1 Erratum to: Med Biol Eng Comput DOI 10.1007/s11517-015-1429-x

The original article was published with the following errors.

In the introduction section, at the end of the final paragraph, the following sentences were missed.

“This review is complemented by three companion papers with emphases on electrodes [103], integrated circuit amplifiers [92], and stimulators [89]. Together, they highlight milestones and challenges in the field of implantable neuroprostheses.”

Reference 46 was incorrect. The correct reference is given below:

Fetz EE (2015) Chapter 12—restoring motor function with bidirectional neural interfaces. In: Dancause N, Nadeau S, Rossignol S (eds) Sensorimotor rehabilitation at the crossroads of basic and clinical sciences, vol 218 of progress in brain research. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 241–252

Reference 70 was incorrect. Hence, it should be removed and the References 71–88 should be renumbered as 70–87.

In Reference 81 (now it is Ref. 80), the journal name was incorrect. The correct journal name should read as “Front Human Neurosci”. The correct reference is given below:

Liew S, Santarnecchi E, Buch E, Cohen L (2014) Noninvasive brain stimulation in neurorehabilitation: Local and distant effects for motor recovery. Front Human Neurosci 8:378

The following new reference should be inserted as Reference 88:

Muller R, Gambini S, Rabaey J (2012) A 0.013 mm2 5 μW DC-coupled neural signal acquisition IC with 0.5 V supply. IEEE J Solid–State Circuits 47(1):232–243

The following new reference should be inserted as Reference 93:

Nishimura Y, Perlmutter SI, Eaton RW, Fetz EE (2013) Spike-timing-dependent plasticity in primate corticospinal connections induced during free behavior. Neuron 80(5):1301–1309

Reference 93–101 should be renumbered as 94–102. Reference 102 should be listed as Reference 104.

The following new reference should be inserted as Reference 105:

Plow EB, Carey JR, Nudo RJ, Pascual-Leone A (2009) Invasive cortical stimulation to promote recovery of function after stroke a critical appraisal. Stroke 40(5):1926–1931

Reference 104–140 should be renumbered as 106–142. The reference citations in the text should also be changed accordingly.

All the above-mentioned changes have been corrected in the original article.

The amended list of references 70–142 is as follows: