Correction to: Water Air Soil Pollut

One of the bibliographic reference entry of this article had the author name and family name switched by mistake.

Melina, N., Gonzalo, H. S., Gaston, A. C., Marcelo, S., Jorge, F.G., & Silvia, E. M. (2013). Hydrocarbon biodegradation and dynamic laser speckle for detecting chemotactic responses at low bacterial concentration. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 25(3), 613–625.

Should be:

Nisenbaum, M., Sendra, G. H., Cerdá Gilbert, G.A., Scagliola, M., González, J.F. & Murialdo, S.E. (2013). Hydrocarbon biodegradation and dynamic laser speckle for detecting chemotactic responses at low bacterial concentration. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 25(3), 613–625.