1 Introduction

With the increasing recognition of open source communities, to share and improve the quality of projects and codes, many individual programmers and commercial companies (Kalliamvakou et al. 2015) tend to manage their development tasks using online bug repositories (e.g., BugzillaFootnote 1) or issue tracking systems (e.g., Issue Tracker in GitHubFootnote 2). A large number of bug reports and discussions are accumulated due to the surge of open-source processes. These bug reports and discussions are regarded as valuable resources for software development (Casalnuovo et al. 2015) and long-term maintenance (Bettenburg et al. 2008).

On these online communities, a bug report is usually organized as an open post with a discussion section akin to that on social web sites (Kim et al. 2010). When finding a new issue, contributors may post it as a bug report, and describe it in the description section of the post using a natural language (Bettenburg et al. 2008; Zimmermann et al. 2010; Fan et al. 2017). Subsequently, other stakeholders, including project managers, maintainers, or external contributors, discuss and likely put forward different standpoints to the issue in the form of comments. This process evolves dynamically along with the development of the project, i.e. the original bug report and all discussions can be read by any stakeholder, who may reply to those standpoints with their own opinions based on the development status, also in the form of comments. Therefore, the scale of a bug report increases rapidly through continuously iterative discussion (Rastkar et al. 2010). According to our study, 25.9% of bug reports contain more than 15 comments, while each comment contains 39 words on average. Therefore, an accurate and concise summary can effectively reduce the time consumed in wading through all posted comments (Rastkar et al. 2010). While modern bug repositories (e.g., DebianFootnote 3) encourage contributors to manually write a summary for each bug report, only 2.80% of the bug reports in our dataset were found to have been equipped with artifact summaries using 29 words on average, which is insufficient to furnish stakeholders with the required information.

Automatically generating summaries for bug reports has been proven to be a promising method (Rastkar et al. 2014) to solve this problem. Previous works are based on supervised (Rastkar et al. 2014; Jiang et al. 2017) or unsupervised (Li et al. 2018; Zhu et al. 2007; Mei et al. 2010)methods, and constitute a summary by selecting salient sentences. The performance of traditional supervised approaches relies heavily on the quality of the training corpus (Lotufo et al. 2015), which requires massive manual efforts and annotators with certain expertise. Additionally, existing unsupervised approaches rely excessively on word frequency, which tends to introduce extra bias for two main reasons: 1) bug reports are conversation-based texts, the discussions are cross-validated among different stakeholders according to their own experiences, and some comments will be disapproved by other participators; 2) a group of comments supporting the same topic has similar semantic features, so word frequency-based approaches would be more likely to introduce redundant sentences (i.e. sentences that are different but represent a similar topic) into the auto-generated summary, which will decrease its informativeness due to the word length limitation.

In this paper, we conduct studies on 34,140 bug reports from 8 popular open-source projects. We find that discussions existed in 71.6% of bug reports. In these bug reports, 20.6% of sentences have explicit opinions, and 15.4% of sentences are approve or disapproved by other sentences. This study suggests that the evaluation behaviors (Lotufo et al. 2015) are pervasive in bug reports, and we may be able to assess whether sentences are believable by developers’ discussions and their opinions. Our studies also show that, 78.2% of sentences that discussing the same topic share at least one topic-related word, and 17.4% of them contain similar information. It indicates that selecting sentences within the same discussion to form a summary is more likely to include redundant information.

Based on these studies, we propose two new factors, Believability and Informativeness. Believability measures the degree that a sentence has been supported against disapproved among the interactive discussions, and informativeness assess the amount of information in summaries while considering the redundancy in sentences. Accordingly, we propose a supervised approach of bug report summarization, called BugSum. BugSum generates summaries according to the following two phases. In phase one, Sentence believability scores are assessed by a classification model that combines the advantage of Deep Pyramid CNN (DPCNN) (Johnson and Tong 2017) and random forest (Surhone et al. 2010). In phase two, BugSum uses a trained auto-encoder network to extract semantic features by converting the sentences to vectors. For each sentence, we combine the believability score with its semantic features to reduce the possibility of controversial sentences being selected into the summary. The informativeness of generated summaries is optimized using a dynamic selection strategy.

We compared BugSum with eight comparative summarization approaches over two public datasets and one dataset that we manually constructed. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms comparative approaches in terms of metrics that have been widely used in previous studies.

The main contributions of this paper include:

  • We design two novel factors, i.e., believability and informativeness. For believability, a combination of convolutional neural networks and traditional classification algorithms are applied to optimize the accuracy.

  • We propose a supervised bug summarization approach BugSum by integrating the auto-encoder network, sentence believability assessment and dynamic selection effectively. To facilitate the reproduction, we make the source code of BugSum public availableFootnote 4

  • The probability of adding controversial sentences, which are clearly disapproved by other developers during discussion, into the summary is reduced by up to 64.7% according to our careful manual evaluation.

  • We construct a dataset contains 39 annotated bug reports and 62 controversial sentences. It can be used to evaluate the model’s ability of handling controversial sentences. To facilitate the community, we make this new dataset public availableFootnote 5.

  • We design extensive evaluations on two public datasets and one our manually constructed dataset to demonstrate that our approach achieves the state-of-the-art performance. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art approach by 8.1% and 6.7% in terms of F-score and Rouge-1 metrics, respectively.

This paper is an extension of our ICPC 2020 paper “BugSum: Deep Context Understanding for Bug Report Summarization”. Compared with the prior work, our new contributions include mitigation of two critical threats from the prior work, improving the model performance from two perspectives, and more detailed experiments and discussions.

First, to alleviate the vagueness of the definition and assessment of summaries’ informativeness, we propose a novel method to evaluate and enhance the informativeness of generated summaries (Section 3.5). While helping to better understand the factor of informativeness, this method can improve the recall of the summary generation method by up to 2.4% while maintaining similar accuracy (Section 4.4). Second, we expand our dataset by manually constructing 39 annotated bug reports from Launchpad (Section 4.1.1) to mitigate the threat posed by the lack of data on the evaluation of model performance, especially of the ability to handle controversial sentences. Third, in order to evaluate the sentence believability in the bug report more accurately, we improve our evaluation identify method by taking ambiguous replies into consideration based on the empirical rules extracted from developers’ behaviors (Section 3.2.1). Experimental results in Section 4.3 show that our model can be improved by 14.1% in the aspect of handling controversial sentences. Fourth, to further improve the performance of BugSum, we design a novel classification model using the combination of convolutional neural networks and the traditional classification algorithm in sentence opinion assessment (Section 3.2.2). This method improves the accuracy of sentence opinion classification by 10.1%, and improves the BugSum’s ability of handling controversial sentences by 15.3% (Section 4.5). Finally, we carry out more comprehensive experiments and analyses in this paper, including BugSum’s performance, the impacts brought by the classification model (Sections 4.24.3, and 4.5), and the influence of factor believability and informativeness (Sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2). All experiment data has been revised accordingly.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 introduces some performance limitation prone observations about bug report. Section 3 shows the overall design of BugSum and implementation details. Section 4 experiments the performance of BugSum based on five research questions. Related works are introduced in Section 6. Lastly, we conclude our work in Section 7.

2 Motivation

In modern software development, a bug report records the discussion of software bugs according to the following process. A contributor first describes the issue and submits it as the description part of a bug report using a natural language. Subsequently, other stakeholders, including project managers, maintainers, or external contributors, discuss the reproduction, location, and possible solutions of the proposed issue in the form of comments. These valuable information make bug reports a frequently accessed resource for both software developers and researchers. According to our statistics, 23,650 comments out of 34,140 bug reports references other bug reports, and 7,048 of these referenced bug reports have been Closed. Meanwhile, the reading of bug reports is needed for many post-hoc tasks (Zhang et al. 2021; He et al. 2020; Han et al. 2020; Arya et al. 2019; Lotufo et al. 2015; Bishnu and Bhattacherjee 2012; John et al. 2011; Anvik et al. 2006), such as the reproduction of historical bugs or familiarization with the evolutionary history of software. Although the description of the bug report contains the observed behavior of the bug when it was discovered, some valuable information such as solutions or detailed reproduction steps are intertwined with the developer’s discussion, and therefore need to be identified and summarized.

