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The molecular principles governing the activity and functional diversity of AAA+ proteins

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From Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology

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ATPases associated with diverse cellular activities (AAA+ proteins) are macromolecular machines that convert the chemical energy contained in ATP molecules into powerful mechanical forces to remodel a vast array of cellular substrates, including protein aggregates, macromolecular complexes and polymers. AAA+ proteins have key functionalities encompassing unfolding and disassembly of such substrates in different subcellular localizations and, hence, power a plethora of fundamental cellular processes, including protein quality control, cytoskeleton remodelling and membrane dynamics. Over the past 35 years, many of the key elements required for AAA+ activity have been identified through genetic, biochemical and structural analyses. However, how ATP powers substrate remodelling and whether a shared mechanism underlies the functional diversity of the AAA+ superfamily were uncertain. Advances in cryo-electron microscopy have enabled high-resolution structure determination of AAA+ proteins trapped in the act of processing substrates, revealing a conserved core mechanism of action. It has also become apparent that this common mechanistic principle is structurally adjusted to carry out a diverse array of biological functions. Here, we review how substrate-bound structures of AAA+ proteins have expanded our understanding of ATP-driven protein remodelling.

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Fig. 1: Modular organization of classical AAA+ proteins.
Fig. 2: Schematic representation of the diverse AAA+ proteins that coordinate eukaryotic protein quality control.
Fig. 3: The conserved organization of the classical AAA+ domain.
Fig. 4: Substrate-bound structures of AAA+ proteins reveal a conserved hand-over-hand substrate translocation mechanism.
Fig. 5: The universal substrate-interacting pore loop 1 is uniquely adjusted in different AAA+ proteins.
Fig. 6: Distinct structural features of different of AAA+ proteins mediate additional interactions with the translocating substrate.
Fig. 7: The ATP hydrolysis cycle is distinctly regulated in different AAA+ proteins.

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The authors thank M. Shin for helpful discussions. Preparation of this Review was supported by an American Heart Association predoctoral fellowship to C.P. (17PRE32910005), a National Science Foundation predoctoral fellowship to C.R.S. (2016219351) and a Pew Scholarship in the Biomedical Sciences from the Pew Charitable Trusts and the National Institutes of Health (DP2EB020402 and R21AG06169701) to G.C.L.

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C.P. conceived and drafted the manuscript, C.R.S and C.P. prepared the figures. All authors edited the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Gabriel C. Lander.

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Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology thanks C. Hill and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.

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(Endosomal sorting complex required for transport III). ESCRT-III proteins are recruited to membrane constriction sites, including nearly all subcellular membrane compartments, where they are activated and assemble into filaments, which in turn recruit VPS4, a type I AAA+ protein. ATP-dependent VPS4 activity remodels and disassembles ESCRT-III polymers, thereby powering ESCRT-dependent membrane fission reactions that are required for diverse biological processes, such as vesicle formation in the secretory system, budding of enveloped viruses from the plasma membrane and membrane repair.

SNARE complexes

Protein complexes consisting of syntaxin, synaptobrevin and SNAP25 (synaptosome-associated protein), which assemble into a four-helix bundle that aids in the fusion of membranes.

ER-associated degradation

A cellular pathway that targets misfolded proteins for selective ubiquitylation by endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident ubiquitin ligases. The type II AAA+ protein p97/Cdc48 recognizes and dislocates these polyubiquitylated substrates from the ER membrane and into the cytosol. The resulting unfolded polypeptides are subsequently degraded by the 26S proteasome.

Mitochondria-associated degradation

The process by which the AAA+ protein p97/Cdc48 recognizes and retrotranslocates polyubiquitylated substrates from the outer mitochondrial membrane for subsequent degradation by the 26S proteasome.


Following translation in the cytosol, proteins are translocated into the respective cellular subcompartments. When a protein is misfolded, AAA+ proteins extract these proteins from the membrane, dislocating them into the cytosol. This process is known as retrotranslocation (from the subcompartment back into the cytosol).

26S proteasome

A large multisubunit complex located in the cytosol of eukaryotes with numerous ubiquitin receptors that selectively bind polyubiquitylated protein substrates for degradation. Targeted substrates are unfolded by a AAA+ motor within the complex, while another enzyme called a deubiquitinase cleaves the covalently linked ubiquitin chain from the substrate. The AAA+ ATPase directs the unfolded substrate into a barrel-shaped proteolytic chamber which contains six proteolytic active sites that degrade the substrate.


A generic term that encompasses enzymes capable of binding nucleotide triphosphate (NTP) molecules, such as ATP and GTP. AAA+ proteins are defined as a subclass of P-loop NTPases.

α–β Rossman fold

A super-secondary structure composed of alternating β-strand–α-helix–β-strand segments. The β-strands form a β-sheet and the α–helices surround both faces of the sheet, producing a three-layered sandwich.

Walker A

A G-XXXX-GK-[T/S] sequence motif, where X can be any amino acid. This motif (also known as the P-loop) stabilizes the binding of the nucleotide by interacting with the β-phosphate, and is present in many nucleotide-binding proteins.

Walker B

A consensus sequence (hhhhDE) where h represents any bulky, hydrophobic amino acid. The aspartic acid (D) is important for coordination of a magnesium ion, which in turn helps neutralize the negative charges of the phosphate groups present in the nucleotide. The adjacent glutamate (E) residue serves as a catalytic base, activating water for nucleophilic attack on the γ-phosphate during ATP hydrolysis.

Nucleophilic attack

A fundamental reaction class in which a partially or fully positively-charged group (electrophile) is attacked by an electron-rich molecule (nucleophile) that substitutes a leaving group.

Cation–π interactions

Non-covalent interactions between an electron-rich π system (for example, aromatic amino acids — phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine) and an adjacent cation (for example, basic residues — arginine, lysine and histidine).

van der Waals interactions

Distance-dependent interactions between atoms or molecules that are significantly weaker than other kinds of interactions, such as electrostatic ones.


(Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment proteins). Adaptor proteins that bind both the N-terminal domains of type II AAA+ protein NSF and a SNARE complex, giving rise to the so-called 20S complex.

π-stacking interactions

Electrostatic interactions that can occur between two π systems. In proteins, aromatic residues that are in close proximity to each other can engage in such interactions.

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Puchades, C., Sandate, C.R. & Lander, G.C. The molecular principles governing the activity and functional diversity of AAA+ proteins. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 21, 43–58 (2020).

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