1 Correction to: CNS Drugs (2018) 32 (3): 241–257 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40263-018-0508-6

1. On Page 244, under General Pharmacokinetic Principles, Column 1—the following sentence should come after reference 21:

“Doses of intramuscular paliperidone palmitate can be conveyed in mg of paliperidone palmitate or as mg equivalents of paliperidone (active moiety, mg eq). For example, 156 mg of intramuscular paliperidone palmitate is equivalent to 100 mg of paliperidone per mL of aqueous suspension [11, 21]. In this article, we present doses of intramuscular paliperidone palmitate in mg, i.e. ‘75 mg’ refers to 75 mg eq of paliperidone, which is equivalent to 117 mg of paliperidone palmitate.”

2. On Page 246, under Paliperidone Palmitate column 2—the text that read:

The efficacy and safety of 1MPP has been established in patients with schizophrenia who experience acute exacerbations and in patients requiring maintenance treatment [45, 46].

Should read as:

The efficacy and safety of 1MPP was established for regulatory approval in patients with schizophrenia who experienced acute exacerbations and in patients who required maintenance treatment [21, 45, 46].

3. On Page 246, under Paliperidone Palmitate, column 2—the text that read:

The pharmacokinetics of 3MPP were characterized in a single-dose study in which patients received doses ranging from 75 to 525 mg (819 mg) [30].

Should read as:

The pharmacokinetics of 3MPP were characterized in a single-dose study in which patients received doses ranging from 75 to 525 mg [32].

4. On Page 246, under Paliperidone Palmitate, column 2—the text that read:

In a randomized multicenter clinical trial, 506 patients with schizophrenia received 3MPP in four phases: (1) screening, (2) 1MPP treatment for 17 weeks, (3) 3MPP single-dose administration, and (4) double-blind randomization of drug-versus-placebo (1:1) [48].

Should read as:

In a randomized, multicentre, multi-phase clinical trial, patients with schizophrenia received 1MPP treatment for 17 weeks (n = 506) followed by a single dose of 3MPP (n = 379) and then entered a double-blind randomization drug-versus-placebo phase (n = 160 vs 145, respectively) [48].

5. On Page 246, under Paliperidone Palmitate, column 2—reference to Table 2 should be removed from the text that reads:

A dosing conversion factor of 3.5 was used when switching patients from 1MPP to 3MPP based on 1MPP and 3MPP pharmacokinetic profiles.