1 Introduction

Mental health and well-being are essential aspects of life quality; they are necessary components of social cohesion, productivity, and the maintenance of stability and peace in the living environment [1]. Mental illness has caused havoc on society in today's globe and has come to the forefront as a serious concern. People who suffer severe depression, anxiety, panic disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other mental problems are mostly oblivious that mental illnesses constitute the world's most serious issue [2]. Because it produces disturbance in a person's behavior, thoughts, and emotions, it has a detrimental impact on their life. Mental illness leads to various changes and bad outcomes in a person's life, such as losing trust in himself and his family. Mental illness has social ramifications and a monetary cost on a worldwide scale [3]. There are no biological tests available or done to assess mental disorders. The expert's opinion is employed to determine the diagnosis based on the various symptoms. There may be an obvious link and effect based on the person's physiological symptoms. Mental health and a more positive mindset are essential for one's entire well-being. Each year, eight lakhs’ people attempt suicide, by estimates, with a much higher number of persons committing suicide. The majority of suicides are caused by prevalent mental diseases [4]. Suicide is a top cause of mortality worldwide and a leading cause of adolescent death. Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and chronic disorders suddenly manifest as serious mental health issues. Such conditions may be avoided or treated more successfully. More treatment and care may be offered if abnormal mental states are identified early in the disease [5]. Furthermore, diagnosis-based methods have the unintended effect of inhibiting the participation of those who are ill. As a consequence, psychological issues are usually overlooked or ignored. Anxiety and depression issues have a variety of health and well-being consequences. Ischemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, accidental accidents, and purposeful accidents are risk factors for anxiety and depression. In addition, insomnia, palpitations, tremors, severe weight loss or increase, diarrhea, and vomiting are a few symptoms. Explainability draws attention to the close connection between suicidal ideas and sadness, where hopelessness may tragically lead to suicide. Unfortunately, those who suffer from depression and anxiety often experience discrimination from both society and their family, which emphasises the need for explainability in combating such prejudices. As a result, people could have difficulties in both academic and professional contexts; explainability sheds light on these difficulties. Their problems are made worse by economic stress, which is sometimes difficult to detect, resulting in poverty and deteriorating health. The deterioration of economic and social changes further lowers their standard of living. Financial stress disproportionately affects low- and middle-income families [6].

In recent years, data collection in mental health therapy has increased substantially. The hearing may be impaired as a consequence of the depressed mood. People behave in strange ways in general. Mental disease is on the increase nowadays. Everyone else has a mental disease of some kind. However, only 35 to 50 percent of people in high-income countries who need primary care actually get it, highlighting the importance of explainability in determining the best course of action. This imbalance differs since diagnostic treatment is restricted, and the disease is not detected first and foremost [7]. Social media, smartphones, neuro-imaging, and wearables enable mental health researchers to gather data swiftly. Machine learning uses probabilistic and statistical methodologies to create self-learning machines. AI (artificial intelligence), natural language processing, speech recognition, and computer vision have all benefited from machine learning. In addition, machine learning has helped significant progress in fields like bioinformatics by enabling the rapid and scalable examination of complex data. Similar analytic approaches are being used to study mental health data to improve patient outcomes and improve knowledge of psychiatric illnesses and their treatment [8, 36]. We employed machine learning and data scaling methods to identify mental disabilities and fill these gaps. Consequently, the following provides a summary of our technological contribution:

The machine learning-based technical article made the following significant contributions:

  • The main goal of our research project is to provide a better method for mental illness prediction.

  • We used six machine learning algorithms, including data scaling methods like min–max and standard scaling, to standardise the mental illness dataset.

  • We thoroughly examined the algorithms' performance with and without these scaling techniques. After analysing the results of our investigation, we concluded that the Gaussian classifier was the most effective method.

  • The applied methodologies used quality criteria such as F1 score, accuracy, precision, and recall to predict mental health disorders.

