Dear readers,

Before you is the next, third thematic issue of the journal Nanobiotechnology Reports, which presents the results of research on cultural heritage objects of various origins and natures using methods of natural sciences.

The regularity of issues of our journal devoted to this most interesting interdisciplinary area, i.e., historical materials science, once again confirms that the stage of initial relations between historians, archaeologists, art historians and representatives of natural sciences in the “request-response, order-execution” paradigm has ended. At present, it can be confidently asserted that Russian science has given rise to an interdisciplinary scientific community in the field of studying cultural heritage by methods of natural sciences, which solves complex scientific problems using new approaches and methods.

The articles presented in this collection traditionally include the results of studying cultural heritage objects of various natures, origins and eras. You will learn about the research of a unique medieval biconical bead, glass bracelets from the Crimea and stoneware of the Bronze Age, as well as the Tahitian pastorals of Paul Gauguin, the memorial cross from the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Kem, and even the gene pool of autochthonous grape varieties of the Don Valley. All these objects are material historical sources, whose study has provided important information about the level of development of technology, art, trade and international relations, and the life of people of past centuries.

Respectfully, Editorial Board

Issue Guest Editors:

Doctor of Historical Sciences E. B. Yatsishina

Candidate of Physical-mathematical Sciences

E. Yu. Tereschenko