High-power current pulses with a repetition rate of up to 100 Hz or higher are required by a number of active-inductive consumers. Such consumers include technological laser equipment, pulse electric welding devices, and equipment for electrohydraulic, magnetic-pulse, and electrical-discharge machining of metals. Capacitors charged from a dc voltage source (accumulator, rectifier) are widely used in generators for power supply of such consumers. A situation often occurs, especially at autonomous facilities, in which the dc voltage of a source is insufficient for direct charging of capacitors even with the use of a current limiting choke when the voltage across the capacitors may not exceed twice the source voltage [1]. Therefore, to increase the voltage of capacitors, an intermediate circuit is often used consisting of an inverter, transformer, and rectifier from which the capacitors are charged [2, 3]; however, this connection complicates the design of generators and degrades their reliability.

If the source voltage is insufficient to charge a capacitor, one may use an intermediate inductive capacitor storage and commutator, which allow one to increase the voltage on the charged capacitor and, thereby, increase the generated pulse power. The schemes of inductive-capacitor dc pulse voltage converters with an inductive storage device and a semiconductor switch in the form of an IGBT transistor are reported in [4]. These converters operate with parallel connection of the consumer to the output capacitor and are simple and reliable compared to inverter circuits [2, 3], they increase or decrease the voltage of the output capacitor compared to the voltage of the source.

One of the circuits discussed in [4] for charging the capacitor was chosen, which is simple and reliable. This circuit allows using a source with insufficient dc voltage, increasing the voltage on the capacitor being charged. A thyristor switched by dynistors (Shockley diodes) is used to implement the frequency-pulse mode of powering the consumer for its connection to the charged capacitor. This circuit eliminates the possibility of source and commutator current flowing through the consumer, especially in the event of a short circuit at the consumer, which relaxes the specifications for the source and the commutator.

Thus, the switched inductive-capacitor generator (Fig. 1) is designed for reliable supply of consumers by means of powerful pulses of current in the frequency mode even in the case in which the generator is connected to a source with a reduced level of constant voltage insufficient for charging the capacitor. A description is given in [5] of the design elements and the results of experimental studies of such a generator at frequency-pulse power supply of a loaded step-up voltage transformer, which showed the functionality and reliability of the generator. However, the formulas for calculating a commutator inductive-capacitor generator in [5] were not given, and [4] also lacks a method for calculating the frequency-pulse mode. Therefore, the development of a method for designing such a generator in the pulse-frequency mode to determine its efficiency and capabilities is an important task that is of practical interest.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Schematic of switched inductive-capacitor generator: S, constant voltage source; L, current pulses i2 of the consumer (active-inductive load); E and RE, constant EMF and resistance of dc energy source S; Sw, semiconductor switch (commutator) on IGBT transistor; L1 and R1, inductance and resistance of inductive energy-storage device; C, capacitance of charged capacitor; D1 and D4, semiconductor diodes; D2, thyristor; D3, one or several dynistors connected in series; L2 and R2, inductance and resistance of load L; R3, current limiting resistor for dynistors D3; and iE, i1, i2 and uS, uC, currents and voltages as a function of time.

Let us consider frequency-pulse power supply to a consumer represented by active-inductive load L. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of an inductive-capacitor generator. Let us assume that the inductances and resistances of the source, inductive accumulator, and consumer are roughly fixed and semiconductor diodes D1 and D4, thyristor D2, and dynistors D3 are ideal devices. In this case, we will assume that semiconductor IGBT transistor switch Sw in the “open” state has an infinite resistance and, in the “closed” state, is characterized by constant voltage UCE between the collector and emitter (UCE = 1–3 V). Let us also assume that the inductances and capacitances of the dc voltage and the connecting wires have no appreciable influence on the currents and voltages of the generator. Suppose that, at the time interval associated with current pulse i2, switch Sw is “open” and diode D1 is off, that is, current i2 does not affect currents iE and i1.