The remainder of the paper is as follows: The evaluation of the background investigation has been summarised in Section 2, which contains a comprehensive analysis of the previous results. We used a variety of measures to evaluate the model's performance, including each classifier's F1 score, accuracy, precision, and recall. The details of this assessment are provided in Section 3. Section 4 then explores the preparation steps, including data manipulation and visualisation. Afterwards, the Section 5 explores the machine learning classifiers used most often. The Section 6 provides the results and a comparative analysis of these classifiers, along with recommended reading lists. Section 7 concludes by summarising the results of our investigation and offering suggestions for further research efforts.

2 Background study

Sau et al. [9] focused on using machine learning techniques in the realm of automated mental health disease screening. Using this technology, an automated computer-based method may replace time-consuming anxiety and depressive episodes with acceptable accuracy. With 82.6 percent accuracy and 84.1 percent precision, Catboost proved to be the best choice for this task. Braithwaite et al. [10] used machine learning techniques using Twitter data to verify suicidality measurements in the US population. The results reveal that machine learning algorithms can effectively detect the clinically severe suicide rate in 92% of instances. Srividya et al. [11] developed a model for measuring mental health using machine learning techniques. Clustering was employed before constructing models. MOS was used to validate and train a classifier's class labels. The use of categorization models improved psychological health prediction accuracy to 90%. Watts et al. [12] employed machine learning, and various historical, sociodemographic, and clinical factors were assessed using data-driven methods. Sexual crimes may be predicted from nonviolent and violent crimes using 36 factors. A binary classifier has an 83.26% sensitivity and a 76.42% specificity for predicting sexual and violent offenses. Several algorithms were developed using the data of 970 participants, according to Hornstein et al. [13], to forecast a substantial decrease in depressive and anxious symptoms utilizing clinical and sociodemographic characteristics. First, it was decided to forecast the results of 279 newcomers using an RF (random forest) classifier since it outperformed cross-validation the best. Jain et al. [14] state that the suggested model has used eight widely used machine learning (ML) calculation techniques to build up the expectations models using a large dataset, resulting in exact This study endeavour has made an effort to obtain a precise and exact image by using a variety of methodologies and models. Following different strategies helps to clarify information, do tasks more effectively, and decrease the frequency of suicide cases. The Support Vector Machine was used, and the ultimate result was 87.38 percent (SVM).

Twelve percent of new mothers suffer from PPD (postpartum depression), a dangerous medical condition, as per Andersson et al. [15]. Preventive therapies are most beneficial for high-risk women, but it may be challenging to identify them. The randomized tree approach performed well, providing the highest accuracy and a balanced sensitivity and specificity. In order to predict psychological discomfort from just ecological parameters, Sutter et al. [16] built a machine learning model using a variety of methodologies. On a sample dataset, eight different classification approaches were used and achieved accuracy of 0.811. The early findings imply that an accurate and trustworthy model is feasible with further advancements in implementation and analysis. With the suggested basic paradigm, this research may help create a proactive response to the world's mental health epidemic.

Rahman et al. [18] state that to find meaningful features, six distinct feature selection algorithms were used to sort through the 34 characteristics retrieved from each signal. According to empirical research, a neural net (NN) can distinguish between the three musical genres with 99.2% accuracy using a collection of characteristics taken from physiological data. The research also finds a few helpful factors to boost classification model accuracy. Anxiety and depression are common among the elderly, as per Sau et al. [18]. This article uses machine learning to predict anxiety and sadness in elderly individuals. Ten classifiers were evaluated using ten-fold cross-validation on 510 elderly individuals and achieved the highest accuracy of 91%. Sano et al. [19] developed wearable sensors, mobile phones, and data integrity techniques for objective behavioral and physiological assessments Classification accuracy for stress was 73.5% (139/189), and for mental health, it was 79% (37/47) using modifiable behavioral factors. Table 1 describes the comparative analysis of the past study.

