Erratum to: Behav Genet (2011) DOI 10.1007/s10519-011-9454-5

The article cited above has been published with errors on pages 3, 4, and 6:

On page number 3, in the Results section in the second line “Means scores for” should read as “Mean scores for”.

On page number 4, Table 4 title, “p-values” should read as “p-values”.

On page number 4, the mathematical display should read as follows:

$$ c_{1} \bar{x}_{1} + c_{2} \bar{x}_{2} + \cdots + c_{J} \bar{x}_{J} $$

where \( \sum {c_{j} = 0.} \)

On page number 6, Table 6 title, “p-values” should read as “p-values”.