Dear Readers

We hope you have enjoyed the range of articles published in the American Journal of PharmacoGenomics this year. We are pleased to present this final issue for 2003, which highlights important issues of ethics in pharmacogenomics and addresses such controversial subjects as race, genetic discrimination, and the ‘hype’ associated with the pharmacogenomics movement. These topics are certain to generate further discussion that we hope to bring you in future issues.

We would also like to highlight below some of the achievements of 2003, and changes in 2004, for our other journals:

  • Drugs ranked number 4 in the ScienceWatch list of top pharmacology and toxicology journals of the decade (1992–2002). For this ranking, ScienceWatch used ISI data to determine the number of references to Drugs articles made in other publications over this time period.

  • • The ISI impact factor for BioDrugs more than doubled from the previous year, and the Journal’s rankings in the Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Oncology, and Immunology indexing categories also markedly improved. The impact factor and category ranking also improved significantly for CNS Drugs. Other journals have continued to maintain their high standing over time.

  • • We officially launched a new peer-reviewed journal, the American Journal of Drug Delivery, at the annual meeting of the International Controlled Release Society.

  • Disease Management & Health Outcomes will be refocused for 2004 to provide more content of specific interest to the pharmaceutical industry, an important stakeholder group in disease management. The American Journal of Clinical Dermatology will be including more evidence-based reviews of drugs and devices in the treatment of dermatological conditions, and Pediatric Drugs will concentrate on recent advances and controversial issues regarding drug therapy for children. Furthermore, the American Journal of Respiratory Medicine has been renamed Treatments in Respiratory Medicine, to reflect the international content of this journal.

  • • Finally, we are proud to have gained indexing on Medline/Index Medicus for the American Journal Cardiovascular Drugs and Treatments in Respiratory Medicine, and on Embase/Excerpta Medica for the American Journal of Cancer, Treatments in Endocrinology, and Treatments in Respiratory Medicine.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the authors who have written articles published in the American Journal of PharmacoGenomics over the past 12 months. The quality of articles not only reflects the efforts of the authors, but also the input of peer reviewers. The assistance of peer reviewers has been invaluable in ensuring that we continue to publish articles that are of the highest standard.

In addition to the Honorary Editorial Board members, we would like to thank the following people who have acted as referees for the articles published in 2003:

  • M.G. Andreassi, Massa, Italy

  • P.J. Aspinall, Turnbridge Wells, England

  • J.A. Badner, Chicago, IL, USA

  • Y.Z. Bagger, Ballerup, Denmark

  • B. Baudin, Paris, France

  • L. Bergmann, Frankfurt, Germany

  • L.M. Beskow, Atlanta, GA, USA

  • P.G. Board, Canberra, ACT, Australia

  • A.I. Bolstad, Bergen, Norway

  • J. Brockmoller, Berlin, Germany

  • S. Broder, Rockville, MD, USA

  • R. Cambari, Ferrara, Italy

  • U. Christians, Denver, CO, USA

  • C.M. Condit, Athens, GA, USA

  • R.S. Cooper, Maywood, IL, USA

  • S.S. Coughlin, Atlanta, GA, USA

  • S.M. Davies, Minneapolis, MN, USA

  • H.W. Deng, Omaha, NE, USA

  • L.J. Egan, Rochester, MN, USA

  • M.H.H. Ensom, Vancouver, BC, Canada

  • W. Ernst, Vienna, Austria

  • R.M. Evans, La Jolla, CA, USA

  • T.R. Flotte, Gainsville, FL, USA

  • J.M. Friedman, Vancouver, BC, Canada

  • D. Goldstein, London, England

  • J.A. Goldstein, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

  • M.A. Gonzalez-Gay, Lugo, Spain

  • W.V. Good, San Francisco, CA, USA

  • R. Grabherr, Vienna, Austria

  • L. Griffiths, Southport, QLD, Australia

  • P. Grindrod, Oxford, England

  • C. Guillemette, Ste-Foy, PQ, Canada

  • Z. Guo, Seatle, WA, USA

  • M.Z. Haider, Safat, Kuwait

  • S. Harney, Oxford, England

  • M.K. Haynes, Philadelphia, PA, USA

  • L.J. Hayward, Worcester, MA, USA

  • J.P. Issa, Houston, TX, USA

  • P.R. Kearns, Bristol, England

  • L.M. Khachigian, Sydney, NSW, Australia

  • L. Knowles, Garrison, NY, USA

  • J. Krumm, Portland, OR, USA

  • M.M. Lakkis, New Haven, CT, USA

  • J.S. Leeder, Kansas City, MO, USA

  • B.L. Lengdahl, Aarhus, Denmark

  • H. Liu, Newark, NJ, USA

  • M.H. Meisler, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

  • P.B. Mitchell, Sydney, NSW, Australia

  • C. Moldrup, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • P. Montagna, Bologna, Italy

  • J.L. Murray, Houston, TX, USA

  • D.W. Nebert, Cincinnati, OH, USA

  • W. Nowlan, Monpelier, VT, USA

  • J.E. Ossa, Bogota, Colombia

  • A. Pahl, Erlangen, Germany

  • J.P. Pandey, Charleston, SC, USA

  • R.M. Pope, Chicago, IL, USA

  • M. Randic, Ljubljana, Slovenia

  • J.R. Raymond, Charleston, SC, USA

  • R.K. Reinscheid, Irvine, CA, USA

  • M. Robinson-Techavi, Lyon, France

  • M.M. Sale, Hobart, TAS, Australia

  • T. Salmen, Kuopio, Finland

  • S.L. Santangelo, Charleston, MA, USA

  • R.E. Schoen, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

  • J.B. Schwartz, San Francisco, CA, USA

  • R.H. Segman, Jerusalem, Israel

  • A. Serretti, Milan, Italy

  • W. Shannon, St Louis, MO, USA

  • A.J.G. Simpson, New York, NY, USA

  • E.S. Sobel, Gainesville, FL, USA

  • S.U. Song, Inchon, South Korea

  • M.A. Spence, Orange, CA, USA

  • B.A. Sullenger, Durham, NC, USA

  • S.J. Szefler, Denver, CO, USA

  • M. Teitell, Los Angeles, CA, USA

  • G. Turecki, Montreal, PQ, Canada

  • M. Verma, Bethesda, MD, USA

  • J.M. Vlak, Wageningen, The Netherlands

  • G.S. Wand, Baltimore, MD, USA

  • K. Wilhelmsen, Emeryville, CA, USA

  • D.C. Zeldin, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

We welcome comments from readers on published articles as well as suggestions for future content in the American Journal of PharmacoGenomics 3 -please feel free to e-mail us at

With best wishes from all of us at Wolters Kluwer Health, Adis International Limited.