Table 1 Comparative Analysis

3 Proposed design

This section discusses the potential approaches and datasets for early mental disease prediction. Python and Jupyter notebook's integrated design environment (IDE) was used for all the implementation work. As shown in Fig. 1, the suggested framework aims to increase the precision of early mental disease prediction. The information was accessible on the Kaggle website. The study's data source is a single CSV file with a string data type containing different diseases. The data was first translated into a Boolean form from yes or no questions depending on the signs of different diseases. The missing values were confirmed once the dataset was imported into Python as a Data frame. Pre-processing included converting the string datatype into the 0 and 1-based Boolean type. After completing the cleaning procedure, we applied a feature selection technique to limit the features and selected just the finest.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proposed framework

The following machine learning techniques are used to categorize the illnesses into six groups once the dataset has been imported. The pre-processing & feature selection stages have been finished: The gaussian classifier, the decision tree (DT), the linear regression, the logistic regression (LR), the random forest (RF), the K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and (LR). SHAP and LIME explainers have been incorporated into this paper. The implementation of these models represents an advanced approach to augment the visibility of machine learning (ML) models. They offer insights from both a regional and international standpoint, detailing the individual impact of each factor on the ultimate probability linked to the possible emergence of the pathology. A detailed elucidation of the various machine learning (ML) techniques and SHAP and LIME explainers used in the investigation can be found in Sect. 4. Moreover, by using a range of assessment criteria, the algorithms are examined and contrasted in terms of their capacity to forecast future events (as delineated in the findings section), highlighting the significance of explainability in the assessment process.

3.1 Dataset description

It is crucial to building a trustworthy model and fully comprehend every aspect of it before employing the model. It could be immoral to obtain the necessary data from a few sources, even if it may be available from many. As a result, information from reliable sources could not be trustworthy sometimes, which calls for much ethical work. In order to go forward with this study, we need data that includes different signs of mental illness. Research indicates that a person's symptoms are considered when diagnosing mental diseases. The study utilised the "mental health prediction" dataset from Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/code/kairosart/machine-learning-for-mental-health-1). First, we look at the dataset, which has 334 rows and 31 columns. The collection includes a variety of mental illnesses and their symptoms, and each illness has a wide range of symptoms.

There are 31 columns in the dataset. Some attributes include feeling anxious, depressed, anxious, panic attacks, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping, hopelessness, anger, tiredness, trouble concentrating, compulsive behavior, etc. These signs and symptoms depend on the kind of mental disease. This dataset's primary goal is to identify connections between people's mental illnesses and their occupations and levels of education. For mental illness, many criteria have been found. The dataset, along with the explanation, is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Detailed description of dataset

3.2 Exploratory data analysis

Data visualization is the graphic depiction of data used to comprehend its relationships and patterns. Building machine learning models is significantly more accessible because of EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis), which enables better knowledge of the data. Plots, a data visualization tool based on Matplotlib, has been used to examine data visualization approaches in this research [40]. The EDA facilitates the detection of hidden characteristics in data collection. It includes a sophisticated user interface that enables you to design eye-catching and educational statistics visuals.

Several libraries were loaded, namely NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Pandas, to perform the EDA. Pre-processing included converting the string datatype into the 0 and 1-based Boolean type. We can get the basic information about the Dataframe using Dataframe.info (). dataframe is a mix of categorical and numerical data. We also have the missing values in some columns and we can get some more insight about the data using Dataframe.describe (). In EDA, we have digged into data and find information about the no of people who have survived with mental illness. So, 122 out of 611 survived with mental disorder and 250 have not survived with mental illness as plotted in Fig. 3(a). In Fig. 3(b), We utilized many characteristics, such as high school, undergraduate, completed masters and completed PhD, to depict the data for various education levels along with their count.

Fig. 3
figure 3

(a) Plotting of people having and not having mental illness (b) Plotting of people having different types of mental illness