During the discussion in the bug report, different standpoints are likely to be proposed, e.g., comment#8 and comment#11 in Fig. 1. These standpoints can be read by other stakeholders, who may evaluate and directly reply to these standpoints to express their own opinions (i.e. evaluation behaviors), also in the form of comments. Such interaction structure has been referred to as conversation-based text in previous studies (Jiang et al. 2017; Rastkar et al. 2014). In this paper, we refer to a group of comments interconnected by evaluation behaviors as a conversation.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Evaluation behaviors among sentences. (Bug #349467 of deconf from launchpad)

In order to develop a thorough understanding of conversations in the bug report, we analyzed 34,140 bug reports from 8 popular open-source projects (6,954 Hadoop, 1,177 ZooKeeper, 5,705 Derby, 1,826 Yarn, 8,876 Flink, 3,710 HDFS, 2,907 Hive and 2,985 Launchpad). To observe the complete life-cycle information of bug reports, all those bug reports are selected with the status of “Closed”. We summarize our findings in the following two aspects, i.e. believability and redundancy of the sentences among conversations.

2.1 Salience and believability

For the purpose of selecting sentences containing more information, previous summarization approaches identify salient sentences based on word frequency (Radev et al. 2004), predefined structure (Lotufo et al. 2015) and so on. These methods assume that a sentence with more high-frequency words or a specific structure is more likely to contain more important information, while a sentence with more important information is more salient. Based on such assumptions, typical summarization approaches determine and select salient sentences to form a summary. However, in our dataset, there are 71.6% of the bug reports contain evaluation behaviors. Each bug report, on average, contains 20.6% of sentences that evaluate other sentences with an opinion of approval or disapproval, and 15.4% of sentences that are evaluated. In this paper, we refer to The extent to which a sentence is approved during the discussion in the entire bug report as Believability. It reflects the extent to which a statement is supported in these evaluation behaviors. It is a significant challenge to leverage the salience and believability of these highly discussed sentences.

For example, as shown in Fig. 1, the report describes a system bug reading ”Resource temporarily unavailable” in the last sentence. Each comment is assigned a number from 1 based on the order in which it was posted (i.e. comment number). Subsequently, Comment#8 proposes a solution, which is approved by Comment#10 but disapproved by Comment#9 and Comment#11. Moreover, Comment#11 explains the reason for the disapproval and proposes another solution, which is approved by Comment#13. In brief, the standpoint in Comment#8 is controversial in the conversation. The more a standpoint (comment) is disapproved by others, the lower believability it has, and vice versa. In addition, we define such comments that are disapproved by at least one comment as controversial comments, and the sentences within these comments as controversial sentences. Words and sentences related to the controversial comments have a relatively high appearance in the bug report, as stakeholders may discuss the standpoint being proposed by the controversial comment for several rounds. Thus, controversial sentences are highly preferred by previous word frequency-based approaches, e.g. Centroid (Radev et al. 2004), which would introduce a significant bias into the summary.

Therefore, when attempting to generate a high-quality summary, the salience of a candidate sentence should be determined not only by the information it contains, but also by the extent to which the standpoint is believable.

2.2 Redundancy in Sentences

As a conversation-based text, bug reports contain numerous conversations that are formed based on developers’ discussion (i.e., evaluation behaviors). Sentences in the same conversation that discuss relevant standpoint usually contain information of the same type, such as bug reproduction or solution discussion. A high-quality summary should contain all types of information, so that it can help stakeholders establish a comprehensive understanding of the bug report. Sentences in the same conversation, however, tend to contain redundant semantic features, such as specific words related to the discussed standpoint. Therefore, over selection of sentences of a specific information type may introduce redundancy into the summary, thereby reducing its quality.

We find that, there are 78.2% of sentences in the same conversation share at least one topic-related word, and the information contained in them is more similar. To measure the semantic similarity between these sentences, in our dataset, we vectorize sentences using the Bag-of-Words strategy, and calculate the cosine similarity between sentence vectors. The result shows that, on average, sentences in the same conversation are 17.4% more similar than sentences spread in different conversations. This means that sentences within the same conversation have relatively high semantic redundancy. If one sentence in a conversation has been assigned a relatively high salient weight (e.g. measured by word frequency Radev et al. 2004; Li et al. 2018), the other sentences in the same conversation may also have similar high weights due to the semantic similarity. Since previous approaches prefer to select sentences with high weights, under the word amount limitation, summaries generated by previous approaches may select too many sentences from the same conversation (i.e. sentences containing the same type of information), and may not comprehensive enough to conclude the entire bug report because of the semantic redundancy (Hampe 2002).

We refer to the extent to which a summary can contain information of all types as Informativeness. The summary should be generated while considering its informativeness.

3 BugSum Design

Based on the studies in Section 2, we propose two new factors. Assessing salient sentences while considering the believability of sentences can reduce the probability of selecting controversial sentences into the summary. Meanwhile, considering the informativeness of summary during its generation can reduce the semantic redundancy in the summary.

Accordingly, we propose a supervised approach BugSum. BugSum consists of two phases, the measuring phase and the selection phase. The measuring phase assesses the believability of sentences, which is based on the evaluation behaviors in bug reports and the combination of DPCNN and random forest. The selection phase extracts domain semantic features in sentences through an auto-encoder network, and uses a dynamic selection of believable sentences and informativeness enhancement to generate summaries under certain word amount limitation while considering its informativeness.

As illustrated in Fig. 2. The measuring phase includes Bug Report Pre-processing and Sentence Believability Assessment, while the selection phase includes Sentence Feature Extraction and Summary Generation. In the measuring phase, bug report pre-processing divides bug reports into sentences and removes the noises, while sentence believability assessment assigns believability scores to each sentence. In the selection phase, sentence feature extraction compresses the semantic information in sentences into sentence vectors. It uses the sentence believability scores as weights and constructs a full-text vector through weighted combining all sentence vectors. The summary generation step dynamically selects part of sentences from the bug report to reconstruct the full-text vector, and uses the sentence set with the smallest reconstruction loss as the salient sentence set. The set is expanded by the informativeness enhancement and used to form the summary.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The framework of BugSum

3.1 Bug Report Pre-processing

Sentences in a bug report contain a considerable amount of noises (Xuan et al. 2014), which means that a pre-processing step for noise removal is necessary.

During the pre-processing step, a bug report is divided into sentences based on punctuation marks such as ‘.’, ‘!’, ‘?’, and ‘;’, except for when the punctuation is used as a part of a string. Function names such as “system.reboot”, which includes common words “system” and “reboot”, are tokenized using the software-specific regular expression (Lotufo et al. 2015). Doing so can preserve the majority of the function and variable names instead of treating them as new words. BugSum further removes the stop words and stems these tokens using the poster stemmer (Porter 1980).

After this step, each bug report is split into sentences, and the word frequencies are also counted to facilitate the subsequent process.

3.2 Sentence Believability Assessment

As discussed in Section 2.1, the salience of a sentence should not only be determined by the amount of information it contains, but also by its believability. BugSum assesses sentence believability scores using evaluation behaviors, which consist of evaluation relationships (i.e. which sentence is the evaluator and which one is being evaluated) and evaluation opinions (i.e. support or disapprove). BugSum further uses the obtained believability scores as weights to construct a full-text vector, which combines the believability of sentences and domain semantic features in the entire bug report.

3.2.1 Evaluation Behavior Identification

Evaluation behaviors in bug reports have different expressions. Some evaluation behaviors are in the form of explicit replies, which are obvious and easy to be identified. Some evaluation behaviors are in the form of ambiguous replies, which do not have explicit comment targets. Evaluation behaviors related to ambiguous replies need to be speculated based on the content and context. As illustrated in Fig. 1. Arrows 1, 2, and 3 demonstrate the evaluation behaviors of explicit replies, and arrows 4 and 5 demonstrate the evaluation behaviors of ambiguous replies. Although ambiguous replies are not easy to be identified, according to our study, evaluation behaviors related to ambiguous replies affect 16.2% of comments in bug reports. BugSum identifies both types of evaluation behaviors based on their unique expressions, and uses them to identify sentence evaluation relationships.

Explicit replies often clearly indicate the author’s name or the comment number of the evaluated comment, or even quote the sentences being evaluated. Quoted sentences usually have special labels (e.g. in Fig. 1, the symbol “>” at the beginning of the quoted sentence in comment#13). The ambiguous replies usually appear because authors think that comments they are replying to can be easily inferred, so the explicit indications are not necessary. Therefore, the ambiguous replies usually occur between comments that are close together, or between a comment and the description that are discussing the same topic. For example, as shown in Fig. 1, Comment #9 contains the sentence “the proposed solution didn’t work”. Since it has an explicit opinion, the “the proposed solution” should refer to one of the previous comments.

Therefore, we assume that most of ambiguous replies exist between one comment and the description, or two comments that are close to each other. These two comments should be discussing the same topic, and the later comment should have a clear opinion. Since such behaviors are prevalent during the study, based on the features above, we established three rules as follows to capture these behaviors.

