Erratum to: METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B DOI 10.1007/s11663-009-9334-z

There are important typos in Equations 1 and 2 in the Modeling Methodology section of the paper.

The “+” signs were missing from the equations. There should be a “+” sign in between \( L(t)C_{{ {\text{Cu}}}}^{{\rm L}/\gamma } (t) \) and the integrals in equation 1 and a “+” sign in between \( L(t)C_{{ {\text{Ni}}}}^{{\rm L}/\gamma} (t) \) and the integrals in equation 2. The correct equations are given below:

$$ L(t)C_{\rm Cu}^{{\rm L}/\gamma } (t) + \int\limits_{{L_{0} }} {C_{\rm Cu}^{\gamma } (x,t)} dx = (L_{0} + L_{\rm lost} (t))C_{\rm Cu}^{0} $$
$$ L(t)C_{\rm Ni}^{{\rm L}/\gamma } (t) + \int\limits_{{L_{0} }} {C_{\rm Ni}^{\gamma } (x,t)} dx = (L_{0} + L_{\rm lost} (t))C_{\rm Ni}^{0} $$

The publisher regrets this error.