The influence of external factors on the operation of the generator (temperature, humidity, vibration, interference, etc.) is beyond the scope of this article. Switch Sw (IGBT transistor) periodically closes and opens the generator supply circuit with frequency f1 and duty cycle Q > 1. If switch Sw is open and the voltage at the terminals of source S is approximately constant and equal to UE, then the calculated value of EMF E, switching period T1, and time intervals t1 (Sw “closed”) and t2 (Sw “open”) will be considered equal:

$$\begin{gathered} E \approx {{U}_{E}};\,\,\,\,{{T}_{1}} = {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {{{f}_{1}}}}} \right. \kern-0em} {{{f}_{1}}}};\,\,\,\,{{t}_{1}} = {{{{T}_{1}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{T}_{1}}} Q}} \right. \kern-0em} Q}; \\ {{t}_{2}} = {{T}_{1}} - {{t}_{1}} = {{{{T}_{1}}\left( {Q - 1} \right)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{T}_{1}}\left( {Q - 1} \right)} Q}} \right. \kern-0em} Q}. \\ \end{gathered} $$

According to Fig. 1, the generator operates as follows. When switch Sw is closed and source S is connected, currents iE and i1 increase and the energy of the magnetic field of the inductive storage device (L1, R1) increases. At open commutator Sw and disconnected source S the energy of the inductive storage is transferred to capacitor C, which is charged to a certain maximum voltage UmC level during several switching periods T1 of Sw key and UmC is equal to dynistor D3 turn-on voltage. When capacitor voltage uC reaches value UmC, dynistor D3 turns on together with the thyristor D2 and capacitor C is discharged into load L (L2, R2), forming current pulse i2. Generation of current pulses i2 is repeated with period T2 and frequency f2 = 1/T2 at f2f1, whereby, to close thyristor D2, it is necessary to reduce its current i2 to zero. In order to separate in time the processes of energy storage in an inductive storage device (L1, R1) and capacitor C, semiconductor diode D1 is added, and, to prevent negative voltage at capacitor C during its discharge, semiconductor diode D4 is connected.

Three modes are possible when charging the capacitor:

— continuous current mode i1 when this current is nonzero at all periods of T1 of commutation Sw;

— intermittent current mode i1 when this current reaches zero for a certain number of T1 periods of commutation Sw; and

— pulsed current operation i1 when this current reaches zero in all T1 commutation periods of Sw.

Let us restrict our consideration to the pulsed mode of the current i1 of the inductive storage device (L1, R1) when practically all energy of the inductive storage device during each period of T1 is transferred to capacitor C and a small part of it is lost as heat, mostly in resistance R1 of inductive storage device.

The formulas follow to calculate the generator voltages and generator currents obtained considering (1) from solving equations of electric circuit [6] at the following time intervals of the k-th switching period of switch Sw at k = 1, 2, …, N.

(1) Time interval \(\left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}} < t < \left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}} + {{t}_{1}}\) when electromagnetic energy is stored in an inductive storage device. Commutator Sw is closed, diodes D1 and D4 are locked, and thyristor D2 is closed. Then,