  • Rule 1, the comment posted later in thr bug report contains a sentence, which expresses an explicit opinion of support or disapprove.

  • Rule 2, these two comments share at least one topic-related word.

  • Rule 3, the distance between these two comments is within a selection distance, except for when the evaluator comment is replying to the description.

BugSum assesses words through the TF-IDF (Ramos et al. 2003) method, and selects words with their TF-IDF scores exceeding a threshold as topic-related words. We denote the threshold as 𝜃TFIDF, which will be tuned in Section 4.6.2.

As for the selection distance in Rule 3, we conduct two investigations based on the dataset we mentioned in Section 2.

The first investigation is carried out on 1000 bug reports. We count the number of evaluation behaviors identified based on ambiguous replies with different selection distances, and the results are illustrated in Fig. 3a. There are a considerable amount of evaluation behaviors that can be identified by BugSum based on our rules. The number of identified evaluation behaviors decreases significantly as the selection distance increases.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Number and accuary of evaluation behaviors using different selection distance

We carry out the second investigation to check whether these identified behaviors actually exist.

We randomly select 100 sentences from the evaluation behaviors under different selection distance, and manually check their accuracy. The results are shown in Fig. 3b. The accuracy drops dramatically as the selection distance increases. In order to ensure the accuracy of our method, we set the selection distance to 1, under which we can still obtain many reliable evaluation behaviors.

After the above steps, we can construct the evaluation relationships in bug reports. BugSum uses an evaluation adjacency list to store the evaluation relationships. For each sentence i, BugSum stores the set of sentences that evaluates sentence i in the evaluation adjacency list, and denotes this set as EAdji.

3.2.2 Believability Score Assignment

Sentences in a bug report are supported or disapproved by other sentences during the discussion, which causes sentences to have differing believability. Sentences supported by other sentences are more believable, while controversial sentences are likely to be incorrect. BugSum uses evaluation behaviors to assess how believable a sentence is to be selected into the summary.

Believability is counted based on the evaluation behavior in the discussion and the opinion of the evaluator sentence. The main idea is that sentences with more support are more believable, and vice versa. The believability score of sentence i is denoted as Bscorei, which is further modified base on its associated evaluation behaviors. Since multiplication is used in the calculation of sentence believability scores, we initialize the believability score of each sentence to 1 so that it remains neutral during the calculation.

$$ \begin{array}{ll} \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{0.cm} \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{-0.cm} Bscore_{i}=\left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} 1+\sum\limits_{j\in{EAdj_{i}}}(Bscore_{j}*OPscore_{j}),&|EAdj_{i}|>0 \\ 1,&|EAdj_{i}|=0 \end{array} \right. \end{array} $$

As we introduced in Section 3.2.1, the set of sentences evaluating sentence i is stored in an evaluation adjacency list and denoted as EAdji. We denote the size of EAdji as |EAdji|. When |EAdji| = 0, it indicates that sentence i is not evaluated by any other sentences, so its believability score remains 1. When |EAdji| > 0, Bscorei is modified based the evaluator sentences in EAdji. For each sentence in EAdji, the weight of its influence is decided by its believability score and its opinion towards the evaluated sentence. BugSum uses opinion scores to measure the opinions of evaluator sentences. The opinion score of sentence i is denoted as OPscorei, which is assigned via a pre-trained classification model. The value of OPscorei is between -1 and 1, which indicates the extent to which the evaluator sentence expresses support or disapprove. When the sentence i is evaluated by sentence j, and the value of OPscorej is less than 0, it means that the sentence i is possibly disapproved by sentence j. Therefore, sentence i is a controversial sentence, and its believability score Bscorei will decrease according to Formula 1. Otherwise, Bscorei will increase.

If sentences are disapproved by most of its evaluator sentences, their believability scores may be lower than 0. Under these circumstances, we set their believability scores to 0. The reason is that, if sentence j that has a low believability (Bscorej < 0) also has a negative opinion (OPscorej < 0) regarding sentence i, the value of formula BscorejOPscorej will be greater than 0, meaning that Bscorei will increase according to Formula 1. It is incorrect because a sentence disapproved by an incorrect sentence is not necessarily correct.

$$ Bscore_{i}=max(Bscore_{i}, 0) $$

Measuring the opinion score of a sentence can be regarded as a binary classification problem, positive or negative. It has been proven that convolutional neural networks (CNN) have a good performance on binary classification (LeCun et al. 1998). The convolutional neural networks, such as TextCNN (Kim 2014) and DPCNN, compress the input features through multiple layers, and use a fully connected layer to combine the compressed features to predict the probability of each category. These compressed features can be more accurate and concise than the initial input. Meanwhile, traditional classification methods, such as random forest, logistic regression (Kianifard and Kleinbaum 1995), and support vector machines (Vapnik 2000), classify inputs based on their original features. These classification methods perform more detailed use of the input features compared with the fully connected layer. To combine the advantages of these two models, BugSum uses their combination to predict sentence opinion scores.

We denote classification models that are used to assess sentence opinion scores as SO-Model. During the training process of the SO-Model of BugSum, we first train DPCNN until it achieves its maximum accuracy and remains stable. Subsequently, we take the input vectors of the fully connected layer in DPCNN, and treat them as the input of random forest. We then train the random forest until the maximum accuracy remains stable. The learning rate of the DPCNN model is set to 0.01 (Krizhevsky et al. 2012), the size of its embedding layer varies according to the feature size of BugSum, and so do the number of its filters. The parameter “min_samples_split” of the random forest is set to 5, and “n_estimators” is set to 10.

The training process of SO-Model is implemented in a dataset containing 3,000 manually labeled sentences. We recruit 5 experienced programmers, who have at least four years of programming experience. They label sentences based on whether they express negative opinions. In order to ensure the accuracy of the labeled data, we refer to the card sorting method during the process. The card sorting method recommends that all annotators should work on a certain number of data jointly first, so that all annotators can reach a consensus on the definition of every label. The five annotators first worked on 500 sentences together. After that, they worked in pairs to label the remaining sentences. Each labeled sentence is checked by at least two annotators. To ensure the balance of data with different labels, we labeling until the number of sentences of both types reaches 1,500, and use it as the training set of SO-Model.

The classification model takes a sentence as an input and predicts the possibility that it expresses a negative opinion, taking a value between 0 and 1. To facilitate the calculation, we subtract the possibility from 0.5 and then multiply by 2, and use it as the sentence opinion score, whose value is between -1 and 1.

3.3 Sentence Feature Extraction

In order to measure the informativeness of sentences, BugSum uses a trained auto-encoder network to generate sentence vectors, which are used to represent the semantic features of sentences. The auto-encoder consists of an encoder and a decoder. The encoder takes a sentence as input and encodes it into a vector, after which the sentence vector is decoded by the decoder to rebuild the original input sentence. The more consistent the input is with the output, the more precisely the vector can express the semantic features of the sentence.

In each iteration, the auto-encoder network takes one sentence as the input. The words in the sentence are first embedded into word vectors, after which the recurrent units of the encoder encode the word vectors into a hidden state sequentially. BugSum uses the last state of the encoder as the feature vector of the input sentence.

BugSum employs bidirectional GRU (Bi-GRU) (Cho et al. 2014) as the recurrent unit, which consists of a forward GRU and a backward GRU, to preserve both the forward and backward contextual features of sentences. BugSum concatenates the last hidden states of both the forward and backward GRU to form a sentence vector. We denote the sentence vector of sentence i as Si.

We use 200,000 sentences processed by the pre-processing step in Section 3.1 to build the training set of the auto-encoder network. These sentences are selected from the dataset we discussed in Section 2. In the training process, we optimize the parameters of the auto-encoder network by minimizing the MSE loss (Christoffersen and Jacobs 2004) between the input sentences and corresponding output sentences. The widely used SGD optimizer (Bottou 2010) is applied to adjust the model’s parameters, and the learning rate of the model is set to 0.01 (Krizhevsky et al. 2012). The training process of the model continues until the MSE loss reaches the minimum value and remains stable.

For each bug report, BugSum takes the sentence believability scores as weights, and sums the weighted sentence vectors to obtain the full-text vector i.e., DF.

$$ DF=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}Bscore_{i}*S_{i} $$

n is the number of sentences in the bug report, and Si is the sentence vector of sentence i. DF represents the domain features of the bug report, as it combines the domain semantic features of all sentences and their believability scores.

3.4 Dynamic Selection

figure a

Since it is simpler and more effective to apply the extractive technique (Lotufo et al. 2015), we apply this technique for Bugsum, which selects salient sentences from the bug report to form a summary. As discussed in Section 2.2, the generated summary should include sentences with various information, so that it can help stakeholders establish a comprehensive understanding of the bug report. Due to the semantic redundancy in sentences of the same information type, a smaller semantic redundancy represents a richer information type in the summary. In other words, the informativeness of a summary during summary generation can be counted according to the semantic redundancy.

