Correction to: Blair, H.A. Elafibranor: First Approval. Drugs (2024).

Section 2.1 Pharmacodynamics. The third sentence of the second paragraph, which currently reads:

Although the in vitro pharmacology studies detected PPAR-gamma activation by elafibranor and GFT1007, animal toxicology studies demonstrated no adverse effects associated with activation of PPAR-γ [6].

Should read:

Although the in vitro pharmacology studies detected PPAR-γ activation by elafibranor and GFT1007, animal toxicology studies demonstrated no adverse effects associated with activation of PPAR-γ [6].

Table: Features and Properties of Elafbranor. WHO ATC codes, which currently reads:

A05AX (Other Drugs for Bile Therapy)

Should read:

A05AX06 (Other Drugs for Bile Therapy)

Section 3 Current Status. The reference for the last sentence should be [8] not [5]

Elafibranor received a positive opinion in the EU in July 2024 for the treatment of PBC [8].

The original article has been corrected.