$$\begin{gathered} {{i}_{E}} = {{i}_{1}} = \frac{{{{U}_{E}} - {{U}_{{CE}}}}}{{{{R}_{E}} + {{R}_{1}}}}\left\langle {1 - \exp \left\{ { - \frac{{\left[ {t - \left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}}} \right]}}{\tau }} \right\}} \right\rangle ; \\ {{i}_{2}} = 0;\,\,\,\,{{u}_{C}} = {{U}_{{k - 1}}};\,\,\,\,{{u}_{S}} = {{U}_{{CE}}}; \\ \tau = \frac{{{{L}_{1}}}}{{{{R}_{E}} + {{R}_{1}}}};\,\,\,\,{{I}_{{m1}}} = \frac{{{{U}_{E}} - {{U}_{{CE}}}}}{{{{R}_{E}} + {{R}_{1}}}}\left[ {1 - \exp \left( { - \frac{{{{t}_{1}}}}{\tau }} \right)} \right]; \\ {{W}_{m}} = \frac{{{{L}_{1}}I_{{m1}}^{2}}}{2};\,\,\,\,{{W}_{U}} = {{U}_{E}}\int_{\left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}}}^{\left( {k - 1} \right)T + {{t}_{1}}} {{{i}_{E}}} dt \\ = \,\,\frac{{{{U}_{E}}\left( {{{U}_{E}} - {{U}_{{CE}}}} \right){{t}_{1}}}}{{R{}_{E} + {{R}_{1}}}}\left\{ {1 - \frac{\tau }{{{{t}_{1}}}}\left[ {1 - \exp \left( { - \frac{{{{t}_{1}}}}{\tau }} \right)} \right]} \right\}; \\ {{P}_{{mU}}} = {{U}_{E}}{{I}_{{m1}}};\,\,\,{{\eta }_{m}} = \frac{{{{W}_{m}}}}{{{{W}_{U}}}} = \left( {1 - \frac{{{{U}_{{CE}}}}}{{{{U}_{E}}}}} \right) \\ \times \,\,\frac{{{{{\left[ {1 - \exp \left( { - {{{{t}_{1}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{t}_{1}}} \tau }} \right. \kern-0em} \tau }} \right)} \right]}}^{2}}}}{{2\left[ {\left( {{{{{t}_{1}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{t}_{1}}} \tau }} \right. \kern-0em} \tau }} \right) - 1 + \exp \left( { - {{{{t}_{1}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{t}_{1}}} \tau }} \right. \kern-0em} \tau }} \right)} \right]}};\,\,\,\,{{P}_{U}} = {{W}_{U}}{{f}_{1}}, \\ \end{gathered} $$

where UE, V, is dc voltage at the output of source S when commutator Sw is open; UCE, V, is dc voltage between the collector and emitter of closed switch Sw; τ, s, is the time constant of currents iE and i1; Uk–1, V, is the constant capacitor voltage at the interval in question determined from calculation at the previous time interval; Im1, A, is the maximum value of currents iE and i1 at moment of time \(t = \left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}} + {{t}_{1}}\), Wm, J, is the maximum energy stored in the inductive storage; WU, J, is the energy given by the source; PmU and PU, W, are the maximum and average power of the source; and ηm is the efficiency of energy transfer from the source to the inductive storage device.

(2) Time interval \(\left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}} + {{t}_{1}} < t < {{t}_{{mk}}}\) when energy Wm is transferred from the inductive storage device to the capacitor. Switch Sw is open, diode D1 is open, diode D4 is closed, and thyristor D2 is closed; then,

$$\begin{gathered} {{i}_{E}} = 0;\,\,\,\,{{i}_{1}} = Cp{}_{1}{{B}_{{1k}}}\exp \left\{ {{{p}_{1}}\left[ {t - {{t}_{1}} - \left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}}} \right]} \right\} \\ + \,\,Cp{}_{2}{{B}_{{2k}}}\exp \left\{ {{{p}_{2}}\left[ {t - {{t}_{1}} - \left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}}} \right]} \right\};\,\,\,\,{{i}_{2}} = 0; \\ {{u}_{C}} = {{B}_{{1k}}}\exp \left\{ {{{p}_{1}}\left[ {t - {{t}_{1}} - \left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}}} \right]} \right\} + {{B}_{{2k}}} \\ \times \,\,\exp \left\{ {{{p}_{2}}\left[ {t - {{t}_{1}} - \left( {k - 1} \right){{T}_{1}}} \right]} \right\};\,\,\,\,{{p}_{{1,2}}} = - \frac{{{{R}_{1}}}}{{2{{L}_{1}}}} \\ \pm \,\,\sqrt {\frac{{R_{1}^{2}}}{{4L_{1}^{2}}} - \frac{1}{{{{L}_{1}}C}}} ;\,\,\,\,{{B}_{{1k}}} = \frac{{{{I}_{{m1}}} - {{p}_{2}}C{{U}_{{k - 1}}}}}{{C\left( {{{p}_{1}} - {{p}_{2}}} \right)}}; \\ {{B}_{{2k}}} = \frac{{{{p}_{1}}C{{U}_{{k - 1}}} - {{I}_{{m1}}}}}{{C\left( {{{p}_{1}} - {{p}_{2}}} \right)}};\,\,\,\,{{t}_{{mk}}} = \left( {k - 1} \right)T + {{t}_{1}} \\ + \,\,\frac{1}{{\left( {{{p}_{1}} - {{p}_{2}}} \right)}}\ln \left( {\frac{{{{p}_{1}}{{p}_{2}}C{{U}_{{k - 1}}} - {{p}_{2}}{{I}_{{m1}}}}}{{{{p}_{1}}{{p}_{2}}C{{U}_{{k - 1}}} - {{p}_{1}}{{I}_{{m1}}}}}} \right); \\ {{U}_{k}} = \frac{{\left( {{{p}_{1}}C{{U}_{{k - 1}}} - {{I}_{{m1}}}} \right)}}{{C{{p}_{1}}}}{{\left[ {\frac{{{{p}_{2}}\left( {{{p}_{1}}C{{U}_{{k - 1}}} - {{I}_{{m1}}}} \right)}}{{{{p}_{1}}\left( {{{p}_{2}}C{{U}_{{k - 1}}} - {{I}_{{m1}}}} \right)}}} \right]}^{{\frac{{{{p}_{2}}}}{{{{p}_{1}} - {{p}_{2}}}}}}}; \\ {{u}_{S}} = {{U}_{E}} + {{u}_{C}};\,\,\,\,{{U}_{{Sk}}} = {{U}_{E}} + {{U}_{k}}, \\ \end{gathered} $$

