Springer-Verlag and the Editors of the Journal of Molecular Evolution would like to take this opportunity to thank the esteemed reviewers of the Journal for giving so generously of their time and expertise. Below is a list of people who reviewed manuscripts for the Journal of Molecular Evolution during the preparation of Volumes 56 and 57. Our reviewers perform this service without reward, and we are most grateful to them for this essential service. The high quality of the work published in JME reflects the strength of their commitment to the service of molecular evolution and to our Journal as a forum for communicating important discoveries. We apologize to any reviewer whose name has been inadvertently omitted:

Ehab Abouheif, University of California, Berkeley

Tasha Altheide, University of Arizona

Marcos Antezana, The University of Chicago

Michael Antolin, Colorado State University

Hitoshi Araki, University of Chicago

Peter Arndt, Cologne University

Ellen Baake, Universitat Munchen

Bruce Baker, Stanford University

Lawrence Banks, International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)

David Barford, Institute of Cancer Research

Manuela Baumgartner, Dalhousie University

Peer Beerlis, University of Washington

Matthew Bellgard, Murdoch University

Jeffery Bennetzen, Purdue University

Mary Berbee, University of British Columbia

Martine Berube, University of California, Berkeley

Esther Betran, The University of Texas at Arlington

Debashish Bhattacharya, University of Iowa

Giuseppe Biamonti, Istituto di Genetica

Bob Blankenship, Arizona State University

Ralph Bock, University of Muenster

Stephane Boissinot, Queens College of New York

Jeffrey Boore, Joint Genome Institute

Ian Boussy, Loyola University

Edward Braun, University of Florida

Henner Brinkmann, Universitat Konstanz

Luciano Brocchieri, Stanford University

Jurgen Brosius, University of Muenster

Pierre Capy, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Karen Carleton, University of New Hampshire

Robert Charlebois, Neurogadgets Inc.

Deborah Charlesworth, University of Edinburgh

Alberto Civetta, University of Winnipeg

Andrew Clark, Cornell University

Thomas Cline, University of California, Berkeley

Josep Comeron, University of Iowa

Alan Cooper, University of Oxford

Keith Crandall, Brigham Young University

Teresa Crease, University of Guelph

Mitch Cruzan, Portland State University

Lluis de Pouplana, IRBB-PCB, Pare Científic de Barcelona

Sandro Jose de Souza, Ludwig Institute

David Deamer, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research

Anthony M. Dean, University of Minnesota

Michael Deem, Rice University

Massimo Di Giulio, Istituto di Genetica e Biofisica

Russell Doolittle, University of California, San Diego

Mark Dowton, University of Wollongong

Alexei Drummond, University of Oxford

Denis Duboule, University of Geneva

Laurent Duret, Université Claude Bernard

David Duvernell, Southern Illinois University

Dieter Ebert, University of Fribough

Thomas Eickbush, University of Rochester

Andrew Ellington, University of Texas

James Emerson, The University of Chicago

Dawn Fields, Centre for Environmental Health, United Kingdom

David Finnegan, University of Edinburgh

Patrick Forterre, Institut de Genetique et Micro biologie

Stephen Freeland, The University of Maryland

Robert Friedman, The Natural History Museum, London

Simon Frost, University of California, San Diego

John Fuerst, University of Queensland

Michael Galperin, NIH

Nicolas Galtier, Université Montpellier 2

Santiago Garcia-Vallve, ‘Rovira i Virgili’ University

Brandon Gaut, University of California, Irvine

Valerius Geist, The University of Calgary

Anthony Gharrett, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Andreas Gisel, Sezione di Bioinformatica e Genomica, ITB-CNR

Carmela Gissi, University of Milan

Shubha Govind, City College of New York

David Graham, University of Texas at Austin

Jennifer Graves, The Australian National University

Xun Gu, Iowa State University

Zhenglong Gu, The University of Chicago

Laurent Gueguen, Universite Claude Bernard

David Guttman, University of Toronto

Ross Hardison, Penn State University

Yataka Hata, Kyoto University

Martin Hemler, Dana-Faber Cancer Institute, Harvard University

Makoto Hirano, NIH, Japan

Chris House, Penn State University

John Huelsenbeck, University of California, San Diego

Austin Hughes, University of South Carolina

Martijn Huynen, Nijmegen Center for Molecular Life Sciences

Terence Hwa, University of California, San Diego

Hideki Innan, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Kamel Jabbari, Institut Jacques Monod

