This section is dedicated to the special issue for the 12th Laser Display and Lighting Conference (LDC2023) held onsite during April 18–21, 2023. The aim is to share information on laser display/lighting and related technologies. This section contains some of the papers presented at LDC2023, which underwent peer review and were accepted according to the editorial policy of Optical Review.

Laser Display and Lighting are cutting-edge technologies, drawing attention from the entertainment, education, and business sectors for use in signage, cinema, television, and automobiles. Laser illumination has already been integrated into automotive lighting, store lighting, and event illumination. This special issue covers a wide range of technologies, including aerial displays, 3D displays, image-quality evaluation, and gesture recognition by deep learning. Significant efforts have been made to facilitate deep and detailed discussions on emerging technologies in this special issue.

LDC2023 was co-sponsored by The Optical Society of Japan (OSJ) and The Japan Society of Applied Physics and organized by The Laser Display Technology (LDT) Group of the Optical Society of Japan, JSAP. The LDC committee would like to express its sincere appreciation to the Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Optica (formerly OSA), The International Laser Society of Japan (LSJ), The Optoelectronic Industry and Technology Development Association Japan (OITDA), The Japan Optoelectro-Mechanics Association (JOEM), The Chemical Society of Japan, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan, and The Imaging Society of Japan for their cooperation and technical co-sponsorship of LDC2023.

The conference has been a success, leading to the organization of the 13th Laser Display Conference (LDC2024), scheduled to be held in Yokohama from April 23–26, 2024. Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who contributed to LDC2023, and the Editor extends thanks to the diligent reviewers with their educational approach.

March 2024.

Editor in Chief of the Special Section.

Sunao Kurimura.

LDC2023 Program Co-Chair.