We use the feature vectors generated by the autoencoder to represent the semantic information in sentences, and count the informativeness of generated summary based on the difference (i.e. reconstruction loss) between the generated summary and the full-text. The smaller the difference, the less semantic redundancy in the summary, and the higher its informativeness. The set of selected sentences is denoted as Chosen, which contains k sentences used to form the summary. BugSum uses the sentences in Chosen to reconstruct the full-text vector \(\widetilde {DF}\), and subsequently uses the Mean Squared Error (MSE) between \(\widetilde {DF}\) and DF to represent the reconstruction loss, which is indicated as δ.

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \widetilde{DF}=\sum\limits_{i\in Chosen}Bscore_{i}*S_{i} \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} MSE=\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{d}(y_{i}-\widetilde{y_{i}})^{2}}{d} \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \delta = |MSE(DF,\widetilde{DF})| \end{array} $$

A lower value of δ indicates that, the selected sentence set contains more domain features of the entire bug report, i.e., the selected sentence set contains less semantic redundancy and has a higher informativeness. BugSum aims to find the optimal set of sentences that minimizes δ under the word amount limitation 𝜃. This can be seen as a generalization of the knapsack problem, which has been proven to be NP-hard (Lin and Bilmes 2010). A bug report with n sentences can generate 2n different summaries, making it extremely inefficient to evaluate all possible combinations. Greedy algorithms (e.g. beam search algorithm) are effective approximate approaches to solve NP-hard problem. The beam search algorithm greedily traverses the entire candidate set recurrently, and looks for the top-b choices that can maximize the improvement in each iteration. It can significantly reduce the time effort compared to evaluate all possible combinations.

The reconstruction loss δ can leverage the informativeness of selected sentences during the selection process. For example, in Fig. 4, the bug report contains 4 sentences, and the dimension of the feature vectors is 2. We denote their sentence vectors as S1 = [3,0], S2 = [0,2], S3 = [2,0] and S4 = [0,1]. All of them have the same believability score, which is 1. The full-text vector can be calculated according to Formula 3, from which we can get DF = [5,3]. The feature represented by the first dimension of the vector appears more frequently in the bug report, which means that it is likely to be more important. When the candidate set is (S1), the reconstructed full-text vector can be calculated as \(\widetilde {DF_{1}}=[3,0]\) based on Formula 4. The reconstruction loss δ between these two full-text vectors can also be calculated as 6.5 based on Formula 5 and Formula 6. We add S2 and S3 into the candidate set, and find that the value of δ is 2.5 and 4.5 when the candidate sets are (S1, S2) and (S1, S3), respectively. Although the amount of information in S2 and S3 is the same, adding S3 results in a higher reconstruction loss compares to S2. This is because, despite the fact that the feature represented by the first dimension of the vector is more important, the selected sentence set (S1) already contains some of this feature, and continuing to select sentences containing this feature will lead to redundancy. In this case, BugSum tends to select sentences that contain other features to maintain the informativeness of the selected sentence set.

Fig. 4
figure 4

An example of beam search

The process of the beam search algorithm is illustrated in Algorithm 1. We use lists Lnew and Lold to store the candidate sentence sets for the current iteration and next iteration, respectively. In each iteration, for each candidate sentence set li in list Lold, a new sentence is added into li to form a new candidate sentence set lnew. If lnew can be further extended under the word amount limitation 𝜃, it will be added into list Lnew. Otherwise, it will be added to list LChosen as one of the promising sentence sets used to form the summary. List Lnew and LChosen are maintained to retain b sentence sets with the highest δ. b is the beam size of the beam search algorithm. After all iterations are complete, the sentence set in list LChosen with the highest δ will be selected to form the summary. We denote this sentence set as the salient sentence set Chosen.

3.5 Informativeness Evaluation and Enhancement

During the dynamic selection process, we count the informativeness of a summary through the mean-square loss between feature vectors of the summary and the full-text. As introduced in Section 1, the bug report contains valuable information of various types, so the ideal summary should contain each type of information comprehensively. We assume that the proportion of each type of information in the summary should be similar to that in the full-text. If we select too many sentences representing a certain type into summary, it will lead to redundancy i.e., reduce informativeness. Therefore, we evaluate the informativeness of the summary by comparing the proportion of different information types contained between the summary and the full-text. The closer the proportion of each type of information in the summary to the full-text, the higher its informativeness remained. For example, if the proportion of sentences related to Bug Reproduction, Solution Discussion and Others in the full-text account for 30%, 30% and 40%, respectively. Then the summary with proportions of 20% ,40%, 40% can be regarded as less informative than the summary with proportions of 30% and 30%, 40%. This is because although the number of sentences related to Solution Discussion in the first summary occupies 40%, since it is also 10% higher than that in the full-text, it is likely that these additional 10% sentences will bring redundancy to the summary. Meanwhile, the first summary contains only 20% of the sentences related to Bug Reproduction, which is 10% lower than that of the full text, and could leads to a reduction in informativeness.

In order to obtain the percentage of various information types in the summary and the full-text, we need to classify the information types representing by the sentences. It has been proven that bug reproduction and solution discussion are the two types of information that stakeholders are most interest (Zhang et al. 2021; He et al. 2020; Han et al. 2020). Therefore, we divide the information in the bug report into three categories, bug reproduction, solution discussion, and others. Arya et al. (2019) uses a dataset containing 4,656 annotated sentences as training data, and classifies the information type of sentences by features such as time interval, sentence length and position using SVM and random forest algorithms. Since sentence information type classification is also a text classification task, we apply the structure and training process of SO-Model directly to this task. We find that our method can improve the accuracy of classification from 0.69 to 0.77. By doing so, we can obtain the proportion of each information type in the full text and in the summary, and calculate the informativeness of the summary subsequently based on the difference between these proportions.

Besides being easier to understand intuitively, such a method can also help enhance the informativeness of the summary. When the proportion of a certain type of information in the summary is lower than that of the full-text, we increase it to improve the informativeness of the summary. Since we cannot reduce sentences that have been selected into the summary, we select more sentences of that type accordingly. After dynamic selection, BugSum applies this method to the generated summary for informativeness enhancement. An additional part of the sentence containing the missing information will be selected dynamically to extent the salient sentence set Chosen. Finally, BugSum concatenates the sentences in Chosen in their original order in the bug report to obtain the summary SUM.

4 Experiments

We conduct experiments to evaluate our approach by answering the following research questions:

  • RQ1: How does BugSum perform against baseline approaches?

  • RQ2: To what extent does BugSum reduce the controversial sentences being selected into the summary?

  • RQ3: How do factors believability and informativeness influence the performance of BugSum?

  • RQ4: How do the different SO-Model influence the performance of BugSum?

  • RQ5: How do the parameters influence the performance of BugSum?

  • RQ6: How do sentence feature extraction, dynamic selection, and informativeness enhancement influence the performance of BugSum?

4.1 Experimental Setup

We implement BugSum on PyTorch (Paszke et al. 2017) . All experiments are deployed on a single machine with the Ubuntu 16.04 operating system, the Intel Core (TM) i7-8700K CPU, the GTX1080ti GPU, and 16 GB memory.

4.1.1 Datasets

We design our experiments on three datasets, two of which are popular benchmark datasets Summary Dataset (SDS) (Rastkar et al. 2014) and the Authorship Dataset (ADS) (Jiang et al. 2017). These two datasets consist of 36 and 96 bug reports, respectively. In these datasets, each bug report is annotated by three annotators to ensure accuracy. The annotators were asked to write an abstractive summary (AbsSum) in around 25% of the length of the bug report using their own words, which is to ensure that annotators have carefully read the entire bug report and understand its contents. They were also asked to list the sentences from the original report that gave them the most information when writing the summary. For each bug report, the sentences listed by more than two annotators are referred to as the golden standard sentences set (GSS) (Rastkar et al. 2014).

These datasets, however, evaluate model performance based on the accuracy of salient sentence selection. To better evaluate the model’s ability in handling controversial sentences, we construct a new database Controversial Dataset (CDS). It consists of 39 annotated bug reports and 62 controversial sentences. These annotated bug reports were randomly selected from the 34,140 bug reports introduced in Section 2. In addition to writing the AbsSum and constructing the GSS following the requirements described above, the five annotators also need to determine the controversial sentence in the bug report. Each bug report in CDS contains at least one controversial sentence. To ensure accuracy, each controversial sentence in CDS is disapproved by all its evaluator sentences and determined by all five annotators. These annotated controversial sentences contain incorrect information, and selecting them into the summary may introduce bias. Since this dataset is constructed to evaluate the model’s ability of handling controversial sentences, it requires that the annotated bug report must contain a controversial sentences. Hence during data annotation, the annotator will first annotate controversial sentences. If the bug report does not contain a controversial sentence, it will be skipped. Therefore, CDS can be used to test the model’s ability of handling controversial sentences by counting the number of selected controversial sentences.