3.3 Data transformation

It is essential to deal with the number of missing values in the data. So, in this step, we are to find the missing data because data is usually taken from multiple sources, which are generally not reliable. To tackle the missing values, we first consider them by drop column methods and estimate the missing values with the mean, median, or mode of the respective features. Datasets can have inconsistent values. To deal with conflicting values, it is necessary to perform data assessment like knowing the data type of a particular column and checking its correspondence rows values. We have replaced the column value responses to the 0 and 1. where “0” means No and “1” means yes. We have applied the numeric function to convert the income values into numeric. First, 1 and 0 have been used in place of the yes and no. Additionally, we must substitute Nan with 0 in the next step. For this, we utilized the fillna() method. Second, we have substituted missing data with imputation. Imputation seeks to replace missing data values with another value, often the mean or median of the given column, instead of discarding these values. The database has some missing values, which are shown as NaN. Estimating or impugning missing values using the available data is a more effective method. We used the sklearn, SimpleImputer algorithm to impute missing data. A Simple Imputer object must first be fitted to the training set in order to learn only a few parameters, such as the mean, median, and mode; otherwise, when applied to the whole dataset, it would provide erroneous results. We used the parameters discovered from training set to impute missing information on the testing set. To use a categorical variable in a machine learning model, one must "encode" it into a numerical value. Next, we encoded target labels ranging from 0 to n class-1 using Label Encoder on our study dataset [41]. This transfer should be used to encode the target values.

3.4 Covariance matrix

Correlation between two variables shows how much those two variables contain the same information. Correlation is significant for learning more about data. The variances of the variables will be along the main diagonal of the variance–covariance matrix, and the covariances between any two variables will be in the remaining matrix cells. The means of the variables are also represented in the mean vector. [25, 26]. In our study, we have used a correlation between mental illness with job description and education. In the Fig. 4, Strong negative correlation between obvious features of unemployed and currently employed at least part time. Strong positive correlation between depression and mentally ill, attacks and anxiety.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Correlation Matrix

3.5 Feature selection

The technique for minimizing the components to support an advanced model is feature selection. Feature selection techniques aim to enhance model accuracy and minimize computation cost by eliminating superfluous features and making models and procedures easier to understand and more suited to a dataset [26]. It also helps to minimize training length, data complexity, and model overfitting. The selection of features is a preprocessing step used prior to establishing a classification model that addresses the curse of dimensionality, which adversely impacts the algorithm. For feature classification we have used parameters as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Features used in study

3.6 Scaling methods (standard scaler and minMax scaler)

Data transformation consists of all operations we need to change the variables or create new ones. Dataset has some entries with different scales that can cause issues while training the model. We employed both min–max & standard scalers in this research study. Observed values of a variable are rescaled such that their new distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one using a standard scaler as shown in Eq. (1).


where y is the scaled data and x is to be scaled data. Here, xmean is the mean of the training samples and xstd is the standard deviation of the training samples [27]. To contrast, Min–max scaling uses the following formula to scale each characteristic independently as shown in Eq. (2).

$${y}^{\prime}_{i}=2\frac{{y}_{i}-{y}_{min}}{{y}_{max}-{y}_{min}} -1$$

where \({y}_{i}\) is the log(y) response's initial value and y' is its scaled value at depth i. ymin and ymax are the log response's minimum and maximum values, respectively [28].

4 Enhancing mental health prediction using explainable machine learning

Incorporating explainability within Predicting Mental Health Disorders via the Human–Machine Interaction framework is a crucial undertaking. This research study explores machine learning (ML) approaches, such as k-nearest neighbor, linear regression, Gaussian classifier, random forest, decision tree, and logistic regression. By strategically using these machine learning approaches, the project aims to provide precise forecasts and prioritize elucidating the underlying mechanisms of the models used for prediction. Each technique brings forth its distinct aspect: the k-nearest neighbor method enables the examination of data through proximity analysis, linear regression establishes patterns for prediction, the Gaussian classifier introduces a probabilistic understanding, decision trees and random forest algorithms dissect complex decision pathways, and logistic regression provides a probabilistic basis for classification. Through the strategic use of several methodologies, this study aims to improve the accuracy of predictions related to mental health disorders. Additionally, it seeks to understand better the underlying processes that contribute to these predictions. The objective of this work is to provide a better experience and productive collaboration between humans and artificial intelligence in the realm of mental health condition prediction.

In order to get insight into disease outbreaks, several machine learning approaches may help uncover patterns of abnormal behavior within data. This section describes well-known machine learning methods for predicting mental illness.

