More and more car manufacturers are expanding their activities relating to sustainability. Small and large components of a passenger car are examined in detail, extensive life cycle assessments are carried out, and lengthy supply chains are analyzed. In our interview, Dr. Ulf Zillig from Mercedes-Benz discusses with ATZ about whether there is enough green electricity for all production plants and what steel and aluminum, or even coffee beans and bamboo, might be able to contribute.

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© Mercedes-Benz Group

Dr. Ulf Zillig (born in 1966) is Head of Group Research, Sustainability & RD Functions at Mercedes-Benz Group AG in Sindelfingen (Germany) since January 1, 2022. Zillig studied at TU Karlsruhe (Germany) and at Oxford University (United Kingdom). He received his PhD from ETH Zurich (Switzerland). After joining DaimlerChrysler AG in 1998 as a member of the company's International Management Associate Program, he took up his first post as an assistant to the Director of Development in the Mercedes-Benz Vans division. From 2001, he was Head of Development Documentation, and in 2004 was appointed Head of the Development Controlling, Planning and Process Design department and the Van Technology Center. He held further senior management positions in 2006 as Head of Department Lifecycle Management and in 2011 as Head of Strategy Development and Portfolio Management. From 2014, he was overall strategic project manager for the VS30, the Sprinter. Between 2018 and 2021, he was Head of Development and Product Development at Mercedes-Benz Vans and was responsible for global development. Here, he was also in charge of the conception of the new Sprinter and the VAN.EA platform.

Ulf Zillig, thank you very much for this interesting interview.

You can read more of this interview in German language on our online portal at