The size of the dataset has been an insurmountable limitation of the bug report summary generation work. The complexity of the bug report annotation process and the high demand on annotators make it difficult to increase the size of this dataset. This also becomes a threat to the accuracy of the experiment. In addition to being able to evaluate the ability of controversial sentence handling, the CDS proposed in this paper also expands more data and mitigates this threat.

4.1.2 Baseline Approaches

We reproduce eight previous methods to compare with our approach. DeepSum (Li et al. 2018) is an unsupervised approach for bug report summarization that focuses on predefined field words and sentence types. Centroid (Radev et al. 2004), MMR (Carbonell and Goldstein 1998), Grasshopper (Zhu et al. 2007), and DivRank (Mei et al. 2010) are unsupervised approaches for natural language summarization. They are enhanced by Noise Reducer (Mani et al. 2012) and implemented for bug report summarization. We use the enhanced version of these four approaches in our experiments. Hurried (Lotufo et al. 2015) is an unsupervised approach that imitates human reading patterns, connects sentences based on their similarity, and chooses sentences with the highest possibility of being read during a random scan. DeepSum and Centroid mainly rely on word frequency in bug reports. MMR selects sentences based on their novelties. Grasshopper, DivRank, and Hurried focus on context information. It should be noted here that the context information contains not only evaluation behaviors used in our approaches, but also the relationships formed by sentence similarities.

BRC (Rastkar et al. 2014)and ACS (Jiang et al. 2017) are supervised approaches for bug report summarization that use annotated bug reports as the training data for their classifiers. They score and choose sentences base on the classifiers. Due to the lack of annotated data, we use the leave-one-out (Rastkar et al. 2014) procedure in our experiments. The The leave-one-out procedure randomly divides the data into several parts, and each time randomly takes one as the test set and the others as the training set. We divide the data into 10 parts, repeat this procedure 10 times, and use the average value as the final result.

4.1.3 Evaluation Metrics

We evaluate the performance of approaches from the perspective of salient sentence selection and generated summary. The Precision, Recall, F-Score, and Pyramid metrics are used to measure the accuracy of the salient sentence selection, and the quality of generated summary are measured in the form of the Rouge-1 and Rouge-2 metrics.

We use the Precision, Recall, and F-Score metrics, which are calculated from the selected sentence set Chosen and the golden standard sentence set GSS, to measure the accuracy of the summaries. Given a selected sentence set Chosen and the corresponding summary SUM, these metrics are calculated as follows:

$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} Precision=\frac{|Chosen\cap GSS|}{|Chosen|} \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} Recall=\frac{|Chosen\cap GSS|}{|GSS|} \end{array} $$
$$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} F{-}score=\frac{2*Precision*Recall}{Precision+Recall} \end{array} $$

Pyramid (Nenkova et al. 2007) precision is proposed to better measure the quality of the summary when multiple annotators exist. The assessment based on Pyramid assumes that, sentences listed by more annotators should be preferred, with the achievement of a certain accuracy.

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}l} Pyramid=\frac{Num_{ChosenListed}}{Num_{MaxListed}} \end{array} $$

NumChosenListed is the amount of times that the sentences in Chosen are listed by annotators, while NumMaxListed is the maximum possible amount for the corresponding word amount limitation. For example, if three sentences are referenced by 2, 3, and 3 annotators, respectively. When two sentences are required to form the summary, selecting the last two sentences can result in a maximum NumMaxListed of 6. If in fact, we choose the first two sentences, the value of NumChosenListed is 5. Therefore, the Pyramid of this selection can be calculated as \(\frac {5}{6}\) according to Formula 10.

The ROUGE toolkit (Lin 2004) measures a method’s qualities by counting continuously overlapping units between the summary SUM and the ground truth AbsSum. For each bug report, we calculate the Rouge-n value with all three AbsSum written by the three annotators, and use their average value as the final Rouge-n score. Rouge-1 and Rouge-2 are used in our experiments due to their abilities in human-automatic comparisons (Owczarzak et al. 2012).

$$ \begin{array}{*{20}l} Rouge{-}n=\frac{\sum\limits_{s\in AbsSum}\sum\limits_{n{-}gram\in s}Count_{match}(n{-}gram)}{\sum\limits_{s\in AbsSum}\sum\limits_{n{-}gram\in s}Count(n{-}gram)} \end{array} $$

In Formula 11, n is the n-gram length. The numerator is the number of n-gram overlapping units between SUM and AbsSum, while the denominator is the number of n-gram in AbsSum.

4.2 Answer to RQ1: Overall Performance

We compare the performance of BugSum with 8 baselines as introduced in Section 4.1.2. We use the average of 10 times experiments as the final results. Tables 12 and 3 show the overall performance of BugSum against eight baselines over SDS, ADS, and CDS, respectively. A gray cell represents BugSum outperforming a baseline approach with pvalue < 0.05 by the paired Wilcoxon signed rank test (Holm 1979). Experiment results show that, BugSum outperforms baseline approaches on almost all metrics and reaches the second place in the metrics Precision and Pyramid over SDS.

Table 1 Overall performance on SDS
Table 2 Overall performance on ADS
Table 3 Overall performance on CDS

The Recall of BugSum is significantly higher than that of comparative approaches, and the reason may be that: the Recall reveals the coverage of salient sentences. Due to the redundancy in sentences, similar sentences tend to be scored with close scores. Therefore, whenever a salient sentence is selected, previous approaches may also select sentences that contain redundant features of this salient sentence, which leads to the drop in Precision. The coverage of salient sentences has to be decreased to maintain relatively high Precision. BugSum selects sentences while also considering their contributions to the informativeness of currently selected sentences, which can prevent part of the noise sentences from being selected. This makes BugSum has high Recall while maintaining relatively high Precision. Approaches such as Hurried, Grasshopper, and DivRank rely on context information. They use sentence similarity as one of the rules for constructing context information. This rule causes bias introduced by the redundancy in sentences to have a greater impact on these approaches, which makes them have relatively low Recall with the similar Precision.

By contrast, MMR selects sentences based on their novelties, which makes it has relatively high Recall while having similar Precision over ADS and SDS. DeepSum also has relatively high Recall, as it re-initiates similar sentences during its pre-processing step.

The results of the Pyramid metric show a similar trend with Precision. BugSum performs smoothly on all datasets, achieving The highest performance over ADS and CDS, and the second highest over SDS.

The quality of the generated summary is assessed using the Rouge-n score. The results suggest that summaries generated by BugSum having the best performance over these datasets.

We observe that, the characteristics of datasets can significantly affect the performance of different approaches. For example, ACS is based on authorship. ACS uses bug reports posted by the same author as the training set to train a sentence classifier. The bug reports in ADS have this kind of authorship, which makes ACS has relatively high performance on the ADS dataset. We find that approaches based on context information, such as MMR, DivRank, and Hurried, exhibit a significant performance drop when testing over ADS, but have relatively high performance on CDS. To understand the cause of these performance fluctuations, we count the number of sentences and the proportion of sentences related to the evaluation behaviors in SDS, ADS, and CDS, respectively. We find that bug reports in ADS only contain an average of 39 sentences. Compared with an average of 65 sentences in SDS and 52 in CDS, ADS has a relatively small amount of sentences, which makes the sentences in the description more important. In SDS, ADS, and CDS, 44.5%, 30.7%, and 41.9% of sentences respectively are influenced by evaluation behaviors. This indicates that there are relatively fewer evaluation behaviors in ADS, which results in a performance drop for approaches that rely on context information. Despite this, however, BugSum still achieves the state-of-the-art performance in ADS. The reason is that, BugSum only uses evaluation behaviors to emphasize the believability of sentences, but does not entirely rely on them.

figure e

4.3 Answer to RQ2: Controversial Sentence Reduction

As was introduced in Section 2.1, the information contained in controversial sentences is likely to be incorrect. Therefore, selecting these sentences into summaries may introduce misleading information. BugSum evaluates the believability of sentences and aims to reduce the possibilities of controversial sentences being selected into summaries. In order to determine the extent to which BugSum reduces these possibilities, we first need to identify which controversial sentences are contained in our datasets. In other words, we have to build a controversial sentence set as the ground truth.