where p1,2, 1/s, are roots of the inductive storage-capacitor characteristic equation; B1k and B2k, V, are integration constants; tmk, s, is the moment of closing of diode D1 when current i1 reaches a zero value; and Uk and USk, V, are momentary voltages across the capacitor uC and commutator uS.

(3) Time interval tmk < t < kT1 when energy from the inductive storage device is not transferred to the capacitor. Commutator Sw is open, diodes D1 and D4 are off, and thyristor D2 is closed. Then,

$${{i}_{E}} = {{i}_{1}} = {{i}_{2}} = 0;\,\,\,\,{{u}_{C}} = {{U}_{k}};\,\,\,\,{{u}_{S}} = {{U}_{E}}.$$

(4) Time interval \({{t}_{{mN}}} < t < N{{T}_{1}}\) when k = N and at t = tmN, voltage uC on the capacitor has reached maximum value UmC = UN in which dynistor D3 and thyristor D2 open up and capacitor C discharges into the load L2 and R2. Thus, switch Sw is open, diodes D1 and D4 are off, and thyristor D2 is on. Then,

$$\begin{gathered} {{i}_{E}} = {{i}_{1}} = 0;\,\,\,{{i}_{2}} = C{{p}_{3}}{{B}_{3}}\exp \left\{ {{{p}_{3}}\left[ {t - {{t}_{{mN}}}} \right]} \right\} \\ + \,\,C{{p}_{4}}{{B}_{4}}\exp \left\{ {{{p}_{4}}\left[ {t - {{t}_{{mN}}}} \right]} \right\};\,\,\,\,{{u}_{C}} = {{B}_{3}} \\ \times \,\,\exp \left\{ {{{p}_{3}}\left[ {t - {{t}_{{mN}}}} \right]} \right\} + {{B}_{4}}\exp \left\{ {{{p}_{4}}\left[ {t - {{t}_{{mN}}}} \right]} \right\}; \\ {{W}_{{mC}}} = \frac{{CU_{{mC}}^{2}}}{2};\,\,\,\,{{f}_{2}} = \frac{{{{f}_{1}}}}{N};\,\,\,\,{{P}_{R}} = {{W}_{{mC}}}{{f}_{2}}; \\ {{p}_{{3,4}}} = - \frac{{{{R}_{2}}}}{{2{{L}_{2}}}} \pm \sqrt {\frac{{R_{2}^{2}}}{{4L_{2}^{2}}} - \frac{1}{{{{L}_{2}}C}}} ;\,\,\,\,{{B}_{3}} = \frac{{{{p}_{4}}{{U}_{{mC}}}}}{{{{p}_{3}} - {{p}_{4}}}}; \\ {{B}_{4}} = - \frac{{{{p}_{3}}{{U}_{{mC}}}}}{{{{p}_{3}} - {{p}_{4}}}};\,\,\,\,{{I}_{{m2}}} = - C{{p}_{3}}{{U}_{{mC}}}{{\left( {\frac{{{{p}_{4}}}}{{{{p}_{3}}}}} \right)}^{{\frac{{{{p}_{3}}}}{{{{p}_{3}} - {{p}_{4}}}}}}}; \\ {{P}_{{mR}}} = I_{{m2}}^{2}R{}_{2};\,\,\,\,{{t}_{{m2}}} = {{t}_{{mN}}} + \frac{{\ln \left( {{{{{p}_{4}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{{p}_{4}}} {{{p}_{3}}}}} \right. \kern-0em} {{{p}_{3}}}}} \right)}}{{{{p}_{3}} - {{p}_{4}}}}; \\ {{\eta }_{C}} = \frac{{0.5C\left( {U_{{mC}}^{2} - U_{0}^{2}} \right)}}{{N{\kern 1pt} {{W}_{U}}}};\,\,\,\,{{U}_{{mS}}} = {{U}_{E}} + {{U}_{{mC}}}, \\ \end{gathered} $$

