Correction to: Welding in the World

The publication of this article unfortunately contained mistakes. Some references and figure 3 were not correct. The corrected references and figure 3 are given below.

  • 106. Prohaska M (2012) Private communication

  • 144. Westin EM, Putz A, Maderthoner A, Pilhagen J (2022) Solidification cracking in duplex stainless steel flux-cored arc welds Part 1 – Cracking in 30 mm thick material welded under high restraint. Submitted to Welding in the World

  • 145. Westin EM, Warchomicka F (2022) Solidification cracking in flux-cored welding of duplex stainless steel Part 2 – Cracking in 22Cr all-weld metal under high restraint. In preparation for Welding in the World

figure a

The original article has been corrected.