To ensure correctness, we only choose sentences that are explicitly disapproved by all evaluations and are also manually confirmed to be incorrect. The 5 annotators mentioned in Section 3.2.2 are also recruited for this task. They determine whether a sentence is controversial based on the following rules:

  • The sentence should be selected by at least one baseline approach.

  • The sentence should have been explicitly evaluated by at least one sentence, and all of these evaluation sentences should express negative opinions.

We select sentences that are determined to be controversial by all five programmers. We obtain 7 and 16 controversial sentences from SDS and ADS, respectively. As noted in Section 4.1.1, in order to have a more accurate test of the methods’ ability to process controversial sentences, we construct a new database CDS containing 62 controversial sentences. In the CDS, each bug report contains at least one controversial sentence. For each baseline approach and BugSum, we check the number of controversial sentences that have been selected into the summaries over ADS, SDS, and CDS, respectively. In addition, to understand the improvement brought by considering ambiguous replies, we also test the performance of BugSum considering only explicit replies, which is denoted as BugSum-E.

As shown in Fig. 5, BugSum only selects 9.4% of controversial sentences (8 out of 85) into the summaries, which reduces the controversial sentences in summaries by up to 64.7% (55 out of 85) compared to baseline approaches. Meanwhile, compared with BugSum-E, the reduction of controversial sentences is increased from 76.5% (65 out of 85) to 90.6% (77 out of 85), which indicates that the consideration of ambiguous replies can improve the deduction of controversial sentences. We also observe that approaches like Grasshopper, DivRank, and Hurried based on context information, and approaches such as DeepSum and Centroid based on word frequency select more controversial sentences. This validates our assumption proposed in Section 2.1. The controversial sentences are discussed by a series of comments before they are disapproved. Words or sentences related to the controversial sentences will appear more times in bug reports. Thus, approaches based on word frequency or context information are likely to select more controversial sentences.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Selected controversial sentences

In order to better understand the limitations of BugSum’s ability of handling controversial sentences, we perform a case study of the 8 controversial sentences that selected by BugSum. We found that these sentences are from 7 comments of 7 bug reports. We selected three of the representative sentences and their evaluator sentences in this study. As illustrate in Table 4, these sentences are evaluated by only one sentence, and the opinion of the evaluating sentence is relatively gentle. This results in these evaluated sentences having believability scores between 0.3 and 0.6. Also, these sentences contain a large number of topic-related words, such as “drivers”, “version”, and “depends” in Sentence 1, making the sentence textually informative. Therefore, in the trade-off between textual informative and believability, BugSum decides to select these sentences into the summary. This result suggests that although our approach can significantly reduce the number of controversial sentences in the summary, there is still great potential in the design of our methods for sentence opinion assessment and sentence believability assignment.

Table 4 Example of controversial sentences selected by BugSum
figure f

4.4 Answer to RQ3: Influence of Believability and Informativeness

In this paper, we propose two new factors: Believability and Informativeness. The experiments above show that using these two factors can help generate summaries with higher accuracy and fewer controversial sentences. In this section, we discuss how these two factors can help improve the performance of the bug report summarization.

4.4.1 Influence of Believability


refers to the degree that a sentence has been supported against disapproved among the discussions in the bug report. The purpose of introducing this factor is to assess whether a sentence is believable based on relevant evaluation behaviors and sentence opinions in the bug report. As introduced in Formula 3 in Section 3.3, the sentence believability scores reduce the impact of the potentially incorrect sentences in the full-text through the combination of as weights with a vector of sentence features.

In this section, we illustrate how the factor believability affects the performance of BugSum through ablation study (introduced in Section 4.7). We add two control models, i.e. the model does not consider the opinion of the evaluator sentences when assessing believability (BugSum-NOp), and the model does not consider the sentence believability (BugSum-NBeli). For model BugSum-NOp, it assumes that all sentences express positive opinions and their opinion scores are set to 1. Meanwhile, BugSum-NBeli assumes that all sentences have the same believability. According to Formula 3, we set the believability score of each sentence to 1 so that each sentence contributes equally to the generation of the full-text vector. We use the F-score to assess the performances of these two models in the aspect of salient sentence selection, and the number of selected controversial sentences to assess their performances in the controversial sentence reduction.

As shown in Table 5. We find that the model faces a significant performance drop in both the salient sentence selection and the controversial sentence reduction when the sentence opinion or believability is not considered. However, we find that BugSum-NOp significantly outperforms BugSum-NBeli on salient sentence selection. This is because in BugSum-NOp, the opinion of the evaluator sentence is not considered and all sentences are assumed to express positive opinions. Under this circumstance, sentences with higher number of evaluation behaviors in the bug report will be assigned with higher weights. In other words, BugSum-NOp assumes that sentences being discussed more often are more important. This makes salient sentences with high frequency more likely to be selected, and results in a better performance. This is the domain reason why the factor believability can help improve BugSum’s performance in salient sentence selection. In Bugsum, in addition to reducing the controversial sentences in the summary, the believability score assignment can help increase sentences that approved more often.

Table 5 Performance of control models

4.4.2 Influence of Informativeness

Informativeness refers to the amount of information contained in a generated summary. This factor is introduced to reduce the redundancy in the generated summary. As discussed in Section 2.2, bug reports contain various kind of information, such as bug reproduction and solution discussion. They account for different proportions of sentences in the bug report. Since previous works prefer information with a greater proportion, we assume that this may lead to redundancy of certain types of information in the summary and the absence of others. To validate our assumption, we study the informativeness of the summaries generated by previous works (PGS). As discussed in Section 3.5, we focus only on the bug reproduction and solution discussion, and count the proportion of sentences with these information types in the bug report (BR), the ground truth salient sentences, and PGS, respectively. Since the golden standard sentence set (GSS) we mentioned in Section 4.1.3 is consists of salient sentences selected manually, we take it as the ground truth of salient sentences in this study. Also, since the feature vectors used to calculate informativeness are weighted by believability, to avoid the interaction between these two factors affecting the results, we added the control model BugSum-NBeli, mentioned in Section 4.4.1, to the experiment. This study is deployed on bug reports from all three datasets (ADS, SDS, CDS), and the results are illustrated in Table 6. Note that the data in Table 6 represents not the number of sentences but the percentage. For example, the Bug Reproduction of BR in Table 6 is 8.9%. This means that the sentences related to Expected behavior in BR represent 8.9% of all sentences in BR.

Table 6 The proportion of sentences with different information types

We found that bug reproduction and solution discussion account for 8.9% and 43.1% of sentences in BR, and 11.2% and 48.3% of them in GSS, respectively. Although the proportion of sentences related to these two types of information slightly increased in GSS, their proportions to each other remain similar to those in the bug report. However, in all PGS, sentences related to solution discussion accounted for at least 58.8% of the bug report, while sentences related to the bug reproduction account for less than 6.6%. The proportion of solution discussion in all PGS increased significantly compared to that in BR and GSS, but the proportion of bug reproduction in all PGS remain the same or even declined. Although sentences related to solution discussions have a greater proportion in the bug report, the over inclusion of such information may lead to the redundancy in the summary, and also the reduction of sentences with other information types due to the summary length limitation. This result validates our assumption in Section 2.2. Previous approaches usually measure the weight of a sentence based on the word frequency and prefer to select sentences with high weights. It results in sentences containing the majority information type are preferred to be selected into the summary. Under the length limitation, this further leads to redundancy of the majority information type in the summary as well as the absence of other types.

On the contrary, the information type proportions in the summary generated by BugSum are relatively more similar to those in GSS. It indicates that BugSum dose not over-select sentences of the majority information type, but reduces the proportion of such sentences and increased the number of sentences of other types. The similar performance of BugSum and BugSum-NBeli indicates that believability has almost no effect on informativeness. All these results indicate that, while ensuring the accuracy of the selected sentences, BugSum prefers to select sentences with different types of information due to its consideration of informativeness. Informativeness leverages the importance of the sentence and the redundancy it may introduce. It makes salient sentences with less majority type of information are more likely to be selected, and therefore improves the model performance.

figure g

4.5 Answer to RQ4: Influence of Different SO-Model

As introduced in Section 3.2.2, BugSum uses the combination of DPCNN and random forest as SO-Model to assign the opinion scores of sentences. In order to have an assessment of the influence brought by such combination, we test the performance of several classification models and their combinations from three aspects, sentence opinion classification, controversial sentence reduction and salient sentence selection.