where N is the number of current pulses i1 used to charge capacitor C; tmN, s, according to (3), is equal to tmk at k = N; p3,4, 1/s, are the roots of the characteristic equation of the capacitor-load contour; B3 and B4, V, are integration constants; UmC, V, is the maximum charging voltage of capacitor C at moment t = tmN; WmC, J, is the maximum energy stored in capacitor C, which is equal to the energy dissipated as heat in load resistor R2 during one current pulse i2; f2, Hz, is the frequency of repetition of i2 current pulses; Im2, А, is the maximum value of current i2 at moment of time tm2; PmR and PR, W, maximum and average power of current i2 in load resistance R2; ηC is the net efficiency of charging of capacitor C during N periods of T1; U0, V, is the initial voltage on capacitor C at moment t = 0; and UmS, V, is maximum voltage at open switch Sw at moment tmN.

For stable operation of the generator, it is necessary to close thyristor D2 reliably when decreasing its current i2 to zero when commutator Sw is open. Therefore, during an aperiodic transient of current i2 when roots p3,4 (5) are real, negative, and nondegenerate, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

$$C > \frac{{4{{L}_{2}}}}{{R_{2}^{2}}};\,\,\,\,{{t}_{p}} \approx \frac{5}{{\left| {{{p}_{3}}} \right|}};\,\,\,\,{{t}_{{mN}}} + {{t}_{p}} < N{{T}_{1}},$$

at complex-conjugate roots p3,4 (oscillatory transient process),

$$\begin{gathered} C < \frac{{4{{L}_{2}}}}{{R_{2}^{2}}};\,\,\,\,\omega = \sqrt {\frac{1}{{{{L}_{2}}C}} - \frac{{R_{2}^{2}}}{{4L_{2}^{2}}}} ;\,\,\,\,{{t}_{p}} \approx \frac{\pi }{\omega }; \\ {{t}_{{mN}}} + {{t}_{p}} < N{{T}_{1}}, \\ \end{gathered} $$

where tp, s, is the duration of the current pulse i2 and ω, 1/s, is the angular frequency of current i2.

In turn, to realize the pulsed mode of current i1 according to (1), (3) at k = 1, when tmk = tm1 has the greatest value, it is necessary to fulfill the inequality

$${{t}_{{m1}}} = {{t}_{1}} + \frac{1}{{\left( {{{p}_{1}} - {{p}_{2}}} \right)}}\ln \left( {\frac{{{{p}_{1}}{{p}_{2}}C{{U}_{0}} - {{p}_{2}}{{I}_{{m1}}}}}{{{{p}_{1}}{{p}_{2}}C{{U}_{0}} - {{p}_{1}}{{I}_{{m1}}}}}} \right) < {{T}_{1}},$$

from which, at U0 ≈ 0 and R1 ≈ 0, we can obtain condition for capacitor C:

$${{C}_{m}} = \frac{{4t_{2}^{2}}}{{{{\pi }^{2}}{{L}_{1}}}} > C.$$

For stable operation of the generator in the pulse-frequency mode, the values of C, L1, L2, and R2 must satisfy the inequalities (6)–(8).

