Correction to: Plant Molecular Biology (2018) 97:201–214.

Due to the oversight during combining and dragging the large number of images, the inaccuracies in the Supplementary Figs. S5 and S6A were presented in the original publication. For Fig. S5, the image of MeGAPC6 + MeATG8b at 2 dpi was accidentally wrong, the authors repeated the whole experiment, obtained the consistent results and then would like to correct the whole Fig. S5 with the repeated figures. For Fig. S6A, the images of pTRV-MeATG8b/8e at 4 dpi and pTRV-MeGAPCs + MeATG8b/8e at 2 dpi and 4 dpi were accidentally wrong, the authors have found the original data, repeated the results and corrected the accident images with original data.

The reference of “(Supplementary Fig. S6)” would be added in the second paragraph from bottom of the section of “Discussion” in Plant Molecular Biology (2018) 97: 212. The adjusted article text would be “Although MeGAPC4/6 and MeATG8b/8e had significant effects on cell death and autophagy activity such as abundance of ATG8-PE (Supplementary Fig. S6)”.

The correction does not compromise the scientific integrity of the study's conclusions. The authors sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the oversight. The corrected Supplementary Figs. S5 and S6A are shown here.

Corrected Supplementary Figure S5 is as follows:

Fig. S5 Trypan blue staining of Nicotiana benthamiana leaves. For the assay, the equal volumes of GV3101 cell culture harbouring the plasmids together with P19 plasmid were syringe infiltrated into 30-day-old Nicotiana benthamiana leaves for assigned days. Bar = 500 μm

figure a

Corrected Supplementary Figure S6A is as follows:

Fig. S6 The relative autophagic activity by MDC staining (A) and the formation of ATG8-PE (B) in cassava plant leaves. For the assay, the equal volumes of GV3101 cell culture harbouring the pTRV2 or MeGAPCs-pTRV2 or MeATG8b/8e-pTRV2 or MeGAPCs-pTRV2 and MeATG8b/8e-pTRV2 plasmids together with pTRV1 plasmid were syringe infiltrated into 30-day-old cassava leaves for 10 days. Then 108 cfu ml−1 of Xam was syringe infiltrated into the cassava leaves for another 0, 2, 4, 6 days, and the bacterial number was analyzed. For western blot, ponceau staining of Rubisco in 20 μg total protein indicated the equal loading. The average data was shown. Bar = 500 μm. Asterisk symbols (*) of p < 0.05 were also shown after Student t-test and Duncan’s range test

figure b