Biology Using Peptides
  115. Understanding Blackness through Performance
  116. Understanding Body Shapes of Animals
  117. Understanding Branding in Higher Education
  118. Understanding Built Environment
  119. Understanding Business Strategy
  120. Understanding CCI through Chinese Theatre
  121. Understanding COVID-19: The Role of Computational Intelligence
  122. Understanding Calcium Dynamics
  123. Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones
  124. Understanding Cancer
  125. Understanding Carbon Nanotubes
  126. Understanding Central Banks
  127. Understanding Change
  128. Understanding Child Neglect
  129. Understanding Child Sexual Abuse
  130. Understanding Children in Foster Care
  131. Understanding Children’s Personal Lives and Relationships
  132. Understanding China Today
  133. Understanding China's Economy
  134. Understanding China's Manufacturing Industry
  135. Understanding China's New Common Prosperity
  136. Understanding China's Overcapacity
  137. Understanding China’s Behaviour in the South China Sea
  138. Understanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative
  139. Understanding China’s Growth
  140. Understanding China’s Real Estate Markets
  141. Understanding China’s Real Estate Markets
  142. Understanding China’s School Leadership
  143. Understanding Chinese Culture
  144. Understanding Chinese Engineering Doctoral Students in U.S. Institutions
  145. Understanding Chinese Firms from Multiple Perspectives
  146. Understanding Chinese GDP
  147. Understanding Chinese Multilingual Scholars’ Experiences of Writing and Publishing in English
  148. Understanding Circuits
  149. Understanding Circumcision
  150. Understanding Clinical Data Analysis
  151. Understanding Collective Political Violence
  152. Understanding Communities of School Leadership
  153. Understanding Community Care
  154. Understanding Community Interpreting Services
  155. Understanding Competitive Advantage
  156. Understanding Complex Biological Systems with Mathematics
  157. Understanding Complex Sentences
  158. Understanding Complex Urban Systems
  159. Understanding Complex Urban Systems: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Modeling
  160. Understanding Complexity
  161. Understanding Computation
  162. Understanding Computer Organization
  163. Understanding Concurrent Systems
  164. Understanding Conflict Imaginaries
  165. Understanding Conflict between Russia and the EU
  166. Understanding Construction Contracts
  167. Understanding Consumer Choice
  168. Understanding Consumer Financial Behavior
  169. Understanding Contemporary Ireland
  170. Understanding Contemporary Korea from a Russian Perspective
  171. Understanding Control Flow
  172. Understanding Corporate Credit
  173. Understanding Corporate Risk
  174. Understanding Crime Incidence Statistics
  175. Understanding Crypto Fundamentals
  176. Understanding Cryptography
  177. Understanding Cryptography
  178. Understanding Cultural Non-Participation in an Egalitarian Context
  179. Understanding Cultural Taste
  180. Understanding Cultural Traits
  181. Understanding Culture and Society in India
  182. Understanding Cybersecurity Law and Digital Privacy
  183. Understanding Cybersecurity Law in Data Sovereignty and Digital Governance
  184. Understanding Cybersecurity Management in Decentralized Finance
  185. Understanding Cybersecurity Management in FinTech
  186. Understanding Cybersecurity Management in Healthcare
  187. Understanding Cybersecurity on Smartphones
  188. Understanding Demographic Transitions
  189. Understanding Dental Caries
  190. Understanding Depression
  191. Understanding Depression
  192. Understanding Development
  193. Understanding Diaspora Development
  194. Understanding Different Geographies
  195. Understanding Digital Humanities
  196. Understanding Digital Signal Processing
  197. Understanding Disability
  198. Understanding Disability
  199. Understanding Disability Policies
  200. Understanding Disability and Everyday Hate