Investigating cross sections for the excitation of high-spin isomers is urgent for understanding the mechanisms of nuclear reactions. When such isomeric states are excited, different reactions can manifest different contributions from statistical and nonstatistical reaction channels. 180,182Hf isomers in this series are interesting research objects, because these K-forbidden isomers (∆K= 8) are similar and have the same Iπ = 8 and similar values of excitation energy, 1141 and 1173 keV, respectively.

Of particular interest is the study of (γ, α) reactions with the population of these nuclei. There are few data on (γ, α) reactions. The main reason for this is that their cross sections are significantly lower compared to (γ,n) channel due to the Coulomb barrier. At the same time, states that are often inaccessible for the (γ, n) channel can be excited in (γ, α) reactions. Also, for photonuclear reactions with the emission of alpha particles, a significant contribution of direct and semidirect processes is expected, especially when populating high-spin K-isomers. To date, reactions 184W (γ, α)180mHf and 186W (γ, α)182mHf have not been studied, but the reaction 181Ta (γ, α)177Lu was investigated in [1, 2] for bremsstrahlung photons with a boundary value of energy of 23 and 37 MeV, respectively. However, in [1] for Ebd = 23 MeV, only output 177Lu with respect to reaction yield 181Ta (γ, n)180Ta was obtained.

Based on the foregoing, the goal of our work is to study the excitation of 180mHf, 182mHf, and 177Lu nuclei in (γ, α) reactions for the boundary energies of bremsstrahlung γ quanta of 40 and 55 MeV.


The cross sections were studied by the method of induced activity on bremsstrahlung γ beams for electrons with energies of 40 and 55 MeV. Several series of irradiation and measurements were carried out. The duration of irradiation of the samples was 60–80 min.

The targets were made from metallic tungsten and tantalum of natural isotopic composition. When Ebd = 40 MeV, the target consisted of a rectangular tantalum strip and a square tungsten strip 0.6 × 2 × 0.011 cm in size and weighing about 220 mg and 2 × 2 × 0.0057 cm and weighing about 441 mg, respectively. When Ebd = 55 MeV, the sample was a square strip of tantalum and a rectangular strip of tungsten measuring 2 × 2 × 0.02 cm and weighing about 1.3 g and 1.3 × 1.5 × 0.005 cm and weighing about 186 mg, respectively. The well-studied nuclear reaction 181Ta (γ, n)180Ta was used to calculate the flux of bremsstrahlung γ quanta in both cases [3].

The induced activity was measured with γ spectrometers based on HPGe detectors with a detection efficiency of 15–40% compared to a NaI(Tl) detector with dimensions 3' × 3" and an energy resolution of 1.8–2 keV on γ lines of 60Co. The γ spectra were processed using the Winspectrum program [4]. The detection efficiency of γ quanta from decay was determined using standard calibration sources of 152,154Eu and 133Ba.

To determine the weighted average outputs (\(\left\langle \operatorname{Y} \right\rangle \)) reactions, fluxes of bremsstrahlung γ quanta on targets need to be known. To obtain them, we determined the intensities of the 93.3- and 103.6-keV γ lines accompanying the decay of 180Ta (see Figs. 1, 2) and weighted average reaction yield of 181Ta (γ,n)180Ta.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Fragment of the decay scheme of 180Ta.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Fragment of the γ spectrum of tantalum irradiated with bremsstrahlung γ quanta with Ebd = 55 MeV.

The weighted average yield of the above reaction was determined as a result of the convolution of the tabular values of the cross sections of this reaction for monochromatic γ quanta with a step of 1 MeV with the relative values of the spectrum of bremsstrahlung γ quanta simulated in Geant4 [5] (see Fig. 3) by the formula, b:

$$Y_{{{\text{mon}}}}^{{{\text{av}}}} = \frac{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {{{{{\sigma }}}_{i}}{{\varphi }_{i}}} }}{{\sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {{{\varphi }_{i}}} }},$$

where σi is tabular values of the reaction cross sections 181Ta (γ, n)180Ta for monochromatic γ quanta [3]; φi are the relative flux values of the bremsstrahlung gamma spectrum simulated in Geant4, reduced to the threshold response values on the monitor.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Spectrum of bremsstrahlung γ quanta for different values of electron energy.