Dieter Jenne, Max-Planck-Institute of Neurobiology

Mark Jobling, University of Leicester

Vladimir Kapitonov, General Information Research Institute

Patrick Keeling, University of British Columbia

Janet Keithly, Wadsworth

Martin Klotz, University of Louisville

Richard Kliman, Cedar Crest College

Kei-ichi Kuma, Kyoto University

Alan Lambowitz, University of Texas at Austin

Scott Lanyon, University of Minnesota, Bell Museum of Natural History

Gregory Lanzaro, University of California, Davis

Jeffrey Lawrence, University of Pittsburgh

Niles Lehman, Portland State University

Emmanuelle Lerat, The University of Arizona

Martin Lercher, University of Bath

Wentian Li, North Shore LIJ Research Institute

Daiqing Liao, University of Florida

Jean Lobry, Univ. C. Bernard–LYON I

John Logsdon, University of Iowa

Shirley Luckhart, Virginia Tech

Gustavo Maclntosh, Iowa State University

Dixie Mager, University of British

Kira Makarova, National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH

Gabriel Marais, University of Edinburgh

Ignacio Marin, Universidad de Valencia

William Martin, University of Dusseldorf

Giorgio Matassi, Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn”

David Mathews, University of Rochester Medical Center

Ivan Matic, Faculte de Medecine Necker-Enfants Malades

Ichiro Matsumura, Emory University

Andrew McArthur, Josephine Bay Paul Center

Kurt Mendgen, University of Konstanz

Joe Miller, University of Iowa

Brian Morton, Barnard College, Columbia University

Dominique Mouchiroud, University of Lyon

Jan Mrazek, Stanford University

Brett Neilan, University of New South Wales

Anton Nekrutenko, Penn State University

David Nelson, The University of Texas Medical School

Wolfgang Nitschke, BIP/CNRS

K.L. Novik, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute

Howard Ochman, University of Arizona

Michael Palopoli, Bowdoin College

Elio Parisi, Istituto di Biochimica delle Proteine

Dennis Paul, Louisiana State University Medical Center

Nathaniel Pearson, The University of Chicago

Graziano Pesole, University of Milan

Dmitri Petrov, Stanford University

Herve Philippe, Universite de Montreal

Megan Porter, Brigham Young University

Yin-Long Qiu, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

Alexander Raikhel, University of California, Riverside

Sohini Ramachandran, Stanford University

David Rand, Brown University

Jason Raymond, Arizona State University

Hugh Robertson, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign

Phyllis Robinson, University of Maryland

Marc Robinson-Rechavi, University of California, San Diego

Allen Rodrigo, University of Auckland

Andrew Rooney, Mississippi State University

Noah Rosenberg, University of Southern California

Lukas Ruber, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales

Walter Salzburger, University of Konstanz

Fabricio Santos, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Vincent Savolainen, The Royal Botanic Gardens

Torsten Schöneberg, University of Leipzig

Peidong Shen, Stanford University

Kiyotaka Shiba, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research

Toshimaku Ikemura, National Institute of Genetics

Shin-Han Shiu, The University of Chicago

Claudio Slamovitz, University of British Columbia

Matthew Spencer, University of Cambridge

John Spudich, University of Texas Medical School

Joseph Staton, University of South Carolina

Caro Beth Stewart, State University of New York, Albany

Pere Suau, Universitat Auonoma de Barcelona

Kenta Sumiyama, Yale University

Billie J. Swalla, University of Washington

Eors Szathmary, Collegium Budapest

Yoshio Tateno, Center for Information Biology and DNA Data Bank of Japan

John Taylor, University of Victoria

Maud Tenaillon, Station de Genetique Vegetale

Kevin Thornton, Cornell University

Chris Toomajian, University of Southern California

Elizabeth Torres, Cal State, LA

Joe Trapani, University of Melbourne

Edward Trifonov, University of Haifa

Araxi Urrutia Odabachian, University of Bath

James Van Etten, University of Nebraska

Martin Vingron, Max-Planck-Institut Molekulare Genetik

Jean-Nicolas, University of Wuerzburg

John Wakeley, Harvard University

Dennis Wall, Stanford University

Jieyi Wang, Abbott Laboratories

Ward Wheeler, American Museum of Natural History

Gale Wichmann, University of California, Berkeley

Carl Woese, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Yuri Wolf, National Center for Biotechnology Information, NIH

Jeffrey Wong, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Jin Xiong, Texas A&M University

Michael Yarus, University of Colorado at Boulder

Soojin Yi, The University of Chicago

Shozo Yokoyama, Syracuse University

J. Peter W. Young, University of York

Andrei Zalensky, University of California at Davis

Peter G. Zaphiropoulos, Karolinska Institutet

Rafael Zardoya, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales

Zhaolei Zhang, Yale University

Yang Zhong, Fudan University