Research from Individual Scholars

Robert Brym

  • Brym, Robert. 2023. Visible, indigenous, and gender minorities among Canadian Jews, 2021. Canadian Jewish studies/Études Juives Canadiennes 36: 14–28.

  • Brym, Robert. 2023. Canadian Jewish population 2022: Focus on Jews from the former Soviet Union and Holocaust survivors. In American Jewish year book 2022, eds. Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin, 275–89. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Steven Gold

Ilana Horwitz

  • Kelman, Ari, Ilana M. Horwitz, and Abiya Ahmed. 2023. Jewish studies’ dual curriculum: Jewish community high school students’ reflections on what counts as “Jewish” learning. Journal of Jewish Education, 89: 398–417.

  • Horwitz, Ilana and Mijal Bitton. 2023. Towards greater inclusion in Jewish education: exploring diverse Jewish educational experiences. Journal of Jewish Education, 89: 207–9.

Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz

Dani Kranz

Nadia Malinovich

  • Malinovich, Nadia. 2022. Between meta-history and memory: narrating the Jewish-Muslim past in Morocco and present in France. In Jews and Muslims in Europe: Between Discourse and Experience, eds. Samuel Everett and Ben Gidley. Leiden: Brill.

Keren McGinity

Uzi Rebhun

  • Rebhun, Uzi. 2023. Israeli-Jewish immigrants in Germany: An assessment of the destination-language acquisition model and the role of Holocaust memory. Population, space, and place, 29: e2620.

  • Rebhun, Uzi. 2023. The golden jubilee of the first National Jewish Population Survey: A critical assessment of the demographic study of American Jews, 1970–2020. Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin, eds. In American Jewish year book 2022: 3–60. Cham: SpringerNature.

  • Rebhun Uzi. 2023. Jewish diversity in Israel. European Judaism 56: 88–111.

Jessica Roda

  • Roda, Jessica. 2024. For women and girls only: Reshaping Jewish Orthodoxy through the arts in the digital age. New York: NYU Press.

Amir Segal

  • Segal, Amir A. and Joshua Guetzkow. 2023. Transnational immigrants encounter the workplace: North American Jewish migrants in Israel who work in fundraising. Migration Letters, 20: 1167–84.

Mark Trencher

Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies and Steinhardt Social Research Institute at Brandeis University


  • Aronson, Janet Krasner, Matthew A. Brookner, Matthew Boxer, Leonard Saxe, Zachary Seeskin, David Dutwin with Adina Bankier-Karp, Alicia Chandler, Daniella Levine, Adam Martin, and Raquel Magidin de Kramer. 2023. A blueprint for our future: 2022 San Diego Jewish community study. Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University.

  • Boxer, Matthew, Matthew A. Brookner, Adina Bankier-Karp, Alicia Chandler, Daniella Levine, Adam Martin, Raquel Magidin de Kramer, Ilana Friedman, Matthew Feinberg, Janet Krasner Aronson, and Leonard Saxe. 2023. 2022–23 Greater Portland Jewish community study. Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University.

  • Brookner, Matthew A., Janet Krasner Aronson, Matthew Boxer, Leonard Saxe, Zachary H. Seeskin, and David Dutwin. 2023. 2021–22 Long Beach area Jewish community study. Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University.

  • Hecht, Shahar, Nicole Samuel, Sasha Volodarsky, Allyson Birger, Graham Wright, and Leonard Saxe. 2024. Experiencing Israel through sport: Evaluation of Israel connect and the impact of the 2022 Maccabiah games. Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University.

  • Wright, Graham, Sasha Volodarsky, Shahar Hecht, and Leonard Saxe. 2023. In the shadow of war: Hotspots of antisemitism on US college campuses. Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University.

  • Samuel, Nicole, Daniella Levine, and Allyson Birger. 2023. Ezra and Springboard alumni report, Fall 2022: Evaluation of Hillel International’s Springboard fellowship. Waltham, MA: Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies, Brandeis University.