After that, the fluxes of bremsstrahlung γ quanta were calculated using the formula γ/(сm2 s) :

$$F = \frac{{S\lambda A}}{{(1 - {{e}^{{ - \lambda {{t}_{{{\text{expos}}}}}}}}){{e}^{{ - \lambda {{t}_{{{\text{cool}}}}}}}}(1 - {{e}^{{ - \lambda {{t}_{{{\text{meas}}}}}}}})\xi k\alpha Y_{{{\text{mon}}}}^{{{\text{av}}}}{{N}_{{\text{A}}}}mp}},$$

where S is areas of photopeaks that accompany the decay of 180Ta; α is quantum yields of γ quanta in the decay of 180Ta; ξ is the efficiency of registration of γ quanta accompanying the decay of nuclei of reaction products on the monitor target; tirr, tcool, and tmeas are the times of irradiation, cooling, and measurement, respectively, s; k is the coefficients of self-absorption of γ quanta of decay; p is the absolute content of 181Ta in a natural mixture; NA = 6.02 × 1023 is Avogadro’s number; \(Y_{{{\text{mon}}}}^{{{\text{av}}}}\) is the weighted average reaction yield of 181Ta (γ, n)180Ta calculated according to (1); m is the mass of tantalum targets normalized per unit area, g/cm2; A = 181 is the mass number of tantalum atoms, Da; and λ is the decay constant of 180Ta, s–1. The values λ, k, α, A, and p are taken from [6]; S is taken from experimental γ spectra and ξ from calibration curves, additionally verified by simulation in Geant4.

Further, according to formula (2), using these fluxes and corrections for the difference in energy thresholds, we calculated \(\left\langle \operatorname{Y} \right\rangle \) reactions (γ, α) on natural tungsten and tantalum, leading to the activation of K-isomers in 180. 182Hf and of the ground state of 177Lu. Fragments of decay schemes 180mHf, 182mHf, and 177Lu are shown in Fig. 4. To obtain weighted average settlement yields of 177Lu and isomeric states 180mHf, 182mHf, the areas of the photopeaks of the γ lines 208.4 keV, 443.2 keV and 224.4 keV were determined, respectively (see Fig. 5–7). The results are summarized in Table 1.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Fragments of decay schemes: 180mHf, 182mHf, and 177Lu

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Fragment of the γ spectrum of a Ta target irradiated at Ebd = 55 MeV.

Table 1.   Experimental weighted averages \(\left\langle \operatorname{Y} \right\rangle \) operating time outputs 180Hfm, 182Hfm and 177Lu
Fig. 6.
figure 6

Fragment of the γ spectrum of the natW target irradiated at Ebd = 55 MeV (reaction 184W (γ, α)180mHf).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Fragment of the γ spectrum the natW target irradiated at Ebd = 55 MeV (reaction 186W (γ, α)182mHf).


To assess the mechanisms of the studied nuclear reactions, we simulated these processes using the TALYS-1.9 program code. More details about mode-ling using this code are described in [7]; it takes into account the dominant statistical and preequilibrium processes.

In theoretical calculations, the cross sections are determined with a step of 1 MeV for monochromatic γ quanta; then, according to (1), the weighted average yields of the reactions under study are calculated.

The results of our calculations are shown in Table 1. As can be seen, for both boundary values of energy, agreement between the theoretical and experimental data is not achieved for either the default parameters or for their variation within reasonable limits. The theoretical yields remain below the experimental values by about 3 orders of magnitude.

Therefore, we have considered the mechanism of semidirect reactions [8]. With this approach, an α particle escapes from the nucleus in time t ~ 10–21 s, and the formation time of the Coulomb barrier is 10–18–10–19 s. [9.10]. After the emission of an α particle, the nucleus decays through ordinary statistical transitions. In our case, the 180,182Hf and 177Lu residual nuclei decay is the same as in the case of (γ, γ') reactions [11]. The calculated weighted average outputs in the TALYS-1.9 code for the constant temperature and Fermi gas level density model [12], which is used by default, give quantities \(\left\langle \operatorname{Y} \right\rangle \) ≈ 2–3 μb for 180,182Hf and, for 177Lu, it is an order of magnitude larger; i.e., they are in good agreement with experiment.


Weighted average yields of 181Ta (γ, α)177Lu, 184W (γ, α)180mHf, and 186W (γ, α)182mHf nuclear reactions have been measured for the first time at Emax = 40 and 55 MeV. The simulation results, within the framework of the TALYS-1.9 program code, demonstrate the dominance of nonstatistical semidirect processes.