Erratum to: Arch Virol DOI 10.1007/s00705-014-2316-8

The authors would like to publish an erratum to correct the typographical error in the figure legend and text.

The sentence from Fig. 1 legend: “…and that of ϕRSS1 was constructed with ORF Finder software.” should read as: “and that of ϕRS611 was constructed with ORF Finder software.”

Further, the sentence from second line of right column of the second page: “ORF 4 (66 aa) of ϕRS611 lacked 23 amino acids in the N-terminal region compared with ORF 2 (89 aa) of ϕRSS0 and ϕRSS1”. Should be: “ORF 4 (66 aa) of ϕRS611 lacked 23 amino acids in the N-terminal region compared with ORF 4 (89 aa) of ϕRSS0 and ϕRSS1.”