  • Logistic regression

The sigmoid function graph serves as a visual representation of logistic regression. It was given the logistic function's name. A point may represent any real number on S-shaped curve, which is always somewhere between zero and one [29]. A logistic regression equation as shown in Eq. (3) is used in statistical software to comprehend the link between a dependent variable & one or more independent variables by measuring probabilities.


Logistic regression may be expanded to include several independent variables, which can be either continuous or categorical. The predicted probability of an event occurring is denoted by \({p}_{i}\) in the preceding calculation. In such case, the multiple logistic regression approach would be:


where \({p}_{i}\) is the response variable and exp {-\({z}_{i}\)} are regression coefficients that express the proportional change in y for a unit change in \({z}_{i}\).

  • K-Nearest neighbor

One non-parametric supervised learning method used for classification and regression is K-NN. The value assigned to a data instance in the primary K-closest neighbors classification is decided by the simple majority vote of the nearest neighbors [30]. The classification uses uniform weights. Alternately, the weights might be computed using a user-defined distance function. Analyzing neighborhood components is similar to studying the Mahalanobis distance measure.

$$L(xi - xj)||2 = \left(xi - xj\right)TM\left(xi - xj\right)$$

where \(M={L}^{t}L\) is a symmetric positive semi definite matrix of size (n_features, n_features).

  • Decision Tree

Decision tree classifier is a supervised machine learning algorithms which uses a set of rules to make decision like human make decisions. Here, we can used classification and regression model to make decisions. The main idea behind using of decision trees classifiers is to use the dataset features to provide answer of yes/no questions and then split the dataset into data points of each class [31]. If a target is a classification outcome taking on values 0,1,…,K-1, for node m,

$${p}_{mk}=1/{N}_{m}{\sum }_{y\epsilon Qm}1\left(y=k\right)$$

Let be the proportion of class k observations in node m. If m is a terminal node, predict_proba for this region is set to pmk.

  • Random Forest

A meta estimator called a random forest fits several decision tree classifiers to various dataset subsamples. As its name suggests, a random forest is an ensemble of several independent decision trees. Each distinct tree generates a class prediction, and our model's prediction is determined by the class that receives the most votes. This strategy minimizes the estimator's variance and avoids overfitting by merging many trees with a little more significant bias [32].

  • Gaussian Classifiers

The Gaussian Processes Classifier is a ML classification approach and an extension of the Gaussian probability distribution that may serve as the basis for advanced non-parametric machine learning classification classification and regression algorithms. To a large extent, Gaussian classifiers depend on the Mahalanobis distance, which is the basis of their distance technique [33]. Due to the equal summation of squared distances across all features, this distance measure decreases in noise despite its widespread use.

$$p\left(x\vee y=c\right)=N$$

Here, Mean and covariance matrix for a Gaussian distribution with N independent variables are denoted by \(p\left(x\vee y=c\right)\)

  • Linear Regression

The linear regression method determines how well the value of the independent variable influences the significance of the dependent variable by expressing a linear connection between a dependent variable (Y) & one or more independent (X) variables [34]. First, the coefficient represented by the Greek letter β(Beta), also known as a linear equation scaling factor, is applied to the input numbers.

$$Y=\beta 0+\beta 1*X$$

Multiple Linear Regression, with βo being the intercept β1,β2,β3,β4…,βn, and X1, X2, X3, X4, Xn being the independent variables' coefficients or slopes, and Y being the dependent variable

$$Y=\beta 0+\beta 1*X1+\beta 2*X2+\beta 3*X3+\dots \dots +\beta n*Xn$$

Linear Regression models utilize to determine the straight line that best fits the data and the corresponding intercept and coefficient values that will result in the slightest possible error.

5 Basic concepts of SHAP and LIME

Providing light on machine learning's underneath is crucial for building confidence among healthcare professionals and guaranteeing openness in the machine learning-driven decision-making process. Thus, in order to improve the interpretability of our best-performing model, we included SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) values with the Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME) technique. By quantifying each feature's contribution, SHAP values shed light on how these factors affect the best prediction model's results. Concurrently, the LIME technique helps assess how explainable the machine learning model is for predictions about specific patients.

