ISOM stands for the “International Symposium on Imaging, Sensing, and Optical Memory”. Topics related to optical fields and applications including optical memories were presented and discussed at the symposium. The first ISOM was held in Tokyo, 1987 and its main topic was optical memories. In the latest ISOM, it was success to share and discuss new developments of optical memories, sensing and imaging systems, advanced optics and devices, and optical information. Moreover, the new topic of bio-imaging was introduced in the special session. The ISOM’22 was composed of 13 invited papers, 49 contributed papers that occurred over four days of technical sessions.

This special issue contains a progress review and five selected regular papers which were presented during the symposium. All papers have been reviewed and accepted for publication according to the standard screening process of the Optical Review (OR).

We greatly wish that this special issue will be both interesting and provocative for readers of the journal, and contribute to the advancement of science and technology for future optical technologies and memories.

Kimihiro Saito

Lead Guest Editor of ISOM’22

Kindai University Technical College, Nabari 518‑0459, Mie, Japan

July 12, 2023

Guest Editors:

Kimihiro Saito (Kindai University Technical College, Japan), Takayuki Shima (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan), Satoru Higashino (Sony Storage Media Solutions Corporation, Japan), Shuichi Ichiura (Gifu University, Japan), Tadayuki Imai (Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan), Mitsuru Irie (Osaka Sangyo University, Japan), Ryuichi Katayama (Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan), Toshiharu Saiki (Keio University, Japan), Tsutomu Shimura (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Minoru Takeda (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan), Yasuhiro Awatsuji (Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan), and Ryushi Fujimura (Utsunomiya University, Japan).

This special issue contains revised papers that were selected from research presented at the 32nd ISOM (ISOM’22) in the joint conference of CLEO-PR2022/ISOM’22/ODF’22 held at Sapporo, Japan, during July 31 to August 3, 2022.