International Journal of Parallel Programming relies heavily on generous contributions of all valued reviewers who give freely of their time and expertise to assist in reviewing IJPP manuscripts. We would like to gratefully acknowledge all reviewers listed below who contributed their hard work over the past 2 years. We apologize for any errors and omissions on the list.

Ahmad Afsahi

Mayez Al-Mouhamed

Fausto Artico

Eduard Ayguade

Matthew Badin

Nader Bagherzadeh

Utpal Banerjee

Hazem M. Bahig

Ann Balevic

Danny Bathen

Said Bettayeb

Lubomir Bic

Aart J. C. Bik

Ganesh Bikshandi

Gianfranco Bilardi

Ali Butt

Paul Carpenter

Nicholas Carriero

Vineet Chadha

Shuai Che

Long Chen

Zhi Chen

Chen-yong Cher

Anthony Chronopoulos

Philippe Clauss

Albert Cohen

Jesus Corbal

Paolo N. D’Alberto

Satyajit Das

Thomas M. DeBoni

Brian Demsky

Michael Dillencourt

Nam Duong

Rudi Eigenmann

Christine Eisenbeis

Skevos Evripidou

Paul Feautrier

Josh Fisher

José A. B. Fortes

Mario M. Furnari

Grigori Fursin

Efstratios Gallopoulos

Jean-Luc Gaudiot

Georgi N. Gaydadjiev

David Gelernter

Dan Grigoras

Thomas Gross

Frederic Gruau

Cynthia Gu

Joerg Hähner

Joe Hummel

Wen-Mei Hwu

Suresh Jagannathan

Kazuki Joe

Arun Kejariwal

Samee Khan

Taesu Kim

David Kuck

Ajeet Kumar

Eric Larour

Hugh Leather

Chen Li

Kai Li

Zhen Li

Changhui Lin

Gary Lindstorm

Handan Liu

Sally McKee

Barton Miller

Yoichi Muraoka

David Padua

Petros Panayi

Preeti R. Panda

Keshav Pingali

Shlomit S Pinter


Louis-Noel Pouchet

Abbas Rahimi

Lawrence Rauchwerger

Valentina Salapura

Sadiq Salt

Ahmed H Sameh

Santanu Sarma

Isaac D. Scherson

Martin Schultz

Sukumar Senthilkumar

Aviral Shrivastava

Mukesh Singhal

Codrut Stancu

Jie Tang

Kazu Tanimura

Pedro Trancoso

Theo Ungerer

Alex Veidenbaum


Frank Wang

Peter Wegner

Harry Wijshoff

Felix Wolf

Howard Wong

We wish to thank and recognize these reviewers for their knowledge, efforts, and continuing services to International Journal of Parallel Programming.

Alex Nicolau

Editor in Chief