The technique of Shapley Additive Explanation (SHAP) is utilised to provide explanations for the predictions generated by machine learning models. In consideration of all possible feature combinations, a game-theoretical approach allocates a value to each input feature to represent its contribution to the prediction. Healthcare, computer vision, and natural language processing have all implemented the SHAP algorithm [42]. Research has demonstrated that it offers explanations for complex machine learning model predictions that are both more precise and easily understood than alternative methodologies.

The formula for the SHAP algorithm is:

$$g\left(z\right)= {\varphi }_{0}+\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{M}{\varphi }_{i}{z}_{i}$$

In the case where p represents the number of features and an input [× 1, × 2,…, xp] is accompanied by a trained model f, SHAP approximates f using a straightforward model g. This approximation enables the determination of the effect of each feature on the prediction for every possible subset of features by accounting for the contribution of each feature value. The expression [z1, z2,…; zp] simplifies the input x by assigning a value of 1 to z, which represents the features utilised in the data prediction process; a value of 0 indicates that the corresponding feature is not incorporated. ϕi ∈ R denotes the Shapley value for each feature, which is calculated as the weighted sum of the contributions from all feasible subsets. The weights assigned to the features are proportional to the number of features present in each subset.

The autonomous instance predictions of machine learning models are elucidated using the interpretable machine learning framework LIME. LIME examines the impact of modifying the feature values of a solitary data sample on the output. LIME generates a novel dataset consisting of permuted samples and their corresponding black box model predictions, in accordance with this concept. The creation of the dataset includes, among other methods, the concealment of image portions, the removal of words (for NLP problems), and the addition of noise to continuous features [43]. The mathematical expression for local surrogate models that satisfy the interpretability requirement is as follows:

$$Interpretation\;\left(x\right)=arg.{min}_{v\in V}L\left(u,v,\pi_x\right)+w(v)$$

It can be deduced that the LIME algorithm is executed in the following manner:

  • Select a particular instance from the input data that will serve as the basis for elucidating the model's prediction.

  • In order to perturb the chosen instance, a collection of marginally altered data points is generated in the vicinity of the original point.

  • Utilise the black-box model to forecast the outcome for every perturbed data point while documenting the corresponding input features.

  • One potential approach is to train a locally interpretable model, such as a decision tree or linear regression, utilising the documented input features and output values.

  • Using the local model, describe the prediction of the black-box model on the original data point.

  • To validate the predictions of sophisticated machine learning models, LIME has been applied to a variety of fields, including computer vision, natural language processing, and healthcare. It is possible to use it to ascertain which input features have the greatest impact on the model's output for a specific instance of input data.

5.1 Performance measures

An approach for assessing a machine learning model is called a performance evaluation technique. A trained model's predictions made on the testing dataset are evaluated in this process. In this last step of the procedure, a thorough split of performance for detecting mental illness is achieved by applying specific performance measurements to the results collected in the previous phase. As shown in Table 2, accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score are the key performance indicators we used to identify the predictive model of mental illness; among all methods used up until this point is the suitable model.

Table 2 Description of metrics used in the study

6 Experimental analysis and discussion

The concept of explainability becomes relevant when evaluating the accuracy of predictions made by each classification technique during a classification evaluation. First, calculate the ratio of accurate forecasts to inaccurate predictions. Additionally, a classification report's metrics are predicted depending on the pattern of true positive, false positive, false negative and true negatives. Accuracy is a metric that may be used to determine the efficacy of categorization systems. The proportion of correct predictions our model makes in a broad sense is how well it performs. A data item that algorithm correctly identified as true or false is known as a true positive or true negative value in computing. On the other side, a data item mistakenly identified by the algorithm and subsequently labeled as such is a false positive or false negative. The True Positive Rate is another term for sensitivity (TPR). Understanding the model's performance is essential when an observation falls under a different category than the studied one. The denominator rises, and the accuracy falls when the model produces many wrong positive classifications or few correct positive classifications. The prerequisites for model training, including the crucial tools and libraries, are shown in Table 3. Table 4 displays the total accuracy for each of the five ML techniques with various scaling approaches. Compared to the other four algorithms, the Gaussian & Random Forest algorithms demonstrated the best accuracy (min–max scaler) of 91% and 90%, respectively, when used without scaling approaches. In contrast, Linear Regression had a minor performance with 50 percent accuracy. The study's findings also demonstrated that the overall performance of all algorithms, apart from decision tree and linear regression, is comparable with or without data scaling strategies.