To assess the efficiency of the generator considered calculations were carried out using formulas (1)–(8). Figure 2 shows the calculated curves of energy-transfer efficiency ηm from source S to the inductive storage device as a function of relative duration t1/τ of closed commutator Sw at different relative values of voltage between the collector and emitter UCE/UE = 0, 0.1, and 0.2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Calculated energy transfer efficiency ηm from the source to the inductive storage when UCE/UE = 0, 0.1, and 0.2.

From Fig. 2 and formulas (1, 2), it follows that, in order to increase efficiency ηm, it is necessary to increase frequency f1, duty cycle Q, voltage of source UE, and the time constant (to increase inductance L1 and decrease resistance RE, R1).

Figure 3 shows resulting efficiency ηC of capacitor C charging as a function of N periods of T1 of switch Sw and corresponding efficiency ηm. The plots of efficiencies ηC and ηm are obtained when RE = 0, t1/τ = 0.1, UCE/UE = 0.1, Q = 2, and U0 = 0 and different capacitances C when coefficient a takes values of a = Cm/C = 1, 5, and 10. Figure 4 shows the dependence of relative maximum voltage on capacitor UmC/UE versus number N of switching periods T1 of switch Sw calculated with the same parameters as in the dependences plotted in Fig. 3. It follows from Figs. 3 and 4 that the resulting charging efficiency of the capacitor ηC and its maximum voltage UmC increase with increasing number of commutation periods N and reduction of capacitor capacitance C and it is always the case that ηC < ηm.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Energy transfer efficiency ηm to the inductive storage and the resulting efficiency of capacitor charging ηC as a function of N periods of switching at a = Cm/C = 1, 5, 10; RE = 0; t1/τ = 0.1; UCE/UE = 0.1; Q = 2; and U0 = 0.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Relative maximum voltage across capacitor as a function of N commutation periods at a = Cm/C = 1, 5, 10; RE = 0; t1/τ = 0.1; UCE/UE = 0.1; Q = 2; and U0 = 0.

To assess the capabilities of the generator, one may look at Table 1, which shows the results of the calculations by formulas (1)–(8) for the following parameters: UE = 12, 24, and 48 V; UCE = 2.5 V; f1 = 200 Hz; Q = 2; L1 = 0.1 mH; τ = 10t1 = 25 ms; RE = R1 = 2 m Ω; U0 = 0; C = 0.1Cm ≈ 2500 μF; N = 200; f2 = 1 Hz; L2 = 0.1L1 = 10 μH; and \({{R}_{2}} = \sqrt {{{8{{L}_{2}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{8{{L}_{2}}} C}} \right. \kern-0em} C}} = 0.179\) Ω (aperiodic transient current process i2). According to the calculations increasing the source voltage UE results in the increase of the following quantities: the voltage UmC across the capacitor, the amplitudes of currents Im1, Im2, energy stored in the capacitor WmC, efficiency ηC, average PU, PR and maximum PmU, PmR powers, the relative values of UmC/UE, PmR/PmU, and PmR/PU. Thus, the duration of current pulsei2 in a load is tp ≈ 1.909 ms, the rise time from zero to maximum Im2 is 0.139 ms at allowed voltage UmS = 651–3108 V at a high-power IGBT transistor, for example, having parameters of 3300 V/1500 A [7]. Thus, it is possible to implement a generator with an average power up to 15 kW and efficiency up to 0.89 for power supply of various technological apparatuses in the frequency-pulse mode [1].

