Correction to: J Am Soc Mass Spectrom (2018)

In the preceding article “Characterization of Long-Chain Fatty Acid as N-(4-Aminomethylphenyl) Pyridinium Derivative by MALDI LIFT-TOF/TOF Mass Spectrometry” by Frankfater et al., errors in Figs. 2 and 3 have occurred. The legend (Fig. 2) “The MALDI LIFT TOF-TOF spectra of the M+ ions of m/z 473 from Δ8,11,1420:3-AMPP (a), Δ11,14,1720:3-AMPP isomers (b), and of m/z 635 ions from Δ14,17,20,23,26,2932:6-AMPP (c). Panel d and panel e show the MS2 spectra of Δ8,11,1420:3-AMPP obtained by a LIT instrument applying low-energy CID (optimized to 65% normalized CE) (c), and HCD (optimized to 50% normalized CE) (d). Panel f shows the low energy CID (60% normalized CE) LIT MS2 spectrum of Δ14,17,20,23,26,2932:6-AMPP, and the spectrum is similar to that acquired by LIFT TOF-TOF (panel c)” does not match the mass spectra data presented. The spectrum in panel e is MALDI LIFT TOF-TOF spectrum of Δ14,17,20,23,26,2932:6-AMPP and should be presented as panel c. The spectra in panel c and panel d represent the MS2 spectra of Δ8,11,1420:3-AMPP obtained by a LIT instrument applying low-energy CID (optimized to 65% normalized CE) (c), and HCD (optimized to 50% normalized CE) (d), respectively; and should be presented as panel d and panel e, respectively. The legend (Fig. 3) “(b) 14-methyl-hexadecanoic acid-AMPP (anteiso), and (c) 15-methyl-hexadecanoic acid-AMPP (iso)” should be “(b) 15-methyl-hexadecanoic acid-AMPP (iso) and (c) 14-methyl-hexadecanoic acid-AMPP (anteiso)”. We apologize for the errors.