4.5.1 Selection and Combination of Classification Models

BugSum regards the sentence opinion assessment as a classification task, and uses the possibility of negative opinion to assign the opinion score of each sentence. In our experiments, we select two convolutional neural networks and three traditional classification algorithms as SO-Model. For convolutional neural networks, we include the TextCNN (Kim 2014) and DPCNN. TextCNN is widely used in text classification tasks. It uses multiple kernels of different sizes to extract features from sentences. Meanwhile, DPCNN improves the structure of convolutional neural networks. It maintains a relatively low complexity and can effectively extract the long-distance relationship features in the text. As for traditional classification algorithms, we employ logistic regression (LR) (Kianifard and Kleinbaum 1995), random forest (RF), and support vector machine (SVM) (Vapnik 2000), which are also widely used algorithms in text classification.

4.5.2 Sentence Opinion Classification

As introduced in Section 3.2.2, SO-Model of BugSum is trained over a dataset consists of 3,000 sentences. These sentences are labeled with positive or negative to represent their opinions towards the evaluated sentences. We randomly select 80% of sentences from the dataset to train the models, and use the rest sentences as the test set. We repeat this process for 5 times, and use the average of the results as the final result.

As illustrated in Table 7, in our dataset, the performance of both the convolutional neural networks is higher than that of traditional classification algorithms. For the convolutional neural networks, DPCNN performs better than TextCNN. As for the traditional classification algorithms, LR has the best performance, while RF and SVM achieve competitive performance.

Table 7 Accuracy of sentence opinion classification

Most importantly, combining both types of algorithms can achieve better performance, compared with using only one classification algorithm. The combination of DPCNN and RF has the best performance. The performance of sentence opinion assessment increased from 81.1% to 91.2% compared with the SVM algorithm we used in previous work, and thus we use this combination as SO-Model in all our experiments. This result validates our assumption in Section 3.2.2. Convolutional neural networks compress features to be more concise and accurate, while traditional classification algorithms process input features more detail. Their combinations can incorporate both of their advantages so that they can achieve the best performance.

Since the input features of DPCNN are compressed through multiple layers, when combining DPCNN with RF, we also test the model’s performance using different features that are compressed by different numbers of DPCNN layers. The number of layers of DPCNN depends on the length of the input data (Johnson and Tong 2017). As the length of the sentences after pre-processing in our datasets is around 30, we set the length of input data of DPCNN to 32, and accordingly set the number of layers to 5. As shown in Fig. 6, the performance of all classification models increases with the number of compressed layers. Features compressed by more layers in DPCNN can help achieve better performance when combining with traditional algorithms. Therefore, BugSum uses the compressed features from the last layer of DPCNN.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The performance of models using different layers

4.5.3 Controversial Sentence Reduction

Different SO-Model assigns different opinion scores to each sentence. It will further affect the assignment of sentence believability scores, according to Formula 1, and will then result in different numbers of selected controversial sentences, as shown in Table 8.

Table 8 Reduction of controversial sentences using different so-model

From Tables 7 and 8, we find that, in general, the more accurate the SO-Model is, the less controversial sentences are selected. Thus, the improvement of SO-Model can help the deduction of controversial sentences.

4.5.4 Salient Sentence Selection

We also test the performance of BugSum on the salient sentence selection.

As shown in Table 9, BugSum The combination of DPCNN and random forest achieves the best performance. But the changes of SO-Model have only a slight impact on the selection of salient sentences. The reason may be that,

Table 9 Performance of salient sentence selection using different so-model

The salient sentence selection in BugSum relies not only on the sentence believability, which is affected by SO-Model, but also on evaluation behaviors between sentences. We also find that SO-Model changes have a greater impact on datasets SDS and CDS (especially when using Logistic regression). This finding is consistent with our analysis in Section 4.2. SDS and CDS have a greater proportion of sentences covered by evaluation behaviors. As the sentence score is assigned by classification models, the change of classification models will have relatively greater impacts on these two datasets.

figure h

4.6 Answer to RQ5: Influence of Parameters

BugSum contains three parameters: feature vector dimension, TF-IDF score threshold, and the beam size of the beam search algorithm. To find out how these parameters influence the performance of BugSum, we perform the following experiments.

4.6.1 Feature Vector Dimension

BugSum uses sentence vectors and a full-text vector to represent important information in bug reports. The dimension of these feature vectors may affect the performance of BugSum. We evaluate the performance of BugSum with the vector dimension from 1 to 2000. In Fig. 7a, we present the F-score values of BugSum.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Performance of BugSum influenced by different parameters

The performance curves of BugSum on SDS, ADS, and CDS exhibit a consistent trend. The performance of BugSum declines rapidly when the dimension of feature vectors is lower than 200. It grows steadily when the dimension is between 200 and 1000. When the dimension is between 1000 and 1400, the performance of BugSum remains stable and peaks when the dimension reaches 1200. The performance begins to decrease when the dimension exceeds 1400. The reason for this is that a low-dimension feature vector can only retain limited features with insufficient information, which can lead to worse performance. By contrast, when the dimension is too large, noisy features are also included in the feature vectors, which causes performance degradation.

We have also checked the performance of BugSum in terms of other metrics, and obtained quite similar results. Thus, we set the dimension of feature vectors to 1200 in all our experiments, as at around this value, the performance of BugSum reaches the peak on ADS, SDS, and CDS.

4.6.2 TF-IDF Score Threshold

As noted in Section 3.2.1, we identify the evaluation behaviors of ambiguous replies based on the sharing of topic-related words to assess the believability of sentences in the description. When selecting topic-related words, we need to set the threshold 𝜃 to the TF-IDF score. In this experiment, we test the sensibility of 𝜃, from 0.02 to 0.20.

As can be seen in Fig. 7b, the performance of BugSum increases rapidly over all datasets when 𝜃 grows from 0.02 to 0.06. Subsequently, as the value increases from 0.06 to 0.1, we obtain comparative performance. When 𝜃 is higher than 0.1, the performance of BugSum first declines slightly and then remains stable from the point at around 0.18. The reason is that, when 𝜃 is too small, the number of selected topic-related words will be large. Many links, including noises, may be constructed between the description and comments, which causes a further performance drop. On the contrary, when 𝜃 is too high, few topic-related words can be selected, meaning that only a very limited amount of links can be built. The input information for BugSum is not rich enough, so its performance also drops. When 𝜃 is higher than a certain value, such as 0.18 in Fig. 7b, the amount of topic-related words is too small, and the identified evaluation behaviors of ambiguous replies can no longer affect the selection. Therefore, the performance becomes stable again. We also observe that the performance over ADS is more sensitive to the change of 𝜃. This is because there are fewer sentences in ADS than in SDS and CDS, so the sentences in the description play a more critical role in ADS. Since the evaluation behaviors related to the description in our approach are mainly identified based on ambiguous replies, the noises introduced by 𝜃 will have more effects on ADS than on SDS and CDS. We also check the performance using other metrics and obtain similar results. Overall, we set the TF-IDF score threshold of topic-related word selection to 0.08 in all our experiments.

4.6.3 Beam Size

BugSum generates a summary based on the beam search algorithm. As introduced in Section 3.4, the beam search algorithm maintains b candidate sentence sets. In Fig. 7c, we illustrate the performance of BugSum in the form of the F-score metric, when b is between 1 and 11.

The performance of BugSum increases along with b until it reaches the value of 8, after which the performance becomes stable. Additional growth of the beam size cannot improve the performance of BugSum. The computational complexity of the search algorithm increases significantly as the beam size increases. Thus, we set the beam size to 8 in all our experiments to balance the performance of BugSum and the computational time consumption.

figure i

4.7 Answer to RQ6: Ablation Study

An ablation study usually refers to removing some components of the model, and seeing how that affects performance. In our approach, we implement the Sentence Feature Extraction (SFE) to extract semantic features from sentences, Dynamic Selection (DS) to select salient sentences, and Informativeness Enhancement (IE) to improve the informativeness of the summary. In this section, we carry out an ablation study to test the effectiveness of these components against the commonly used alternative strategies.

Bag-of-Words (BoW) is one of the most popular representation strategies (Zhang et al. 2010), which preserves the word frequency and ignores the original order or relationship between neighboring words. The sentence score method has been commonly used in previous approaches (Li et al. 2018; Carbonell and Goldstein 1998; Radev et al. 2004; Lotufo et al. 2015; Mei et al. 2010; Zhu et al. 2007), which we denote as SSM. SSM selects sentences with the highest score under the word amount limitation. In this experiment, SSM uses the cosine similarity between the sentence vector Si and the full-text vector DF as the score of sentence i. We use BoW as an alternative strategy for SFE and SSM as a replacement for DS.

