From 2035, no new passenger cars fueled with fossil fuels may be registered - however, the EU still has a long way to go to reach this goal. The transformation involved represents an enormous challenge, both for the industry and for motorists: While the interest in Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) may be growing, Germans are still purchasing too few of them. The reasons are multifaceted: high purchase costs, lack of trust in second-hand BEVs, and the persistent concern about coverage that is commonly known as “range anxiety”.

The transition to electric mobility requires a comprehensive systemic change, applying in industry and among private consumers alike and also considering the principles of the circular economy. Since BEV charging is a lengthy process, new habits are required to be adopted. We need to develop flexible and straightforward car leasing and subscription schemes that are widely taken up and enable their users to explore the benefits of BEVs and become familiar with their specific features without having to take on the full responsibility and costs of owning such a vehicle. Auto dealerships could seize this opportunity to facilitate customers' transition to BEVs by providing comprehensive services.

Trust in battery technology is key for the transformation. However, that trust requires more than safety and reliability testing, and transparent information on new batteries. Resource-efficient production and the topics of second life or recycling are also growing in relevance. The second-hand car market will also play an important role; it is just starting to emerge.

Battery passports will become mandatory from 2027 onward. This document provides a transparent record of battery state of health and performance. Its introduction will play a critical role in optimizing the battery life cycle. The analysis of the battery's state of health, data transparency, and accessibility are supremely important aspects for auto dealers, fleet managers, and consumers.

At TÜV Süd, we are proactively working to accelerate these developments with all speed. Today, we already supply analyses and services that support OEMs, suppliers, and auto dealerships as they strive to navigate the “regulatory maze” and efficiently master current and future challenges. State-of-health analyses help to decide whether to continue using a battery in an EV, consign it to second-life use as a stationary energy storage device, or recycle it. The longer a battery's life, the better for the environment. The transition to sustainable mobility requires concerted efforts by all stakeholders, be they automotive manufacturers and suppliers, or end consumers and society as a whole.