Burnout is erosion, a blunting of our

Coasts, an insidious

Decay of

Empathy and energy. We reach a

Flashpoint and ignite.

Gradually, our happiness and

Hope become kindling, consumed in the

Inferno of exhaustion. Our new odyssey must be a

Journey to balance. To be Sisyphus and

Keep pushing is unsustainable. We must

Let go of perfectionism and seek

Moments of grace and


Out of desperation, we search for

Polaris, the North Star, to guide our

Quest. The

Road to recovery starts by finding

Sanctuary for the spirit, a way

To reclaim beauty,

Understanding, and to

Validate our emotions. To

Write is to revive, to send ink through a

Xylem, nutrients to revitalize the soil. We must construct fortifications that do not

Yield to the lightest kiss of rain or gentlest breath of a


Art will be a safeguard, a

Buttress for the soul.