1 Erratum to: J Gen Philos Sci DOI 10.1007/s10838-012-9192-2, 10.1007/s10838-012-9184-2, 10.1007/s10838-012-9185-1, 10.1007/s10838-012-9176-2, 10.1007/s10838-012-9173-5, 10.1007/s10838-012-9178-0, 10.1007/s10838-012-9179-z, 10.1007/s10838-012-9180-6, 10.1007/s10838-012-9182-4, 10.1007/s10838-012-9183-3, 10.1007/s10838-012-9181-5, 10.1007/s10838-012-9177-1, 10.1007/s10838-012-9190-4, 10.1007/s10838-012-9191-3, 10.1007/s10838-012-9186-0, 10.1007/s10838-012-9187-z, 10.1007/s10838-012-9188-y

In the last issue, we published the “Special Section: What Prospects for a General Philosophy of Science.” This section was guest-edited by Hans Radder. We are sorry that this important information got lost in the production process and is visible neither in the table of content nor at the front cover of that issue.

The Editors