Table 1.   Results of generator calculation at different source voltages UE

For experimental verification of calculated relations (1)–(8), a prototype model of a switched inductive-capacitor generator (Fig. 1) has been implemented with the structural elements indicated in [5]. Source S of dc voltage UE ≈ 8 V at RE ≈ 1 Ω (the measuring resistor) was a power unit with adjustable voltage UE. A solid state dc relay on an IGBT transistor with a switchable current up to 20 A and a maximum open switch voltage of up to 1200 V were used as semiconductor commutator Sw. The datasheet values of the voltage between collector and emitter in closed relay state UCE < 3 and ≈ 2 V is assumed in calculations. By means of voltage control of the relay, switching frequency f1 = 500 Hz and duty cycle Q = 2 were set. The inductive storage had a ferrite magnet wire (two W-core) with air gap of 2 mm and the following parameters with a measuring resistor of 1 Ω: L1 ≈ 10.9 mH, R1 ≈ 1.452 Ω, and mass 0.7 kg. To fulfill condition (8) when Cm ≈ 37.2 μF, a C = 20.9 μF capacitor was used. A coil was used as active-inductive load L with a measuring resistor (1 Ω) and additional resistors at which L2 ≈ 0.155 mH and R2 ≈ 7.24 Ω, aperiodic transient current i2 was provided, and conditions (6) were fulfilled. As a result, we obtained UE ≈ 8 V, RE ≈ 1 Ω, UCE ≈ 2 V, T1 = 2 ms, t1 = 1 ms, τ = 4.445 ms, t1/τ = 0.225, UCE/UE = 0.25, and a = Cm/C = 1.779.

Experiments were carried out using the above-specified parameters of a generator with dynistors D3 (Fig. 1) having different switching voltages, which corresponded to maximum capacitor voltages UmC ≈ 36, 72, and 135 V.

To illustrate the processes of charging and discharging of capacitor C, a typical experimental oscillogram is shown in Fig. 5a of voltage uC on a capacitor with period T2 ≈ 22 ms corresponding to charging by N = T2/T1 ≈ 11 pulses and discharging at UmC ≈ 36 V and U0 ≈ 0. Figure 5b shows the calculated time dependence of voltage across capacitor uC within period T2 = 22 ms at N = 11 obtained by formulas (1)–(5) for parameters of the experimental generator model in which the calculated maximum voltage across capacitor appeared to be UmC ≈ 37 V at U0 = 0.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

(a) Oscillogram and (b) calculated time dependence of voltage uC on capacitor C = 20.9 μF at N ≈ 11, T2 ≈ 22 ms, UmC ≈ 36–37 V, and U0 ≈ 0. Vertical scale, 10 V/div; horizontal, 5 ms/div; (a) left mark, zero level.

Table 2 lists the results of experiments and calculations by formulas (1)–(5) for different switching voltages of dynistors for the experimental generator model. According to these results, with an increase in the turn-on voltage of dynistors and the corresponding maximum voltage on capacitor UmC, frequency f2 = 1/T2 of current i2 in the load decreases with the increase of its amplitude Im2 and power PmR. Maximum voltage UmS at the commutator Sw exceeds maximum voltage at the capacitor UmC by roughly the value close to voltage of the source UE. At the same time, maximum voltages UmC and power PmR of the load are much higher than corresponding voltages UE and power PmU of the source.

Table 2.   Results of experiments and calculations of the experimental generator model

Voltages uC (Fig. 5), as well as the experimental and calculated values of voltages and currents given in Table 2, approximately correspond to each other, indicating the reliability of the method of calculation, the correct choice of parameters of the generator elements, and that the evaluation of the effectiveness and capabilities of the generator under consideration in the pulse-frequency mode of operation was correct.


(1) The proposed method of calculating the switched inductive-capacitor generator allows us to determine the voltages, currents, power, and efficiency of the generator taking into account the parameters of its elements in the frequency-pulse mode of power supply of an active-inductive load.

(2) The reliability of the method is confirmed by the approximate coincidence of the calculated and experimental values of voltages and currents of experimental model of the generator. The technique can be used in designing generators with an average power up to 15 kW for power supply of various apparatuses in frequency-pulse mode.