Author Correction: J Chem Ecol (2017) 43:986–995

The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake.

The name of the main component released by Nicrophorus defodiens in Fig. 1a should read “Fuscumyl acetate”, not “Fuscumol”.

In Fig. 1c, the complete and correct name of the main component released by N. pustulatus should read “Ethyl 4-methylheptanoate”, not “Ethyl 4-heptanoat”.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proportions of headspace components collected from calling Nicrophorus spp. and Ptomascopus morio. Mean and standard error of the integrated peak areas of the total ion chromatograms. The X-axis shows relative proportions of volatiles generated by SPME-GC/MS-analysis (peak areas in ion-chromatograms, data not corrected)