Journal Articles

Opinion Pieces


Research Resource

The Institute for Jewish Policy Research

Tables of Contents of Edited Volumes

  • Hochman, Oshrat. 2023. Immigration and Integration in Israel and Beyond. de Berlin: De Gruyter

  • Oshrat Hochman, Introduction.

  • Sergio DellaPergola, Socio-economic determinants of ethnic migration to Israel, 1991–2019.

  • Nonna Kushnirovich, The theory of ethnic economics and ethnic economy.

  • Sibylle Heilbrunn, Natalia Vershinina, and Peter Rogers, Employment, self-employment and precarity, routes to migrant integration?

  • Haya Stier, Inequality among older immigrants in Israel, Does marital status matter?

  • Hanna Ayalon, Motivation type and generation in higher education, differences between privileged, minority and immigrant students.

  • Adriana Kemp, Urban citizenship revisited, incorporating migrants and asylum seekers in Tel Aviv in times of restrictive policing.

  • Lilach Lev Ari and Arnon Medzini, Forced migrants in the city of Tel Aviv, Possible avenues for their integration.

  • Anastasia Gorodzeisky, Moshe Semyonov, Eldad Davidov and Peter Schmidt, Threats, prejudice and opposition to immigration.

Tables of Contents of Other Journals

Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism

  • Tami Peterson, The hard truth about soft-core denial: How antizionist antisemitism skews Holocaust memory.

  • David Seymour, Reflections on the reservoir: The abstraction of antisemitism.

  • Jasna Levinger-Goy, Looking back at Holocaust remembrance in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Clement Labi, The fate of the Jews as an ethnoreligious group.

Journal of Jewish Identities

Issue 16, nos. 1–2 (2023)

  • Phyllis Lassner, Victoria Aarons, Post-Holocaust culture and Jewish identity.

  • Karen Alkalay-Gut, Poems.

  • Alex M. Anderson, Lucas F. W. Wilson, “I was a prisoner. Jew. Whore.”: Inherited Sexualized Trauma in Sonia Pilcer’s The Holocaust Kid.

  • Liat Steir-Livny, Jewish American Relief Organizations in the Aftermath of WWII: media, commemoration, memory, and acknowledgment of the Holocaust.

  • Nicholas Chare, Containing the past: Edith Kiss’s deportation and Jewish experiences at Ravensbrück.

  • William F. S. Miles, Holocaust consciousness, Igbo Jewish identity, and the resurgence of Biafran Nationalism in Nigeria.

  • Nathan Abrams, “A Monstrously difficult subject”: Stanley Kubrick’s Aryan papers (1991–1993).

  • Golan Moskowitz, Gendered bodily flux and queer catharsis in the work of Bruno Schulz.

  • Axel Stähler, Alternative Histories—alternative identities? Jewishness and the (al)lure of “What if . . .?”.

  • Judith Tydor Baumel-Schwartz, Celebrating life, sanctifying death, and creating identity through two forms of Holocaust commemoration.

  • Eric J. Sundquist, Hyam Plutzik’s War.

  • Lawrence Baron, The revolt of Job: salvaging the lost world of rural Hungarian Hasidim.

  • Nick Underwood, Women writers and the postwar remaking of Yiddish Paris.

  • Rebecca Margolis, David Slucki, Second- and third-generation Holocaust writing in Australia: towards a cultural history.

  • Ilan Stavans, Saint Hershele.

Issue 17, Number 1 (2024)

  • Geoffrey P. Levin, Emotions and a Genre of Jewish Politics: American Jewish Advocacy for Israeli-Palestinian Peace, 1967–1977.

  • Alexey Izmalkov, Screened Jews of the Russian World: Race, Fate, and History in Putin’s Heroic War Films.

  • Monika Rice, Marek Edelman’s Bundist Humanitarianism: Theme and Variations from the Warsaw Uprising to Solidarity.

  • Joseph Voignac, Preserving Jewish identity without returning to the ghetto: a case study of the École Maïmonide, France’s First Jewish secondary school, 1935–2022.

Note: Persons wishing to submit entries for future issues should send such to