The use of the gravitational method allows one to implement batch mixing of bulk components in a ratio of 1 : 10 or more, which is relevant for many industries, including food, construction, or pharmaceutic industries. The proposed dosing of bulk components 1 and 2 (i= 1, 2) corresponds to three stages of mixing, each of which uses drums with screw-wound brush elements [1, 2] installed above the trays and with inclined bumpers.


Taking the inhomogeneity coefficient of a mixture Vc(1) = 100 (‹[c2(1)]2›/‹c2(1)2 – 1)–1/2 as a criterion of its quality at stage 1 (upper index), let us model the dependence of the volume and weight fraction c2(1) for the key component 2 on the angles of reflection γ2i (i = 1, 2), physical mechanical properties of the materials, and the design and regime parameters of the apparatus. Let us also use the nonequilibrium differential distribution functions for the number of particles of each component in the angle of scattering αi from brush elements Fi(np)i) (case 1) [3, 4] and the angle of reflection γ2i from the bumper surface Ui(np)2i) = f[Fi(np)i)] (case 2) [5, 6] within the range [γ2i ; (γ2i + Δγ2i)]

$$c_2^{(1)}({\gamma _{21}}{\gamma _{22}}) = \{ \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{{n_k}} {{\rho _{Ti}}U_i^{(np)}} ({\gamma _{2i}}{\rm{) + }}{\rho _{T2}}\Delta \delta _2^{(1)}\prod\limits_{j = 1}^{{n_b}} {U_2^{(np)}({\gamma _{22}}){\} ^{ - 1}}} {\rho _{T1}}U_2^{(np)}({\gamma _{21}}),$$
$$\langle c_2^{(1)}\rangle = \{ \sum\limits_{i = 1}^2 {{{({\gamma _{2i}}{\rm{ + }}\Delta {\gamma _{2i}}{\rm{/2)}}}^{ - 1}}} \int\limits_{{\gamma _{22}}}^{{\gamma _{22}} + \Delta {\gamma _{22}}/2} d {\gamma _{22}}\int\limits_{{\gamma _{21\min }}}^{{\gamma _{21}} + \Delta {\gamma _{21}}/2} {c_1^{(1)}({\gamma _{21}},{\gamma _{22}})d} {\gamma _{21}}{\rm{, }}$$

where Δδ2(1) = δ2(1) – δ1(1), according to the recurrent expression Δδ2(1) = (nV + δ1(1))/2nτ – 2δ1(1) [5] with the number of stages nτ = 3 at the reference component volume ratio V1(1) : V2(1) = δ1(1) : δ2(1), when V1 : V2 = 1 : nV; δ1(3) = 1; δ2(3) = nV (for example, nV = 10). Analysis of the Vc(1)(ω) function with account for Eqs. (1) and (2) at different degrees of deformation of brush elements Δ (the ratio of their length to the height of the drum–tray gap) for mixing of two components showed that when the Δ value is varied in the range 1.48–1.52 and the angle of inclination of bumpers to the horizon ψ1 is varied in the range 0.87–1.04 rad, the minimal values of Vc(1) are reached, when the angle speed of drum rotation ω = (45.5–47.2) s–1 (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Dependences Vc(1)(ω) at different degrees of deformation of brush elements Δ for mixing farina (i = 1) and natural sand (i = 2) at stage 1 (upper index): (1, 2, 3) Δ = 1.45; (1ʹ, 2ʹ, 3ʹ) Δ = 1.5; (1ʹʹ, 2ʹʹ, 3ʹʹ) Δ = 1.6; (1, 1ʹ, 1ʹʹ) theory; (2, 2', 2ʹʹ) regression curves; and (3, 3ʹ, 3ʹʹ) experiment; ψ1 = 0.953 rad.


Our present research established that the Δ values lower that 1.5 are inexpedient to choose, because this increases the power consumption of mixing drums. At Δ = 1.45, the ω value should be increased to 47.6 s–1 (Fig. 1, curves 1, 2, and 3) for the resulting mixture to have the same quality as at Δ = 1.5 and a lower angle speed ω = 46.8 s–1 (Fig. 1, plots ,, and). The obtained rational ranges of variation of the main process parameters can be used in the development of the engineering model of a new batch gravity mixer for particulate components.