Table 3 Prerequisites for model training
Table 4 Performance of various models based on Accuracy

Figure 6a, b, and c show various performance scores of precision, recall, and F1 Scores. K-NN and decision tree on both scaling methods record the most remarkable results in terms of accuracy (standard scaler and min max scaler). Regarding recall, the gaussian classifier fared better on the min–max scaler. The F1-score results showed that random forest and Gaussian classifiers had the most significant scores.

Fig. 6
figure 6

a Results of Precision (Standard Scaler, Minmax Scaler and without any Scaling method), b Results of Recall (Standard Scaler, Minmax Scaler and without any Scaling method), c Results of F1-Score (Standard Scaler, Minmax Scaler and without any Scaling method)

6.1 Local Interpretation with SHAP and LIME

The global feature importance is depicted in Fig. 7 as the mean of the absolute SHAP values for every input variable. An increased mean SHAP value is indicative of a more pronounced influence. Mentally ill and age are the two most significant variables. The impact of each factor on the prognosis is represented by the arrows in Fig. 7; the colour blue and red signifies whether the factor had a decreasing or increasing effect on the prediction, respectively. The basal value is the mean of the database's predictions; the length of the bar represents the magnitude of the associated increases and decreases.as illustrated in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Local interpretations a) with SHAP values b) with LIME

The LIME local interpretation technique is utilised in Fig. 7b to provide a concise overview of the elements that contribute to the prediction. The factors designated with an orange colour signifies a favourable impact on the prediction of productivity, whereas the factors designated in blue represent an unfavourable contribution. The table located to the figure's right presents the actual value of each feature in addition to its ranking in terms of contribution to the prediction.

The findings indicate that age > 60, income, and age 45–60 all have a positive impact on the predicted productivity. This aligns with the SHAP local interpretation. Conversely, gender, unemployment, mental illness, and age 30–44 all exert an adverse influence on the prediction. The integration of LIME and SHAP yields a more comprehensive and detailed comprehension of the model's decision-making process, thereby potentially enhancing the model's efficacy and fostering confidence among petroleum engineers.

7 Conclusion and future directions

This research assessed six ML methods and two different data scaling approaches for identifying individuals with mental illness using the "mental health prediction" dataset from Kaggle Our results imply that data scaling techniques influence ML predictions in some way, contributing to the explainability of the models. The gaussian classifier beat all other methods suggested in this research, with more than 90% accuracy. This research also assessed performance variation while considering various data scaling techniques. Results reveal that algorithm performance varies with various scaling techniques. By utilising the SHAP-based model interpretability technique, the predicted outcomes were rendered in a comprehensible manner with regard to the relative significance of various input features. The examination of the SHAP values revealed that the well productivity is most significantly influenced by age and income. Additionally, the evaluation of feature contribution to the prediction of productivity for a solitary fractured well using SHAP and LIME yielded a comprehensive comprehension of the decision-making mechanism employed by the model. The application of local interpretation techniques proved to be advantageous in the detection of possible errors, biases, or opportunities for enhancement in the model. This is critical for fostering confidence among engineers and may potentially contribute to the advancement of more accurate physics-based predictive models specifically designed for undrilled wells. The findings may help early adopters find an optimum approach due to the quick progress in bioinformatics and other medical-based industries. As a result, ML models may have a significant influence not just on economics but also on helping healthcare practitioners by offering crucial insights. Such an algorithm can be merged into a chip and can be used to automate human–machine interaction. In future, results can be computed with more ML methods utilizing real-time mental disease data, modifying the settings of various data scaling approaches. Furthermore, future research will concentrate on deep learning approaches that will be examined to show how well such models performed in various applications.