We illustrate the performance of the model under different combinations of alternative strategies in Table 10. We find that the replacement of any strategies will lead to a significant drop in most metrics. The replacement of the sentence feature extraction strategy significantly impacts BugSum’s Precision, R-1, and R-2. The reason is that, the domain semantic features in sentences include word frequency and word context. The BoW strategy can only preserve word frequency information, which leads to a performance drop. This also indicates that our approach can preserve domain semantic features in sentences. We also find that summary selection strategies heavily influence BugSum’s Recall, a result that is caused by the redundancy in sentences. Dynamic selection, as evaluated in Section 4.3, can select sentences while considering the informativeness of selected sentences. Alternative strategies like SSM tend to select sentences with redundant semantic features, and further cause relatively low Recall while achieving similar Precision.

Table 10 Performance of BugSum using different strategies

For the informativeness enhancement, we compared the performance of BugSum on three datasets with and without this method. The results are shown in Table 11. BugSum-NIE refers to the performance of BugSum when informativeness enhancement (IE) is not used. Since the IE method makes the model select some extra sentences, we expand the number of selected sentences in BugSum correspondingly, and use Precision-Add to represent the accuracy of the additional selection. We find that the precision of additional selection (Precision-Add) is higher when using IE method, which indicate that IE method can improve the model’s recall while maintaining accuracy. This verifies our assumption in Section 3.5: Due to the redundancy, over-selecting sentences of the major type makes it difficult to improve the informativeness of the summary, while selecting sentences with information lacking in the summary can achieve better results.

Table 11 Performance of BugSum using informativeness enhancement
figure j

5 Threats to Validity

In this section, we discuss threats to construct validity, internal validity, and external validity, which may affect the results of our study.

Construct Validity:

The accuracy of selected controversial sentences is a threat to the validity of our experiments. In order to ensure the accuracy of selected controversial sentences, every selected sentence is confirmed by all 5 annotators. However, since none of the annotators have participated in the project of annotated bug reports, their understanding of these issues is limited. This makes it possible that there may be some controversial sentences in these bug reports that we do not find. This may affect the results of our experiment. However, since such controversial sentences are sporadic and can hardly affect the experiment results, such bias is acceptable in our experiments.

Internal Validity:

The bias introduced by machine learning method is also a potential threat. On the sentence feature extraction and the assessment of sentence believability scores, we use the auto-encoder to extract textual features from the sentence, and the SO-Model to predict the sentence opinion. These models are based on machine learning, which is heavily relying on training data, and its performance can be significantly biased with different datasets. Moreover, even with the same training data, the performance of the machine learning method is not stable. It usually fluctuates from training to training. To mitigate these threats, we randomly divide the training and testing sets of the model. All experiments are run 5 times, and we use the average as the final result.

External Validity:

The threat to external validity related to the generalizability of our findings and approach. To alleviate this threat, Our experiment study is conducted on the dataset consists 34,140 bug reports from 8 popular open-source projects. Our approach has experimented against 8 baseline approaches on two public datasets and one customized dataset. The results suggest that our approach has acceptable generalizability.

6 Related Work

6.1 Bug Report Summarization

Bug report summarization, which is considered to be a promising way to reduce human effort, involves composing a summary by picking out salient sentences from the bug report. Rastkar et al. (2014) and Jiang et al. (2017) extracted sentences based on feature classifiers that were trained using manually annotated bug reports. The performance of feature classifiers relies heavily on the quality of the training corpus (Lotufo et al. 2015), which requires the annotators to have certain expert knowledge and massive manual efforts. (Arya et al. 2019) labeled comments with their possible contained information, and let users choose corresponding sentences based on their requirements. Radev et al. (2004) compressed each sentence into a vector based on their TF-IDF values, and assessed sentences based on their similarity to the average of all sentence vectors. Other approaches (Zhu et al. 2007; Mei et al. 2010) have attempted to select sentences according to reference relations, which were enhanced by a noise removal strategy designed by Mani et al. (2012). Lotufo et al. (2015) scored their sentences based on imitating human reading patterns, connected sentences according to their similarities, and chose sentences with the highest possibilities of being reached during a random traverse. Li et al. (2018) focused on predefined field words and sentence types, and scored sentences based on the weight of words. In this paper, we have proposed a novel supervised algorithm for bug report summarization that can efficiently reduce the possibility of controversial sentences been selected into the summary.

6.2 Summarization of NLP

Text summarization is one of the key applications of natural language processing for information condensation (Munot and Govilkar 2014). Wang and Cardie (2013) generated summaries for meeting records through templates, which required considerable manual effort to obtain. Cheng and Lapata (2016) transformed the bug summarization into a classification task, by using LSTM as a recurrent document encoder to represent documents. Nallapati et al. (2017) took the position of sentences into consideration to minimize the negative log-likelihood between the prediction and the ground truth by using an RNN based sequence model. Jadhav and Rajan (2018) implemented the pointer network to add the salience of words into the prediction process. Narayan et al. (2018) optimized the Rouge evaluation metric through a reinforcement learning objective. Zhou et al. (2018) designed an end-to-end neural network to combine the sentence scoring process and the sentence selection process. The above approaches have accelerated the development of understanding software artifacts (Nazar et al. 2016), e.g. source code and bug report.

6.3 Deep Learning in Software Engineering

In recent years, deep learning has been increasingly adopted to improve the performance of software engineering tasks (White et al. 2015). Moreno et al. (2013) and (Matskevich and Gordon 2018) utilized neural networks for source code analysis by integrating abstract syntax trees (i.e., AST) and code semantic information to generate comments. Similarly, Wang et al. (2017) combined API sequence information with neural networks, and generated descriptions for object-related statement sequences. Moreover, Linares-Vásquez et al. (2015) and Buse and Weimer (2010) used neural networks to generate commit messages through extracting code changes. Jiang et al. (2017) improved the results of neural networks by adding filters to filter out the likely poor predictions. Liu et al. (2019) employed the pointer network to deal with out-of-vocabulary (i.e., OOV) words. While deep learning is an exciting new technique, it is still debatable as to whether this method can be implemented in a way that benefits SE (Fu and Menzies 2017; Hellendoorn and Devanbu 2017).

6.4 Text Classification

Text classification is a well-studied area in natural language processing, which is mainly based on traditional classification algorithms or deep learning approaches. Traditional classification algorithms such as Naive Bayes (Corporate AAFAI 1992), decision tree (Olanow and Koller 1998), and support vector machines (SVM) (Vapnik 2000) have simple structures and relatively few parameters, which makes them faster to be trained and easier to understand. (Surhone et al. 2010) improve the decision tree algorithm to mitigate the overfitting problem. Wang and Manning (2012) combine the Naive Bayes and SVM, and achieved better performance. Meanwhile, with the increasing recognition of deep learning, some approaches based on deep learning have been proposed to the text classification. (Kim 2014) applied the convolutional neural network (CNN) to text classification, which extracted domain features from sentences using kernels of different sizes. Johnson and Tong (2017) improved the structure of the naive CNN and proposed the Deep Pyramid Convolutional Neural Networks (DPCNN). It can extract the long-distance relationship features of sentences while maintaining relatively low complexity. Kim et al. (2018) incorporated word embeddings into the Open Directory Project (ODP) to handle large-scale text classification. These methods were based on and improved upon traditional classification algorithms or deep learning, and have achieved good performances in text classification. Recently, the combination of traditional classification algorithms with deep learning has become a new research trend. Wan et al. (2020) combined the decision tree with deep learning, which improved the model’s performance and interpretability. Our approach combined random forest with DPCNN, and also achieved a significant improvement. The potential applications of the combination of traditional classification algorithms and deep learning remain to be explored.

7 Conclusion

In this study, we present a novel supervised summarization approach, that considers the semantic feature and sentence believability of bug report, and the informativeness of the summary. To generate more reliable and informative summaries for bug reports. To improve the performance of our previous design, we deeply explore the unique characteristics of bug reports and take ambiguous replies into consideration. For the purpose of validating the generality of our approach, we manually construct a controversial dataset, which contains 39 annotated bug reports and 62 controversial sentences. Extensive experiments over three public datasets show that the performance of our approach, compared to 8 typical baseline approaches, reaches the state-of-the-art performance. Our approach can be applied in practice to assist with software maintenance and reuse. In particular, our method is able to prevent most controversial sentences from being selected into the summary, which points a promising direction for further work on conversation-based text analysis.

During our research, we find that, bug reports contain various types of information, such as bug reproduction, and possible solutions. Existing auto-generated summaries are concatenated by the salient sentences, while the complete information for each kind, such as complete steps to reproduce a bug, still needs to be organized by developers. In the future, we plan to extract a complete and believable summary for each kind of information in bug reports to provide more assistance to developers.