1 Correction to: Public Transport 12, 233–259 (2020) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12469-019-00226-9

I wish to correct a small but nonetheless important error in my paper “The role of city geometry in determining the utility of a small urban light rail/tram system”, Mc Gettrick, M., Public Transport, Vol. 12, pp. 233–259, (2020), DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s12469-019-00226-9.

The equation at the beginning of Sect. 4.4, and also Eq. (45) at the end of Appendix B, should both be replaced by

$${\text{IF } = \text{ }}\frac{23}{{72}}.$$

Furthermore, a few calculations leading up to this expression in Appendix B should be changed, specifically:

1. Appendix B, Eq. (41):

  • Replace a4(1 + 6 ln 2)/9 by a4(1 − 2 ln 2/3).

  • Replace 2a2(1 + 6 ln 2)/9 by 2a2(1 − 2 ln 2/3).

2. Appendix B, Eq. (44):

  • Replace \(4(1+6\ln 2)/3 \text{ by } 12 - 8\ln 2.\)

  • Replace \(a^{2}(7 + 24\ln2)/18 \text{ by } 23a^{2}/18.\)