Correction to: Virchows Arch (2018)

Two corrections were made to the above publication following its original online publication on 4th May 2018.

Firstly, on Page 13 of the article PDF, section “Cervical cancer in pregnancy”, right hand column, the third bullet point in the second bullet list originally read:

“Delay of oncological treatment until fetal maturity (if possible 932 weeks of gestation) and beginning of cancer specific treatment immediately after delivery by cesarean section.”

This has been corrected to read (area adjusted has been marked in bold):

“Delay of oncological treatment until fetal maturity (if possible >32 weeks of gestation) and beginning of cancer specific treatment immediately after delivery by cesarean section.”

Secondly, on Page 14 of the article PDF, section “Definitive chemoradiotherapy”, left hand column, the third bullet point originally read:

“Tumor and lymph node–related target volume for IMRT…”.

This has been corrected to read (area adjusted has been marked in bold):

“Tumor and lymph node–related target volume for EBRT…”.

The remainder of the article remains unchanged.