Erratum to: Am J Community Psychol (2010) 46:250 DOI 10.1007/s10464-010-9333-x

Please note that the list of reviewers for the Special Issue on “Children as Protagonists: Participatory Action Research in Collaboration with Children” (September 2010, Vol. 46, Nos. 1/2) was not complete. The full list of Reviewers for the issue is below. Apologies to all.

Mark Aber

Fabricio Balcazar

Elisabeth Barratt Hacking

Rupaleem Bhuyan

Renee Boothroyd

Caitlin Cahill

Philip Darbyshire

Melvin Delgado

Jill Denner

Roberta Downing

Nancy Erbstein

Ruth Emond

Dorothy Faulkner

Paul Flaspohler

Kim Sabo Flores

Sandy Fraser

Benjamin Gardner

Ron Glass

Silvia Blitzer Golembek

Jennifer Gong

Davydd J. Greenwood

Derek M. Griffith

Lorraine Gutierrez

Kelly Hazel

Nora E. Hyland

Leonard Jason

Louise Jennings

Jennifer Juras

Rosemary Kilpatrick

Rob Kleidman

Soo Ah Kwon

Meredith Minkler

Michael Murray

Melba J. Nicholson

Branda Nowell

Kysa Nygreen

Martin O’Neill

Deborah Parra-Medina

Nickki Pearce Dawes

Christopher Petr

Cheryl Potgieter

Patricia Sanchez

Freya Sonenstein

Brett G. Stoudt

Darius Tandon

Allison Tom

Angela Veale

Susie Weller

Pamela Wridt

Michael Wyness