Erratum to: J Inherit Metab Dis

DOI 10.1007/s10545-010-9260-x

Unfortunately, in the original published article, there are some errors. The following paragraphs should read:

Heading Evidence for myo-inositol deficiency

Lines “In high concentrations, galactose-1-phosphate may … to …. Myo-inositol transporter activity” should read:

In high concentrations, galactose-1 phosphate may inhibit myo-inositol recycling in developing neurons following agonist-induced signal transduction events, as it may lead to trapping of myo-inositol as inositol monophosphate. Independently, intracellular galactitol accumulation via osmoregulatory perurbations may reduce myo-inositol transporter activity in fetal neurons.

Heading Physiology and biochemistry of myo-inositol

Lines “Almost all of the PtdIns-4,5-P2 … to …. (Berridge and Irvine 1989).” should read:

Almost all of the PtdIns-4,5-P2 that is involved in membrane signaling events, especially in the CNS, contains arachidonate in the sn1 position and stearate in the sn2 position. Following agonist-induced receptor activation, PtdIns-4,5-P2 is hydrolyzed by a phospholipase C to myo-inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (Ins-1,4,5-P3) and diacylglycerol. Subsequently, the water soluble second messenger, Ins-1,4,5-P3, binds to an Ins-1,4,5-P3 receptor on an internal membrane to activate a calcium channel resulting in a transient burst in cytosolic calcium activity (Berridge and Irvine 1989).

Heading Physiology and biochemistry of myo-inositol

Lines “Also, PtdIns deficiency may lead to impaired … to … Loretscher and Lavery 2002).” should read:

Also, PtdIns deficiency may lead to impaired synthesis of ectoproteins that are anchored to the plasma membrane via PtdIns such as alkaline phosphatase, 5′-nucleotidase, acetylcholinesterase, folate receptor and Thy-1 (Sharom and Lehto 2002; Loretscher and Lavery 2002).

In the legend to Fig. 4, last two lines, it should read:

… sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter1. (not … sodium/myo-inositolcotransporter1.)