Boreal forests are the most important type of the biome in the Russian Federation. They play a key ecological role in the climate control over the globe [13, 26]. The soils under boreal forests contain approximately 30% of the global stock of soil carbon [40]. The soils of forest landscapes regulate the chemical composition of surface and ground waters [2, 19, 27, 33, 41]. In the era of anthropogenesis, forest ecosystems are affected by manifold factors and their impact is ever increasing. The current changes in taiga soils are associated with forest harvesting, wildfires, involvement of forest soils in agricultural use, and restoration after these impacts. As of today, over half of the forests in the European Russian North is at different stages of the postanthropogenic restoration [4, 20].

The forest harvesting activities are among the major factors that change the forest soils [6, 17] and transform them from naturally developing soils to anthropogenically transformed soils [14, 39]. According to the estimates by Il’chukov [18], approximately 36% of the forest-covered area in the Komi Republic were affected by forest harvesting in the 20th century. The soils under forests after logging differ in the degree of anthropogenic load. As has been shown, the cutting areas are nonuniform in the degree of soil disturbance. The soils of cutting strips are free of mechanical disturbance, whereas they may be considerably damaged in the skidding trails (or technological corridors of logging machines) and loading areas [24]. The plant restoration in the disturbed areas can be delayed by several years as compared with the cutting strips [30]. Although the amount of organic matter in the soils of boreal landscapes is high enough, representative data on the content and composition of organic matter and on the morphological and physicochemical properties of soils during natural reforestation in cutting sites are virtually absent.

Wildfires play a considerable role in the current dynamics of the taiga ecosystems in the northern hemisphere [8, 9, 12, 21]. Depending on the fire type and intensity, the density and productivity of tree stands changes [15], as well as the dominants in the upper and subordinate vegetation layers [25]. Pyrogenesis is one of the natural or anthropogenic factors that change soil properties [31, 32]. The pyrogenic impact alters the environmental response and morphological soil properties [29, 36]. In some cases, an increase in the bulk density and water capacity of the upper mineral horizons is observed. A considerable part of boreal forest soils is at the stage of postpyrogenic restoration; however, the studies on the postpyrogenic dynamics of the soil properties in the European Russian North are absent.

The forest soils in the middle and northern taiga are involved in the agricultural use mainly near villages. Starting from the end of the 20th century, many farmlands have been abandoned. Natural reforestation is observed over considerable areas. It has been shown that agricultural soils can provide for a large-scale carbon sequestration from the atmosphere [37]. The changes in the carbon content in soils during the reforestation of postagrogenic landscapes may be directed towards both an increase and a decrease in the soil carbon stock. An increase in the total carbon content is observed in the upper mineral horizons of the fallow soils in the southern taiga landscapes [34]. At the same time, a decrease in the content of humus during the first succession stages has been reported for the soils of abandoned hayfields in Kostroma oblast (Russia) [11]. The carbon content increases in the abandoned arable soils [28, 35]. Studies into the changes in vegetation and soils during postagrogenic successions in the middle taiga of the Komi Republic are solitary and descriptive [16]. In the European north of Russia, the best studied postagrogenic soils are the residual-calcareous soils in Arkhangelsk oblast [23]. Poeplau and Don [38] have shown that the contents of soil organic matter and its individual fractions are sensitive indicators of the land use.

In our view, the restoration of soils after the impacts of disturbing factors (cuttings, wildfires, agricultural use, mechanical disturbance) logically blends in with the concept of soil successions. The term “successions” is applied to soils to a considerably lesser degree as compared with plant communities [1, 22]. In Russian soil science, Vasenev [10] considered the soil successions in detail. He gave the insight into the soil successions in the overall dynamism of soil properties and proposed the initial variants for classification of the soil successions in the forest-steppe zone. According to Vasenev, the term “soil successions” means the development of soils in an elementary area of the soil cover with continuous successive changes in soil taxa over decades and first centuries of pedogenesis. Considering soil changes in terms of soil succession, it is possible to assess the transformation and restoration patterns of ecosystems. Available studies that describe soil objects at different stages of soil successions still leave the gaps in our understanding of the current changes in the soils of the taiga zone.

The goal of this work is to elucidate and analyze the patterns of changes in the soils of forest ecosystems in the European northeast of Russia during post-cutting, postpyrogenic, and postagrogenic successions. Based on the published data and original materials, the author considers the relevant issues of the current state and succession changes in forest soils, including their morphological and physicochemical characteristics; specific features of the soil organic matter in reference (undisturbed) and secondary forest ecosystems; patterns of the changes in the pools and fractions of organic matter and in the physicochemical properties of the soils during successions; and systematization of soil successions in the secondary forest ecosystems.


κ (kappa)

electrical conductivity


content of aliphatic structures


content of aromatic structures


cross polarization magic angle spinning;


carbon of water-soluble inorganic compounds


carbon of water-soluble organic compounds


total water-soluble carbon


carbon of humic acids-to-carbon of fulvic acids ratio

D h

degree of hydrophilicity (for HILC)

f a

degree of aromaticity


total (hydrolytic) acidity


total nitrogen content


nitrogen of water-soluble compounds


occluded particulate organic matter


base saturation


World Reference Base for Soil Resources


water-soluble substances


humic substances


European territory of Russia


hydrophobic interaction liquid chromatography


coarse woody debris


classification and diagnostics of Russian soils


part per million


polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons


soil organic matter


sampling plot


soil succession


Komi Republic


total carbon content in soil


free particulate organic matter


carbon of alkali-soluble (0.1 N NaOH) compounds


mineral-associated organic matter, density >1.6 g/cm3


mineral-associated organic matter, density >2.2 g/cm3


mineral-associated organic matter, density 1.6–2.2 g/cm3


photosynthetically active radiation


joint-access center


elementary soil-forming processes


nuclear magnetic resonance